Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Blind Item #7

This foreign born three named actress who is an A-/B+ list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee who has stopped taking her meds. When she does that, thing spiral out of control in a hurry. Her family confronted her this weekend and she threatened them before taking off.


  1. Helena Bonham Carter?

  2. +1 Catherine's comments about her hubby's Me Too allegations

  3. @Ophelia Yup, she's going off-piste.

  4. + 1 Catherine Zeta Jones. She is an Academy Award nominee/ winner and she has bipolar disorder. She was also in the DM yesterday.

  5. It is also because she gets triggered when something bad happens,other times when she was doing badly include her husband's cancer,times when stories about him cheating,anything that upsets her life. She sometimes starts drinking again. But at least so far she has people around her that see it doesn't go too far.

  6. Excellent insight, Guesser.

  7. Time to break out the lithium.

  8. Bipolar patients going off meds is a very common problem. Have seen it first hand many times.

  9. Catherine and her carginogenic cooch.

    Nah, I hope this isn't her, I like CZJ a lot. Its a shame she got mixed up in that family. Dear God, when Kirk the killer goes to where you cannot get near the fire for priests and Kennedys then the size of the can of worms opened on that lot will be able to house the Empire state building.

  10. Mentally ill people should not have kids. EVER. PERIOD. Flag me, cuss me out, tell me I am awful, idkgf. I was raised by a mentally ill mother and it was HELL, a living, breathing HELL.
    Her kids have been scared beyond help by her illness through out the years, inevitably. And they will deal with their own bag of issues because they have a mentally ill mother. No one gets away unscathed when mentally ill women reproduce.
    And no, most mentally ill people who have kids don't 'get better' or even 'stay on their meds' for that fact. It's a constant battle to know which mom you will get, how long this mom will last, will this mom be more violent, drink more, do more drugs, I mean it NEVER ENDS. Just selfish all around and so damaging to children. I feel really bad they have to deal with this.

    1. @M Styles
      Your experience is not universal. Not all mental illnesses (nor people) are comparable, and many people can be effectively medicated.
      Go get some help, you clearly haven't dealt with your issues.

    2. @Nonya I completely agree with you - the gamut of mental illness is far too wide to say that none can be good parents.

      The op obviously has issues to be addressed, so her opinion is understandable, yet unfair to the 1/4 of the population who experience some form of mental illness.

  11. Catherine the wife of a dickhead man

  12. M Styles
    The problem is that in women, Bi-polar disorder usually does not present until late twenties, even early thirties. By then, they may already have children. Men present with the illness in their early twenties. So it is kind of hard to call the woman selfish if she has no idea of what is coming. But I agree on the hell part. Been there, done that. Sorry for your what you have been through.

  13. Can the press please stop with the fake age. CZJ being 49 is not even believable

  14. I wonder how old she really is?

  15. @Freckles, you'd have to count her rings.

  16. My Mom wasn't diagnosed until after I was born. But the only major diaster was when the know it all nurse practitioner decided she wasn't mentally ill,and that I was the problem. She loved hearing that!

  17. @ Alf Landon.

    Liz Hurley used to be two years older than me way back in the 80s and now shes three years younger. I'm not sure what sort of space/time anonmaly happened there.

    Whatever age she is, she still looks fucking fantastic!

  18. M Styles, so glad you brought this tender issue up. Let me tell you, I have severe, I mean SEVERE anxiety and if I'd had children they would have suffered just like I did with a nervous wreck of a mother and an alcoholic father (RIP Dad)

  19. I think they might have already tried the forced sterilization thing. Eugenics. And, no surprise, it was not considered a public policy greatest hit!

  20. Crazy people and people with crazy parents have made great contributions to society. It's a challenge, like any disability, but it can be overcome. Lots of normal parents have f*cked up their kids but good too.

  21. Agreed, @Brayson87. While recognizing and trying not to minimize the difficulties encountered and mentioned herein of people with tough childhoods based on mentally ill parents, I personally draw the line at deciding on who gets to have kids and who doesn't. You're in some pretty bad company when you start doing that.

  22. @ M Styles- I am so sorry you had/have to deal with that. My own mother, while not mentally ill, is emotionally tone-deaf and that is hard enough to handle. My daughter-in-law is NPD, possibly with bi-polar too and it is so hard to watch the grandkids and my son deal with it, knowing there's nothing you can really do besides be there for them..

  23. Gotta love an unmedicated mentally ill relative— makes all holidays HELL. All about them and their high.

  24. +1 M Styles you get it

  25. Ok let’s narrow it... bipolar people should be allowed to have kids.

  26. @tatty Still not super stoked about the uterus-robbing plan but I think you might be on the right track by narrowing down the pool of would-be hysterectomy candidates.

  27. While we are at it, shouldn't we throw some poor people in there, too?

  28. Didn't they try this before back in the day and got a lot of institutes closed down.

  29. Maybe the pharmaceutical companies should manufacture lithium in a dispensable form kind of like the birth control under the skin. It lasts for a while and then just needs replacing.

    As I posted earlier, I saw what happens to bipolar patients who go off their meds. After those experiences, if a bipolar patient consistently quits taking their medicine, then they should not have kids-even forced sterilization which ordinarily, I would never state.

    Some of the patients were scary as hell and violent which are not things I would like to see any child experience. The poor kids would already have a greater genetic tendency towards having Bipolar illness anyway. They wouldn't need to witness Mommie or Daddy dearest losing their shit and possibly hurting them.

  30. M Styles My mom had a nervous breakdown after 2 kids and 2 years before I was born ! Back in 1957 they had no meds and let me tell you something ,I would not trade my mother for anything, and desperately miss her in the past 10 yrs she has been gone ! Yes ,it was bad seeing her taken away to the hospital and she knew I was the only one who saw her for her and not her "Spells"she would beg me to not let them take her.Shock treatments were HELL for her but it is all they had til the 80's!She could not take stress so I was good to keep her stress level low and her and I were very close.before she died ,she apologized with tears in her eyes for what I went thru! I hugged her and said I had the best childhood ever, due to her not being a "normal mom" and I thanked her ! we did so many things and had a blast !We spent summers at the shore,I was allowed to go on the beach and watch the sunrise just me and I loved it ! Never did she hurt anyone she was hurt by many including family who called her crazy and nuts and she was independent,open minded and had the biggest heart ,helped anyone who needed it.

  31. M Styles has a made a personal cry of 'mentally ill people shouldn't have kids'. I hear your cry, honey. But is she really asking for such a law? We have only to look at Margaret Sanger's (Planned Parenthood-eradicating blacks)and the Nazi's for that slippery slope.

  32. Schizophrenics and borderline personalities should not reproduce. All the others can manage with Rx, counseling and lifestyle changes
