Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Blind Item #5

After the backlash this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor received for supporting this sexual assaulter who is a co-star, there is no way the sexual assaulter will be in a third installment of a superhero movie. The studio will eat the contract. 


  1. The second one was pretty bland anyway, Josh Brolin as Cable was blah, loved Zazie Beetz as Domino though.

    1. I never saw 1 or 2. Not my genre-but I did hear RR is great in them

  2. Miller, for sure. I can't stand this guy. I loved second movie better than first.

  3. Im weird - I never saw 1, but I saw 2

    it was ok. zazie beetz is going places tho (yes!)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. the dubstep fight scene tho was pretty hilarious

    was watching with my dad. had to explain what dubstep is. now he knows what dubstep is!

  6. This blind is in response to TJ Miller recently saying he doesn't know yet if he'll be in Deadpool 3. He has a contract for the third movie but right now they're only working on X-Force. Deadpool 3 hasn't started at all. Enty is saying no f*cking way jose, you're definitely out.


  7. sexual assaulter co-star = TJ Miller Depp

    third installment superhero = deadpool 3 fantastic beasts 3

  8. @Tricia, the first Deadpool is totally worth seeing, very funny. ;)

  9. They are both bitchy little punks- so good riddance to both. Hope to never see either face on screen again.

  10. Hey! i loved the second one, i even bought the DVD.

  11. 2nd was big disappointment. Dull story, missed the GF, all the teen kids supremely annoying. TJMiller was one of the best things about it, unfortunately.

  12. Yeah, Reynolds/TJ

  13. I think the jokes in Deadpool are juvenile and unsophisticated.

    I never thought of myself as a humor snob until everyone said how funny and great it was and I went to see it and was like uhhhh this is humor for um... other people.

    Yes I'm judgmental but that's okay because this is a celeb gossip site. :)

    1. You went to see Deadpool expecting highbrow entertainment? Oh, dear...

  14. saw Deadpool 1, but not 2. Ryan Reynolds makes a great Deadpool, but I'm not really into superhero movies.

    on the note of TJ Miller: it seems like he can be easily replaced by someone better in almost every role I've seen him in, but that's just my opinion.

  15. I have friends who worked on 1, didn't come back as two was a much different machine, bigger money, way bigger production. The others who worked on two said it was great, however they were mentally scarred for life after witnessing that stuntwoman crash head first, no helmet, through the plate glass windows of the Shaw building, by Starbucks. Yet the show went on, and they cut that scene.

  16. Loved both Deadpool movies. Probably because I went in thinking they were both going to suuuuck.

    They didn't. They're great. They're not Oscar-worthy films, but they're good for 90 minutes of entertainment.

  17. TJ Miller is probably in more trouble for the Amtrak incident than anything else. The victim of the sexual assault never came forward, was never named, and the university refused to comment. So there is some doubt it ever happened, maybe it did, maybe it didn't.

    But TJ REALLy fucked up with that stunt he pulled on Amtrak. Holy shit. People are given prison time for pranks like that.

  18. I guess that vile POS TJ Miller just got kicked in the bagina, lol.
    Ryan Reynolds as his benefactor.
    Every NY comic I know, (and I know a good handful), LOATHE Miller and dog talk him constantly. Which is saying a lot if it's coming from that bunch of degenerate mental cases.

  19. A bit off topic but...Enty has been hinting at him and Lively splitting for ages. But I think it won't happen soon. Their 'lovey dovey couple image' is part of their career.
