Friday, November 02, 2018

Blind Item #9

This player is A+ list based on his work for multiple movie franchises.  He is not an actor or director, which has allowed him to generally escape scrutiny, despite his many misdeeds.  He has been a close friend of the disgraced A-list director for a very, very long time.  Back in the day, he was one of the closest and most regular wingmen in the A-list director’s party scene.   With all of his success, in recent years he no longer needs the director’s help to find plenty of young boys, and use the lure of sex for work in Hollywood.


  1. Ralph Winter-X-men producer?

    1. Also produces Star Wars I think

  2. Simon Kinberg?? But he is directing dark Phoenix

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. +1 to Ralph Winter we had a similar blind for him recently.

  5. Replies
    1. Can you read?

      "He is not an actor or director".

  6. Tom DeSanto... Producer and writer on Apt Pupil and X-Men

    Frequent traveler and long time associate of BS

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Adam venit

    Ari emanual

  8. Music composer John Williams? He's worked om multiple franchises--Star Wars, Superman, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones. among others? He's definitely A+ list too.

    1. Put down the crack pipe. A then-70 year old as a wingman at a gay orgy?

  9. Re: on BS longtime friend Tom DeSantos from Duncan Roy's Blog...

    "We stopped at American Rag and bought wrapping paper and a birthday card for Transformers Producer Tom Desanto. Tom’s birthday pool party thrown by his friend Adam Press. He seemed pleased with the gifts. Books from my personal collection that he had admired last week.

    We arrived early…before the beautiful, half-naked boys began playing beer pong."

    "...Really glad I made the effort and hauled my ass over there. Good God! Who knew that there were so many beautiful, young actor boys with perfect bodies? Toby arrived with his new squeeze.

    Apparently Bryan Singer turned up just after we left."

    1. What the hell is "beer pong"? Isn't ping pong the preferred sport for perverts?

    2. College drinking game with beer in Solo Cups and a ping pong ball... Good way to get drunk fast and lose those inhibitions that pedos hate so much

  10. Hamid, if you're refer to me, the blind clearly states "back in the day" he was a wingman That could 20, 30, or 40 years ago.

    1. Bryan Singer was not a director 30 or 40 years ago. Even 20 years ago, the notion of a 66 year old John Williams being wingman at a gay orgy for a director he's never even worked with is beyond ridiculous.

  11. Williams is 86, not 70. Still not him.

    Ari Emannual (or however you spell it)

    1. I said he would have been 70 THEN and either way it's ridiculous anyway.

    2. Even Viagra has its limits

  12. The disgraced A-list director could also be Roman Polanski or Woody Allen among others. It doesn't have to be Bryan Singer/

  13. Once again... Tom DeSanto fits

    1) A+ Producer Writer (not director/actor)

    2) Multiple Franchises: X-Men, Transformers

    3) Born '68 so similssage as Singer '65)

    4) longtime friend of Singer's since at least 1998 (20 yrs) when they did Apt Pupil together

    5) They hanged at same gay events and parties

    6) Recent success without BS is the 5 Transformers movies he produced with Michael Bay

    1. .... And a quote from a gay HW insider Duncan Roy's

      "Bryan’s close friends include Guy Shalem (Jane Lynch’s red carpet plus one), Transformers Producer Tom DeSanto and Teen Wolf director Toby Wilkins. Finding themselves on private jets, at Elton John’s Oscar party and vast Hollywood mansions overlooking Los Angeles. They are surrounded by a stable of beautiful young boys. They are delighted to be included. It’s always so much fun."

      Case closed...

  14. Totally gross, it's like there's a pedo herding instinct.

  15. So can Netflix and its move o New Mexico break the grip the PedoMafia has on hw or is it full of them too?

  16. @Hamid Bryan Singer has been directing since 1988. and X-Men is almost 20.

  17. JL-Speaking of Netflix, the final season of House of Cards is so cold and sterile I had to put on a sweater halfway through the second episode!

  18. Tricia13 Ralph Winter is one of the Industry's most respected Producers. He is a working Producer responsible for the X Men Franchise and Star Trek Franchise. He does not Produce Star Wars. He is not a long time friend of Bryan Singer. JF is correct.
