Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Blind Item #14

Apparently this former A list mostly movie actress from a franchise who has dropped to A-/B+ list got into a knockdown drag out fight with her significant other and our actress bruised the significant other to the point they had to take off work for a week.


  1. And Stella Maxwell?

  2. But...KS has been shooting abroad, and SM has been doing VS and events...I even saw some thanksgiving fotos. Unless this happened a long time ago.

  3. +1 Kristen Stewart. Was Rodriguez ever in a franchise?

  4. She was in the fast and the furious

  5. Still in Fast and Furious I think. Only in Fast and Furious if she gets any work.

  6. I'm gonna be unique and guess Emma Watson.

  7. MR dropped down to A-/B+ list? That's would imply that she was once A/A+, I always thought of her as C list at best. KStew sounds more fitting for that tag.

  8. Note that the SO gender was referred to as they, so could be anybody.

  9. I would have said Amber Heard (she has a history of violence), but she was never close to being A list.

  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    This is =not= Michelle Rodriguez. She just starred in "Widows" which is doing extremely well.

  11. Stewart/Maxwell. Why must lesbians be so aggressive and constantly beat on one another???
    I've volunteered for a couple of decades in dom abuse/rape shelters, and these days, lesbians are topping either straight male/female pairings and gay male/gay male pairings in the domestic abuse cases.
    Stop it, ladies. Just stop!
