Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Blind Item #4

This former A list mostly television actor from back in the day is playing super victim again when he is the one at fault. He is the one who has alienated his children. He is the one who begs and pleads for money from fans all of the time. He is the one who has been to jail for not supporting his ex. He is also the one who might be arrested on national television live and in color if he keeps screwing over the ex who raised the kids and who the kids 100% support.


  1. John Schneider. Unfortunately, he won't be arrested live because he was kicked off Dancing with the Stars last night.

  2. Was trying to figure out what would cause kids to stop speaking to dad. A) They're millenials. B) Mother had to share the divorce details. Wife is to be paid 20k a month. That's a lot of coin to cough up for a has-been.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Roscoe is in hot pursuit.

  5. Uncle jessie would not be pleased.

  6. My kid stop speaking to her dad because of his terrible behavior. Don't blame everything on mothers.

  7. Or maybe, JL, Dad was a lousy Father? Kids don't like their Mothers being abused,shouted and yelled at or treated badly. Men like you seem to think Fathers should never be held accountable for being a crap Dad or lousy husband. If the kids support the Mother who grew them, gave birth to them, breastfed and raised them then there's a reason for it and that reason is because their Father is a scumbag.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How misogynists can have the audacity to faux cry victimhood never ceases to disgust me.

    A few seconds of ejaculation IS NOT EQUAL to:
    going through nine months pregnancy while the Mother GREW the baby,
    going through the agony and suffering of life-risking childbirth,
    going through the sleep deprivation and exhaustion of 24/7 breastfeeding etc., while coping with vaginal stitches, post natal depression and mastitis etc,
    providing 24/ care for the children.

    Not forgetting women who also endured excruciating miscarriages and/or painful IVF.

    Fathers are given an obscene amount of preferential treatment over Mothers:
    Fathers are not criticised for being too young or old only Mothers are,
    Fathers don't get criticised for working or for staying at home only Mothers do,
    fathers don't get the blame/don't get punished for unwanted pregnancy only Mothers do,
    Fathers don't get the blame for child's misbehaviour only the Mother does (even when the child is a fully grown adult),
    Fathers get the credit when a child does well. The Mother doesn't,
    Single Fathers aren't berated like single Mothers are,
    Virtually every TV show, film, advert, novel etc., puts the main focus on the Father and pushes the Mother into the background...if she even features at all (Disney being a classic example),
    Virtually every legal document and correspondence etc., names the Father first and the Mother second (and in some instances, the Mother isn't mentioned at all).

    And you ungrateful, deluded, attention seeking scumbag pansies screech "misandy" and faux cry victimhood. If the kids don't like you that's because you were a shit Dad/shit husband. You only have yourself to blame. Scapegoating the Mother won't make the kids like you.

  10. JFC, @Viking you are fucking EXHAUSTING. You sure know how to suck the life out of the comment section. What a joy you must be IRL. Probably why you are so bitter.

  11. Well I'm just glad no one is living up to any stereotypes in here ;)

  12. @Viking So, so angry. Who hurt you?

  13. @viking wow. You are in pain and im sorry. Also, women have a choice to have children. Tooooo many people are making babies. Stop making babies! Most people should not have kids.

  14. @viking song. Just because a woman can give birth does not make her the be all end all in a child life. I bet it churns your guts to know that women have a much higher rate of being abusive & killing their young then fathers.
