Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Blind Item #9

Apparently this former A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show turned not getting a lot of roles turned A- lister again with another hit show which is ending soon is being groomed to take over the leadership of that cult you all know. 


  1. Replies
    1. Sounds about right👀
      Dear god.

  2. she's only 38?! yeesh Donna's looking rough

  3. Laura is three shades hotter than white though.

    I might risk the tin can and wires contraption and all the Xenu bullshit to get close to her if she becomes Scio Pope.

    What about everyone's favourite shortarse action star though? Wasnt he thw shoo in for the role when MissedCabbage jumps into a volcano or whatever it is these wretches do when the pop their clogs?

  4. Lonely Bastard HAHA

  5. yea prepon & her guy ben foster are sadly both $cio

    i dont care about prepon, but I had hoped ben foster was better than that. clearly not

  6. Loved Prepon on Celebrity Ghost Stories lol

    She must have taken that gig because she thought she'd never work again :-)

  7. Prepon sounds legit but the leader of Scio? I know she's a Scio but the BI also brought NXIVM to mind.

  8. Taking over -- unseating Miscavige? Unlikely.

  9. I agree with Lexi, Laura fits until you remember how private she is, how they tried to fix her up with Tom Cruise a few years back (no go on that) and how she has been found in disfavor of the church in the past, cant find the articles but maybe Leah Remini had said something about it on her show. Imagine her being above Tom, yeah, I cant either. I think NXIVM is the cult. No idea unless its someone who is a member we havent heard about. I dunno. My brains are frozen, its been in the 30's and 40's here all day in freaking Florida! I am sitting in front of a fire and wont go out lest I freeze LOL.

  10. Yeah there is a saying about how the president runs the country like Ronald runs McDonalds. If it's a real large organization and some celebrity is out front and center, they're not the leader. Guess the same goes for the pope. NXIVM and other smaller groups are amateur enough to do that though.

  11. Cruise's son Connor is already living in Clearwater, FL where he's living and being groomed at Scientology's Sandcastle Resort. Tom Cruise has renovated a penthouse a couple of blocks away from Sandcastle and it's said he's going to move there full-time. Some Scientology experts are saying that Cruise is going to be placed at the number two guy. I guess we'll find out.

  12. ....I've been following Scio stuff for years now and I was under the impression that Tom Cruise was *already* the number two guy.

    In more ways than one. But that's for another blind. Or is that an open secret? :)

  13. @CRicci

    No, you misunderstood. He takes it in the number two.

    I kid, I kid.

  14. No its King Tom Cruise.

  15. I thought that $cio only let short people be in charge. Hmmm....

  16. Jenna Elfman? Prepon wouldn't do, probably. She is sloppy and says weird and controversial things. Elfman has always touted the Scientology cause, whenever, where ever. She is never off script and replies in perfect Scientology speak.

  17. If Laura will be queen of scio, I cannot imagine Tom not being the king. It just doesn't fit. Tom des not seem the type to step aside for anyone.

  18. Rumor has it Tom wants to leave $cientology. We'll see.

  19. Christianity is the real cult.

  20. she was scary AF in that movie 'Karla'

    1. Was about to mention that movie @BRAD!! I watched 3 times, I really liked her performance

  21. Will she really be the 'leader' or will she just be a figurehead for Miscavaige? The heat is getting to him, every episode of "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath" reveals more damning info.

  22. The only way this is Scio is if there are secret indictments on the horizon for the dwarf (from which where he will conveniently disappear). I've been a Scientology watcher for over 20 years now and I can tell you that Dave would never voluntarily hand over the reigns of his beagles dog leashes, let alone his control of the Evil Empire. Somehow, this has gotta be NXIVM.

  23. I was surprised at how much I liked Prepon in OitNB.

    I don’t think this blind is about her because she towers over Cruise.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Miscavige is young (50s?) healthy and obsessed with power. I don't believe for a second this is Scientology.

    I think it's NXIVM.

  26. Exactly Sook - hit the nail on the head, I've been a watcher for about 8 years now, agreed.

  27. "A Handmaids Tale is ending next year."

    Oh thank heavens! What watching women being tortured (every fucking episode) has to do with feminism, I have no idea. Seems like a set-up to entice millennials with their tastes for torture porn, yet everyone is taking it as a tale of female oppression.

    The African American feminists have this show's number. They've been calling it out, correctly, since the first episode.

  28. Maybe that Andrew Keegan cult, maybe he is looking for someone else famous to serve as a face to make it seem legit?
