Thursday, October 04, 2018

Your Turn

Any encounters with ghosts or a haunted house?


  1. Nope. I'm not a believer in them either.

  2. Yep. Last apartment I had. Old house, and all occupants dealt with sightings. It was a residual haunting. Also, back in early 90's my daughter claims she played with an old woman. She was the previous deceased tenant. She even had the name 3 years of age.

  3. My late idolized father visits me in the form of the smell of smoke - cigarettes (I don't smoke, nobody in my surrounding townhouses smokes) or sometimes pipe tobacco, which was
    a distinctive brand he had to order from a tobacconist in Chicago. Neurologists say the only sensory hallucination which doesn't exist is olfactory hallucinations. I love having him visit. Years after he died, my sister told me it happens to her too.

  4. I once saw Yoko Ono in Central Park.

  5. 10 to 15 years ago I would have said yes. Now I know it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

  6. I work in a historic place/museum where one person died- only people who work there know about it, it isn't something we talk about on tours or anything. One day a kid- couldn't have been older than three or four because his speech was still toddler-y- walked past the room where the guy died and said "Mom! Mom! There's a dead man in there!" and started waving to the corner of the room, exactly where the guy died. I'm about as skeptic and scientific as they come, but that creeped me the hell out.

    1. Woah @roque that's so creepy!! 😱

  7. No, but I had crazy haunted dreams last night about five ghost children leaving footprints on my ceilings!! I even woke up, got up and did a few things, and later went back to sleep and the dream continued!

  8. Have been involved in several investigations. Sedamsville rectory in Cincinnati was the most active place I have been. Caught voices on tape and had a real time convo in German through a spirit box.

  9. The day my mother died I was living in my home in LA and having a garage sale. About an hour into the sale, word came that she died in her sleep. I stopped the garage sale and went on a long drive around all my favorite haunting places that are fun to drive and just drove and drove all day long, I knew her death was coming but I was sort of in shock. In the two years I lived in my little beach home there, after returning from Mexico to care for her in her final days, she never once visited my home as she was housebound and unable to travel out of her home.
    That night, at 1am, my doorbell rang, my dog went ballistic and I went to the front door, nobody there. Nobody ever used the doorbell, as it was hidden on the wall by a climbing vine and was not visible. My front yard was enclosed by a tall wall and locked gate, which was locked from the inside and the sides and rear of my property were surrounded by a 10ft block wall, with no other entry. I really think she was looking for me before she passed on to wherever it is you go when you die. There is simply no other explanation for what happened that night.

  10. Growing up I lived in the country and in the retired cow pasture (no longer used for grazing, just an empty field) behind our house there was an old house falling apart in the valley between 2 hills. We found it while sledding one year & it was so neat, like the family just up and left. shoes were left in the kitchen, pots and pans were still in the springhouse. I found the head of a baby doll in the mud of the creek running alongside it once. We would take walks often to look at it but we started to notice that everytime we did odd things would happen that night so I have a few stories centered around that :)

    Dogs would freeze up and start whining when they got too close to the house. I saw a shadow figure enter my room one night afterwards and was convinced I had imagined it then next time we went both my brother and his friend witnessed another shadow figure watching their other friend sleep on the couch. Electronics would go haywire, chairs would start spinning etc.

  11. Yes. Very much so, an apartment i lived in was haunted by a nasty spirit.

  12. I love reading peoples stories about this, this is a really interesting topic!
    @Ophelia - such a great description, I can picture it!

  13. Yes, one very creepy experience. Luckily it stick around long, because it was a VERY dark, sinister entity. I wasn't in any kind of altered state at the time, either, so I knew I wasn't imagining it.

  14. Nothing ever conclusive but as kids, after watching a Little Rascals episode where they are detectives unknowingly investigating a carnival fun house, me and my siblings would scare ourselves hunting ghosts in the basement.

  15. Yes- my mom’s old house- so much crazy stuff happened. Electronics on and off, voices, doors opening n closing, sounds of children playing and up n down stairs sounds when no one was on them... we had ghost hunters come and they got a bunch of evidence n watched doors open while they were there. My mom moved shortly after. I hated that house:/

  16. My father was killed when I was a toddler. He used to visit me a lot growing up. My mother used to tell her friends about finding me in my crib having conversations and when she would ask who I was talking to I would always answer daddy.

  17. I am haunted by the ghost of Helen Mirren

  18. I had experiences with ghosts, and it was all positive. I don't seek those experiences out much anymore, and I've never had a spirit bother me when I didn't want it.

  19. I can contact dead people via tarot. But I stopped doing it after we moved house because my kids kept seeing things and I didn't want to have all that going on at the new house. I never see anything myself. It's very interesting how different cards are for someone who died a long time ago (eg centuries) from today. Totally different mindset.

  20. I've got lots but here's a few:

    When I was about 5, I was having tomato soup for lunch in the kitchen of our first house. I got a "whispy" feeling and looked to my right and there was a lady dressed like Mary Poppins coming through our basement door. I can vividly recall every small detail from that experience, down to the buttons on her shoes. We later found out that during prohibition our house was an underground distillery and a batch exploded, killing the lady of the house.
    In our next house, you could smell perfume that none of us wore as well as roast dinners. Usually in October, shit got weird and the dogs would bark at nothing, you could hear chairs scraping on the floor and the clattering of dishes. There was a scary crawlspace in the dirt basement that no one ever went into for fear of finding something. There was a weird structure past the back field (like a small chicken coop) and we'd find weird animal remains sometimes. Creepy place altogether.

    I've had a ton of experiences but there's a couple of the weirder ones.

  21. I've got a good one but it's long and people hate when I post long comments.

  22. @Jennifer - thanks! This is a very fun topic & I also love hearing people's experiences like this - on that note please share @RowdyRodimus. Tis the season for long spooky comments :)


  23. I am visited on a very regular basis by a ghost (don't know what else to call this person) of an elderly man who always has a hat on. NO idea who it is. He usually shows up after something bad happens. He is very comforting. He never says anything, but just stays near.

  24. Yes. It was a horrid vision of a Satanic creature.
    After I realized it was the face of DiFi getting that look the gig is up it became a wet dream.
    Smiled like a baby before going back to sleep.

  25. Me Again, I was visited by a similar ghost during a difficult time in my life - he wore a hat and visited me 3 times in a row at 3:30 4:00 each morning. It was a comforting visit and not frightening at all.

  26. We think we had a ghost in our first house. A real prankster; things would go missing and turn up in ridiculous places, lights on and off, that sort of thing. And I KNOW I have a guardian angel, although I've never seen it, because I should have been dead four thousand times already.

  27. LaurieM,

    Your late father's special tobacco brand notwithstanding, olfactory hallucinations do indeed exist. They may be a feature of a sinus problem, or a migraine headache. Or they may be an indication of something more serious, such as a temporal lobe seizure disorder, Parkinson's disease, depression or bipolar disorder.

    Here's a wiki article and you can find more information via any search engine:

    Treatment is also available, depending on how disruptive the symptoms are weighed against how disruptive the treatment modality might be, IMO.

    I believe my beloved dad visits me, too.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Wow, telling someone they are possibly mental. Your a fantastic person, gee, wish we could become friends.

  28. @RowdyRodimus
    Please tell!

  29. I heard bells ringing and shot up in my bed. The bells moved closer and i thought it was a prowler. Then my deceased dog jumped on the bed and started playing. I hugged him and cried. The bell rang again and i heard a small yelp and he jumped off and disappeared. I woke up right away.
    Lots of stories but mainly visitors in dreams. Gettysburg made my hair stand on my neck and started to shake. Just felt pain, cold and scared. That place is really haunted

  30. Yep, Hillary Clinton keeps appearing on my tv even though she's no longer with us. Weird.

  31. Still giving you a hard on right desperate one!

  32. Yes, I've had many varied experiences over the course of my life. Not so many now, but about two decades ago, it just wouldn't stop. And, I used to work as an intuitive full time. Saw all kinds of things. Very interesting life I've had.

  33. @Hortensia, tell us some stories!!! 😊

  34. I've had a few especially in some hospitals where I have worked. One old lady passed and she was on the call bell a lot. Her call bell kept alarming the day after and the room was empty. They had housekeeping and maintenance in and they couldn't get it to stop. Finally one of the night nurses brought a bag of ice and acknowledged her. He set the ice on the bedside table and the call light stopped!
    I stayed a night at T'Freres House in Louisiana and heard a loud knock on the headboard. My husband was fast asleep. I then felt someone run the edge of their hand between us. It was running the length of us and i felt it press up through the mattress. Like they were in it.
    Another time my husband saw something in the doorway of our room. He grabbed my hip as I was facing away from him and was loudly and deeply saying "Hello?!" . I looked over my shoulder to see this weird mirage like shape in our doorway. It looked like the thing from Predator. My husband then said "It's coming to your side." And I scrambled to turn on my bedside light. It disappeared with the light.I
    A coworker, actually two had a very strange incident happen one night. A patient's husband kept pacing outside her room. He was very odd and we'll known to the crew. He started talking about strange dreams and the places he visits while sleeping. He actually said that he had out of body experiences. One co-worker expressed doubt to him and was quite sceptical. That coworker went back to her department. My other coworker watched the man to into a nook that was in plain view of him. The family member then fell asleep. The other coworker came back later FREAKED OUT. She said she was walking into another area and turned back to see that guy standing right behind her grinning. She said he startled her because she didn't feel him coming into her space. She turned back to key the code to open the department and looked back and he was gone. At that time the guy was asleep not more than 25 feet away. I relieved them that morning and they were both really weirded out and actually scared.
    An ICU nurse took care of a patient that was terrified because she saw "the Collector Angel" walk past her room. She calmed down when she realized that he was not there for her.That he was actually there for the patient next door. She then gave a running commentary on the goings on in the next room. Which was all happening as she was describing. That patient died later that day.

  35. Yes, on a ghost tour in Charleston in a cemetery after dark. She was hiding behind a tombstone...I described what I saw to the guide. She comes out when you smoke a cigarette because her husband smoked but one day he disappeared. Middle aged woman from the 18th century in a night gown. I saw her, looked away, thought it was a trick of the light, looked back, saw her again, looked away and she was gone.

    Mom's house is haunted, dated 1843. It is someone who comes from the basement where there was a servant's quarter. The door to the basement swings open by itself, cold spots, we come home and things have been knocked off of high shelves and smashed when no one home. Basically benign however. They put in a new burglar alarm and the motion detector in the basement kept going off by itself repeatedly.

    If you are open to it and genuinely believe there is an afterlife...I always did, you are more open to it...

    MeAgain...I am a geneologist and would say this is probably someone who was a relative that you never knew about...most people don't even know their great grandparent's names or what they looked like. Or a former resident of the house. I have had to go through and reidentify people in photos, often find aunts and uncles no one knew about, or half brothers and sisters no one knew, I find out some are adopted and some were said to be adopted and weren't or the mother's child when it was the daughter's...etc etc.

    Or the grandparent had a first and second wife/husband no one knew about...yada yada yada.

  36. Wicked Be...I will never ever "play" with a Ouija board because of my experiences as a kid. Not a toy, don't care what anyone says. I won't do it my Mom's haunted house because I am sure the damn thing the "plaquet" or whatever it is, (planchet?) will fly off the damn board. I scared the shit out of myself as a child and will not fuck with seances as a result. Perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me but that damn thing was zooming around quite quickly, I was like 8 or 9.

    I would love to be able to explore this but I just don't want to let someone in that I shouldn't.

    But as a local historian/geneologist, your comments on the different mindset intrigued me because I do know how they thought/lived/died
    around me back to about 1600 would love to talk to someone really damn old...

    I am currently researching a very big 1762-1762 small pox epidemic in my area no one knows about because the records are hard to get. Most killed were Indians and mulattoes but some whites as well. They had things called "pest houses" isolated houses they would bring the sick to, or do quarantines
