Friday, October 05, 2018

Your Turn

The most bags of candy you gave away during trick or treating.


  1. who gives away candy? LOL
    For some reason, the last 4 places I have lived since 1985 have no trick or treaters, although there are children around.

  2. Over 10 Costco size bags

  3. It's been so long that I did Halloweenie for kids but the last time I did it I got through 2\3 of a bag of mini Snickers bars. Here there are specific rules for Halloween mainly to protect kids from the many pedos around the unincorporated areas, like lighting your patio to let them know. But no kids do trick or treating here anyway.

  4. We used to get about 150 kids each year, but since we moved to a different area we don't many kids maybe 10. So i go and buy the full sized chocolate bars from costco and hand those out. Sometimes I give out 2 - heck if the kids are willing to go this far they deserve something good!.

  5. We have 0 trick-or-treaters due to Trunk or Treat.

  6. Everyone loves to blame trunk or treat for killing off trick or treating.
    It's people without kids at home who either turn off their lights or go out and party instead.

  7. The problem always was we'd end up eating one or two bags before the actual holiday.
    But, since the children a grown up, we now stay in the dark sans candy.

  8. I had as many as 100+ kids but numbers have dropped steadily over the years as places like malls/shops give candy & church do "Fall" festival. It is easier on parents to go to one place with many others than going to every 3rd or 4th house who might have candy. Where I live now, I get 2,3 kids - not much fun.

  9. I hadn't gotten many kids at all for a few years but last year I gave away two bags. In years earlier I would buy two bags and some would be left over, which was a nice bonus. Last year, no leftovers. I get a back of Kit Kats and Reeses each.

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Halloween on our street looks like a movie. It's wall-to-wall people, many parents dressed in costumes the same theme as their kids. We've gone through 1,000+ pieces of candy by 8:00PM the past couple years. It's great fun.

  11. Every year around 6 pm, the neighborhood resounds with the sound of minivan doors slamming as parents round up their kids and drive them to better neighborhoods to trick or treat or attend a harvest festival. Haven't had more than 1 - 2 kids in a decade and I finally stopped buying candy and turning on the porch lights two years ago. Halloween is over for me unless I want to don a sexy-something-or-other costume and go to an adult party.

  12. A few hundred, because we have lots of kids in the immediate area to begin with, plus lots of the minivan moms, which is fine. We do up Halloween here though-no haunted house or anything but we're well decorated, the living room is spooky when the door opens and we dress up.

  13. We live right near a mall and all the kids around here just go trick or treating from store to store, but we do get around 30-40 kids on average every year. Usually the older ones who can handle the cold and dark (since it's dark at 5 at the end of October here in northern Canada...)

  14. One year we lived in a historical neighborhood and I made up 200 little gift bags of candy and I gave out every single one of them. It was crazy.

  15. While in Montana we would see an average of 250 kids on Halloween - used many Costco bags of Hershey snack size bars.
    Now we are in rural Indiana and we have None. Not even our relatives!! Ha ha ha ha

  16. Anonymous6:04 PM

    trunk or treat?....LOL you gotta be kidding me.
    Way to steal the fun and excitement of Halloween



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