Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Your Turn

Do you have any Halloween candy remaining from last year?


  1. At my job interview, I was asked if I had a police record.

    I guess “Roxanne” was not the answer they were looking for.

  2. I doubt anyone who does would want to try to eat it.

  3. I drank a Christmas beer in April once. That was a mistake.

  4. Nope but I've had some Halloween candy make it to Christmas before, trick-or-treaters are unpredictable in their numbers.

  5. Are you serious? I only get candy I like, and have to buy it same day,or I would eat it all.

  6. Mine is leftover handout candy, or stuff my kids got but didn't eat. We're not big candy eaters.

  7. The Mummy loved to listen to wrap music.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. No. As soon as Halloween is over, I send it to soldiers downrange.

  10. OT, but last week in the Your Turn (Halloween vs Friday the 13th) someone suggested Terrifier as a movie to watch...
    I watched it! 👍 creepyass clown!!

  11. there might be a mini peanut butter cup that rolled under the fridge

  12. Yeah, the kids never get through everything. So every Halloween we toss out the leftover candy from Easter, Halloween and Christmas, and we start all over again!

  13. When I was a kid, my siblings and I got tons of Halloween candy. Like a whole pillowcase full. We had a system: we’d sit at the dining room table and trade what we didn’t like, then we packed everything in boxes and put it in the freezer (we had an extra one.) Our stash always got us through until Easter.

  14. I already ate this years.

  15. I give out Chic Tracts for Halloween. I don't like strangers coming to my house begging year after year.

  16. NO!... it's complicated. and I'm reusing the candy canes from two years ago on the tree this year. Is peppermint an actual preservative? 'cause they still look and taste great!
