Monday, November 26, 2018

Blind Item #8

This former A- list mostly television actress from a hit movie franchise and multiple hit network television shows did a recent endorsement kind of shoot but was dying laughing. She was supposed to find things on a store shelf and then randomly be photographed with them. The thing is though, the store didn't like any of the items so went to a different store and bought items for the shoot.


  1. Not sure if it’s saying the TV show was based on a movie or she had a hit franchise (American Pir)

  2. The description certainly works for Alyson. I read it as a mostly television actress that was also in a hit movie franchise and hit network shows.

  3. So the store didn't like any of the items on their own shelves, so the store went to a different store to buy items for the shoot?

  4. Could be Jennifer Morrison

    Movie franchise: Star Trek
    Hit network shows: House, How I Met Your Mother, Once Upon a Time

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It sounds like a sponsored shoot for someone with a big insta following for a crappy fast fashion brand

  7. This blind makes no sense. The actress was laughing, so she must have asked for other items. If the store didn't like the items,they would have put the game stuff on the shelf for her.Alyson works for that version. Can't wait till the new Entern messes up again. Must be foreign born,bottle stem?

  8. Hey guesser, you putz, I'll have you know that the Enty elves know English much bigly well!

  9. She was probably picking things out like Preparation H, tampons, etc and the store said, fine, we'll pick out the random items. Either that or maybe the items were damaged. Why they didn't have family friendly or acceptable items for her to use, who knows. .

  10. This is possibly the most boring and pointless blind I've ever read. I don't know who any of the 'teen moms' or 'housewives' are but even their blinds are more interesting than this.

  11. Who is that other chick in How I met your mother? The Robin girl. She is in Avengers so that is pretty good franchise. Also HIMYM for television show. Now which is the any other show she has been on?

  12. Courtney Cox? Friends and Cougar Town plus Scream franchise
