Saturday, November 10, 2018

Blind Item #6

Apparently the diva behavior on a recent trip was nothing compared to the verbally abusive thrashing the employee took on that trip when things were not perfect. The employee threatened to sure because of how bad the abuse was which would have become public. The employee instead was given a check and an apology by the in laws of the former actress turned abuser.


  1. Megan Markle/assistant

  2. Meghan markle, her PA has resigned (her own decision) 6 months into the role.

  3. Once I tried to be a diva, but I had to go to bed on empty stomach! When i didnt get any breakfast either I knew my Diva tantrums are not working on my Mom! Last time I acted like a diva!

  4. If I had a chance, I think I'd suggest Meagan to cool her ego.

    It's good to be the Queen.

    But, Meagan's NOT the Queen.

  5. Does she just not know that building you up then tearing you down is the life blood of the British press?

  6. Tag-gate fall out.

  7. What’s more interesting is why this story ended up in the Daily Mail. The assistant could have been sent on her way privately and no one would have known the difference.

    Instead, someone gave the scoop to the DM’s correspondent - and broke the Royals’ usual “don’t explain” motto to give a glowing quote about the departed assistant’s professionalism.

  8. I believe that the Idiot Prince threw the mother of all hissy fits to marry this d-list, ex hooker. She's lucky, he's this stupid.

  9. I have no difficulty believing this at all.

    Remember that her previous PR person was quoted as saying that Markle was a demanding diva who copped a strop continually, refused to work with certain members of the team & behaved like a superstar while still only a largely unknown supporting actress on a cable show (wanting to be checked into hotels anonymously etc). Add to this her best friend of 30 years said much the same thing - that she disappeared up her own backside the moment she got “famous” (although, in reality, she hadn’t yet) and dumped anyone who wasn’t useful to her.

    I know Samantha Markle gets a lot of hatred, some of it justified maybe, but I think she nailed it when she described her as a “narcissistic, social-climber”. That’s EXACTLY what she is.

    Harry behaving “petulantly” and “shouting at staff” does not suggest a happily, in-love man to me. It suggests someone under a great deal of pressure & stress trying to avoid getting an ear bashing at home.

    I think this coming child is the only one they’ll have, and they’ll divorce when he/she is a toddler.

    Life with Meghan Markle must be unbearable.

    1. It's like you've ear-wormed your way into my brain and stolen my thoughts. Couldn't agree more.

  10. Now that I can admit to being snowed by Angelina's Saint Jolie routine for so many years, I'm willing to admit anything is possible.

    Also look at George Clooney and Amal and whatever TF is going on there - clearly anything is possible

  11. Is she really pregnant or is it just another lie? Harry doesn't seem at all the proud and happy father-to-be you would expect. Instead he seems ill and miserable. She is not at all popular in Britain or elsewhere because she can't be trusted as far as you would throw her.

  12. He's got his dad's hair and his mom's brain.

  13. Harry looks beaten down by the woman already. As has been pointed out, Markle has form as a callous user.

  14. One second. Did you see her clothes in Australia and the Tour? Her clothes were NOT ironed.. the tags were on the dresses and the lvl of organisation of her public appearances were shockingly catastrophic. I would be angry too

  15. Tag - gate? A lot of mistakes made on that tour, some yes sackable. Verbal abuse , no! MM could have spotted some of the errors herself but the tag. This ‘Melissa’ will end up on a reality tv show next year I bet. ‘Love Island’ if she’s single

    1. You sure it was abusive language? Brits dont like criticism. At ALL

    2. I don't think we mind criticism, but we do mind how the criticism is delivered or said: there's the polite structured way or the arrogant bullying way... in general though we don't like being told what to do. As I suppose most people don't.

  16. The closer Camilla gets to becoming Queen (I just threw up) the closer Meghan is going to get to the back end of Royalty's hand. The Shrew is not going to allow a foot out of place, muchless a mouth! Wise up, Megs.

    1. Oh dear.. PLEASE GOD no Godzilla.. She looks live a well seasoned witch with mustard on top of her head and her superior aura is poisoning even our foxes!

  17. Ramona - what are you talking about? You think an unironed dress is justification for abuse & bullying to the degree that an employee feels justified in suing? And Markle can’t iron a dress or tag off a tag herself? Get real. She is now a public figure with a title gifted by the public (via the monarch who reigns at the pleasure of the people) - if she can’t manage to show her gratitude with basic manners then she should get back to her failing acting career.

    Also, it’s weird that you all think this is down to a clothing tag. You have no idea at all what was going on behind the scenes.

    1. Facts. Give me actual facts she was verbally abusive. Till then I call it BS

    2. And No. She doesn't need to iron her clothes. She has paid staff to do it.

  18. +1Donmack on both comments

  19. @Juliet. She’s not pregnant but the surrogate probably is.

  20. I dont thibk the queen will allow a surrogate for the first pregnancy. She is old style and she was herself pregnant 4 times. actually meghan looks pregnant. she has gained weight and looks tired.
    Problem is Harry no longer looks friendly

  21. I think there was a missed opportunity to include the tiara debacle in this blind. Could have killed two DM stories with one stone.

  22. Laura, while I am not a royal,although my husband calls me his Queen, I have someone who is paid to iron my clothes. If she's busy, I do it. I also check my clothing for tags before I go anywhere. Maybe the Duchess of Suckit is such a bitch that her staff purposely left the tags on her garment which wold be justice.

    1. I would take everything with a pinch of salt. As ex PA to multi millionaire myself, PAs quit when there is no "chemistry" with the employer. Ppl just dont match and it's not easy to spend 10 hours a day with someone you cant work with. My view on thus story is that it simply didn't work out. But sensatiolising and exploiting a non story copy paste blind from DM, with spice added on it, it's not credible. It's bit superficial to jump on the troll train, when somebody tells you to blind jump. 😉

  23. BRF are good at burying this sort of thing. The PA would not be able to sue, or go public (though of course leaking may be an option which is I bet what's happened here that can't directly be linked back) There would be water tight NDA's to tend the Palace garden let alone be a PA. that said the DM story says it's unusual KP commented by giving a glowing statement about this Melissa (Maddonas former pa?????) maybe a public acknowledgement of how good the pa is was part of the deal? Who knows. All things MM confuse me. I never know what to believe. Tonight the DM has a story of H&M as party guests at George and Amals in honour of Michelle Obama who'll be visiting. ... who knows what true. I wait what tomorrow's MM blind will bring, you know there'll be one

  24. @Green Tea, the Tiara-gate thing was very interesting. The fact that it was leaked that Liz said 'she'll take what she's given' is unprecedented, I'd say it's a shot across the bow from the throne room, "Rein it in newbee or we will make your new found popularity disappear in an instant". The excuse for not letting her have the emerald one she wanted because it might have a Russian provenance was totally bogus half the tiaras the Queen wears are Russian including the big dangling emerald one "The Vladamirov". Not to mention the rest of her jewels. Queen's Alexandra and especially Mary snapped them up from the destitute Romanov remnants after the Russian revolution

    As for the baby/babies (it might be twins she's getting big very fast)Megs is in for a shock if she thinks she is locking in her future with them. If the marriage goes belly up, by law they will stay with Harry. The Monarch, who at that stage will be Charles, is their legal guardian. That's why there was never any custody battle's involving Diana or Fergie and their children.

  25. It would be illegal for the BRF to prevent anyone from going to law with a grievance. If an aide alleged constructive dismissal (where you leave because staying is intolerable, therefore you were constructively dismissed) they would have the same rights as anyone else. No NDA trumps the law. The aide would have the legal right to instruct a solicitor and take the case to a tribunal. The court MAY make an order that the proceedings be kept confidential, but they would not be required to. So yes, NDA or no, the matter could end up in the public domain.

    This is why they treat their staff well - loyalty is considerably more valuable than any NDA.

    @Ramona - facts? You are in the wrong place if you want facts. But there is collaboration of Markle’s tantrums...The Times confirmed the tiara story and that Harry was given a dressing down by HM over his and Markle’s attitude to staff. The Times won’t print anything without solid confirmation. And we have the PR woman on record talking about diva behaviour in the past. That’s why I don’t struggle to believe it.

  26. Also, as a “PA to millionaires” (ahem) I expect you know that you can’t leave a job “suddenly”. You certainly can’t with the BRF...there’s notice to be worked. That’s what gives this story credibilty - it was sudden & unexpected. And, far from working to dispute the idea that the aide left because of abuse, KP instead opted to give her (the aide) a glowing write up. If a blatantly untrue, potentially damaging story emerges about the RF, a “source” discredits it....always . They haven’t even tried to.

    1. Are you for real Donmack? Im more than sure MM's PA did give a notice. Dont you dare to patronise my jobs bit*ch

  27. Ah, but which "Times" confirmed the story?
    High Times?
    Good Times?

    Any other "Times" out there?

  28. It was announced today that another member of their staff is leaving. That's 3 in the 6 months since the wedding. That's unheard of in royal circles. I don't know if the story of the PA being paid off is true but there's definitely something wrong in that place.

  29. The tiara issue said everything to me. It's protocol that you get whatever tiara the Queen, who owns the jewels, gives you. You do NOT demand, you certainly do not throw tantrums and expect the Queen of Engaldn who has seen them come and seen them go and takes no shit at all, lest of all from a foreign upstart not yet even married to a second son, to take it lying down.

    I was entirely neutral about Markle until I started hearing this stuff about her. I predicted she'd be fine with the Royals if she played by their rules and fit in and get her gob shut on politics. Well, it seems she isn't prepared to even begin to try and fit in. Throwing an entitled little bitchfit about jewelery before she was even married tells me everything I need to know about her future there. She doesn't have one. She has a real grabby peasant mentality below the careful grooming.'Megan gets what Megan wants'. Says it all.Greedy, grabby, pushy, entitled. Someone used to bullying and grabbing to get her way.

    I bet Harry is starting to regret this marriage. Wait until the sex part wears off. He'll he out of there, with the full support of his family because of the ructions this woman causes.

    1. I don’t care for her either way but it seems to me that Harry was the one throwing the tantrum by saying “what Meghan wants, Meghan gets”. How do we know Meghan had any attitude about it at all? Maybe she picked one out, Queen said know and Harry threw a tantrum because he’s a spoiled brat. How is that Meghan’s fault? Why isn’t Harry the one getting chastised for saying that?

  30. @Hunter

    I agree with you about the Clooneys. Something strange is going on there - and Enty has alluded to some very bad stuff re: George Clooney.

    For some reason Meghan thinks they are prestigious people to be associated with.

    Same for the Beckhams.

  31. Do some people here actually believe that Camilla is going to be QUEEN?

    Just because Charles is going to be King, that does not automatically make Camilla a "Queen". They get consort titles. Just like Prince Philip isn't King, yet married to Queen Elizabeth II.
    Bloody Imbeciles.

  32. I feel like the quality of Meghan Markle's paid commenters is diminishing. Has anyone else noticed this?

    1. I dont think she botheres with CDAN.

  33. Lol at the “Brit’s don’t like criticism” comment. Gotta love misinformed generalizations...

    1. 9 years in UK. Must be well informed.

    2. TwoDots..
      Generalise is the preferred British spelling.. not the american generalize. If you want to pretend you know the Brits 😉

  34. I'm lowkey laughing because people are just now figuring out how fake and money hungry Markle is, it makes you see how many people are bad judges of character, like pretty bad because her shitty personality has always been pretty evident. I really wanna see how this goes, you know she's gonna be worse than Fergie when they divorce.

  35. Meghan "doesn't bother with CDAN"?

    Social listening is a huge business - many companies do nothing else. (Google it.) They have systems to scrape Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram comments and boards like this one.

    The idea is to take the temperature of public opinion on an ongoing basis.

    Corporations do this, and I would assume the Royal Family does it, and Meghan's hired PR guns probably do it too.

    CDAN, in particular, would be of interest to Meghan because of its large entertainment industry following.

    1. Her Team possibly. But why so much hate on this woman? I don't see any capital sins worthy of so much trashing.

  36. Meghan's friend Jessica M. from Canada, was her dresser on the Australian trip. I am sure this assistant was not listened to by Meghan,

  37. Jessica Mulroney suddenly disappeared in the middle of the Australia trip and returned to North America.

    Another one bites the dust?

    Anyway, there is some chatter that the personal assistant "Melissa" who walked out on Meghan was Melissa Crowe, who has an interesting history as a longtime personal assistant to Madonna. Melissa Crowe even briefly appears in Madonna's documentary "Truth or Dare."

    Just a rumor at this point, nothing confirmed.

  38. MM needs to get back in line if she expects to ride the gravy train. Harry (whom I adore) is NOT heir to the throne and MM will get ”Fergied” when they divorce.

  39. Meghan looks freshly botoxed, can you do this in pregnancy? Not that it's any of my business, I'm not a British taxpayer.

  40. I really hope for her sake that she is pregnant. Otherwise, how does she extricate herself from the situation?

    Granted, the bump changed size and shape on a daily basis during the Australia/New Zealand trip, but I thought the idea was to overdramatize an actual pregnancy.

    The family really froze her out during the Armistice Day celebrations, seating her way in the back almost behind a curtain at Albert Hall, and making her stand apart from all the other top ladies outside on the balcony.

    Instead she had to stand with the German President’s wife. The Germans were the enemy - get it?

    It’s an odd way to treat a pregnant woman.

  41. In dont thinkn the Royalsn wounldo anything publicity to show displeasure until the merde really hits the fan, they are the masters of PR subtlety. A lot being made of where MM was seated at the Remembrance events people thinking are the first cracks. She was placed excalty where she should be in order of rank. On Saturday she was in the Royal Box with the next Heirs and the Queens children,sat only behind Dukes of Kent and Gloucester the Queens cousins who had long service in the army and direct connection to WW1 and WW2, also honary heads head of some Army battalions tc. At the cenotaph The Queen and the next 2 Queens were together on one balcony, immediately next to it MM was with the wife of the most honoured guest at the event the German PM wife (Reconciliation, Brexit and all that),just those 2 ladies on a balcony. if you loot at any wider photos you see the remaining balconies are jam packed with people. So MM indeed had a very prominent place, befitting the No.4 adult Royal lady. i dont think i saw any of the other royal ladies but Anne and im certain they were there. I do feel that all in not right and H&M have had a telling off about the way they speak to staff. THat is a massive fau paux for an Aristo, you always address the staff respectfully (to remind them you are better than "common people" like them) :)

  42. Here is the thing as soon as these people become famous they no longer consider themselves part of the black community. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle. The black lives orginazation needs your help You need to stand up and lend a hand to your own.



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