Friday, November 30, 2018

Blind Item #11

For once it wasn't Pete Davidson who was a wasted SNL cast member. This long time star on the show could barely talk because he was so wasted during an interview. They couldn't even air it because it was so bad.


  1. Replies
    1. He exited though this tear i think

  2. Good, they're getting back to basics. Sober SNL writers are just not funny.

  3. a lot of the skits/segments that make it on SNL are painfully unfunny. only about 1 or 2 that are sort of good in an episode.

  4. "Long time star" sounds like Kenan, although getting wasted doesn't sound like him. If not, maybe Kyle Mooney?

  5. Darrell Hammond?

    He's had substance abuse issues in the past, and he's currently an announcer for the show. Plus there's a new documentary about him out that he might be promoting?

  6. Moynihan hasn’t been on in years.

  7. I want to see it. Truly as Brayson comments that is getting back to the basics. Comedy writing does not lend itself well to sober.

  8. Kate mcKinnen? I double it’s her, but wanted to leave an answer

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I dont think they'd consider Alec Baldwin a cast-member as he just does a running gig. Could be Jost or Mooney, but I am hoping it isn't Beck Bennett or Michael Che. Che seems like the type to be stoned more than drunk.

    The only other seasoned vets on there is Keenan. Everyone else is new or female.

    1. This is definitely Che I know him socially he’s a mess

  10. Alec Baldwin? I used to like SNL but now I don't watch it. Colin Jost is arrogant I think. I do like Keenan though.

  11. Alec Baldwin is not a cast member of SNL. Cmon people.

  12. Kyle Mooney. Just because I can't stand him.

  13. Oh NO! An episode without any Kyle Mooney bits? WhatEVER will the writers do?!?!

  14. Anonymous5:02 PM

    i hope it's not Kenan, love him... He has been there 15 years, and he does seem different in recent interviews

  15. 'SNL' - who actually cares?

  16. Che talks about drinking a lot in his instastories but I have a feeling it's Keenan, too.

  17. I subscribed to the SNL youtube channel a few years ago after hearing about it's legendary status for decades. My god what a load of self indulgent garbage. Apart from the occasional good music guest pretty much every skit is painfully unfunny. I can think of about a dozen over the years that have raised even a smile. Was it always this over-rated and bland?

  18. @longtimereader
    Have you seen any of Kristen Wiig's skits? bill Hader?

  19. Michael Che? Half the people suggested here haven't been on the show in years, I think the blind is referring to current cast members.

  20. Che isn't technically 'cast.' Outside of Weekend Update, he's a writer and not in front of the cameras.
    I could see Beck Bennett, Kyle Mooney, Mikey Day or Alex Moffat. While I think each is talented, I often can't remember any of their names.
    Anyone know any reason one of the cast members would have been a recent interview subject?



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