Friday, November 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #13 - Anniversary Month

December 12, 2016

Hopefully the movie will be something special because the destruction in its wake is epic. Right at the start of 2016, this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee took on a project with this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee. The two subjects of our blind also share another trait in the acting world. Anyway, the two had shared a spark when they worked together previously, but nothing happened. At the time they first worked together, he was married and she was in a long term relationship.

When they reunited early this year, their relationship situations were identical, but this time they took the friendship into something way more. The next thing you know, even before they started filming the movie they are full on having sex whenever they get a chance. Hotel rooms under fake names. She is bringing him to family owned properties across the country. They are doing this while juggling relationships. He didn't do a very good job and his wife busted him and kicked him out. That was a wake up call to the actress who called it quits on the relationship. Fast forward a few months when they start filming and the two start hooking up again. This time though, she gets busted and ends up calling it off with her boyfriend. So, this means our two subjects are free to be with each other. Right? Well, the actor didn't see it that way and for the first time in forever he is single. He is also way more famous than the last time he was single. He has sex with everyone which makes the actress feel worthless. He is coming to the set with lipstick and hickeys on his body. After filming wrapped he did find someone he called his girlfriend but he cheats. A lot. He cheated as recently as last night on her.

Casey Affleck/Rooney Mara/Floriana Lima


  1. Seems like Rooney likes to fuck her co-stars.

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    well then

  3. She’s still with Joaquin Phoenix right? His sister is Casey’s ex wife, and he and Casey are good friends. It’s all so incestuous!

  4. I cannot see the hype in Rooney Mara. Also who gets a hickey after the age of 13?!

  5. I wonder if she get with his BFF Joaquin to make Casey jealous, and when he didnt care, she just kept with it.

  6. @Sun Spirit She is an American heiress from really big sports families, and probably a lot of directors and agents are star struck by her and her wealth, cause otherwise I dont see it either

    1. I'd say more by her wealth than her lol

  7. She was in what, like one movie that everyone liked?

  8. These too have their heads so far up their own a$$es I am surprised they could physically have sex with someone else.

  9. What’s the trait that they share in the acting world? The Phoenix family?

  10. @Aquagirl: The trait is probably that they both have siblings who are more famous than they are.

  11. Imagine your husband cheating on you with his co-worker so you divorce him. Then the co worker starts dating your older brother. Bad form Rooney

  12. Is Rooney a multiple Oscar nominee? I thought she had just one nom.

  13. Got to feel bad for the ex wife Summer, who is damned if she do & damned if she don't! Yuck!

  14. What are these rich kids of very wealthy parents bringing to movies or TV shows? Robin Williams brought greatness. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, absolutely. But the rest? Ed Norton (omg! I'm amazing! watch me act!), the Rooneys, the Deschanels, Armie Hammer, Bathazar Getty...isn't it about time to quit foisting these children of wealth on us?

    Not to even go into the models, singers and reality stars that shouldn't be anywhere except someone paid for them to be before our eyes.


  15. what he did in Manchester By the Sea .. you have to go back to the 1970s to see acting like that

    as for rooney oh boo hoo little rich girl
