Monday, November 19, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former A/A- list mostly television actress who loves to sing can't get work. Apparently she made the wrong people mad and was already basically blacklisted by her former boss after she said some things when he wouldn't hire her for a big series.


  1. Oh sh!t, there goes her meal ticket.

    1. Coming soon to a Hallmark movie near you lol

  2. I’m guessing for the American Horror story series.

  3. I wish Ryan Murphy would be exposed for his connections to Bryan Singer, the Mark Salling suiciding, etc.

  4. she was in that movie with de niro swank and kutcher

    she's very unlikable imo

  5. He put her on Scream Queens, how many handouts to she expect from the guy? It's not like she's his type for couching.

  6. Lea Pathetichelle and Ryan Big POS Murphy

    this is funny, if true, bc in her usual over the top way, she has said that Ryan blessed her marriage, the guy that she will marry ,that wanted to officiate it or so

    she is always so extra

  7. Lea wants to be the next Streisand so bad but it just ain't gonna happen. She doesn't have the talent Streisand has. Lea is also fake and desperate and not that likeable. Face it honey, Glee was IT for you baby!

  8. a year or 2 ago, there was a strong rumor going around that she would die to be on AHS and that Murphy wouldn't even consider it

  9. I remember a blind from Enty that said that she and the POS Murphy weren't talking anymore...but then she ended up in SQ

    btw, if others things go certain way i might start to believe in Karma

  10. Yeah hope she likes Greek because without him now she's going to have to get her roles the old fashioned way.

  11. I'm assuming that Broadway is now beneath her, but she should reconsider. Its where she started, and with the state of Broadway these days I'm sure she could get hired for a musical if only for the fan base she would draw.

    And she can sing, after all

  12. What's Greek? In the butt?

  13. @Mrs Libnish
    I don't know why, but your question has me laughing so much i can barely
    type this.
