Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Your Turn

Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity?


  1. A Canadian bodybuilder’s favorite place to eat is the buff-eh

  2. Blair Witch Project was horrible.
    I never saw Paranormal Activity...but it MUST be better than Blair Witch...right?

  3. Neither is fine by me.

  4. The camera work on Blair Witch enraged me.

  5. Are you joking Enty? This is like asking, do you like rice cakes or plain rice cakes. Get a sense of history buddy.

  6. Neither! Phantasm is my favorite.

  7. I like Blair Witch 2 (book of shadows) just because of Kim! Lol
    The first movie was very innovative when it was released now it's a bit dated. I watched paranormal but I can't remember much, it probably sucked too

  8. Yeah both were shitty. I like how crap horror movies manage to unite CDaN readers for a day though. That's always nice.

  9. I saw "Blair Witch" on the film festival circuit very early when my BF was in the movie biz and they were still able to keep the "Is it real or isn't it?" buzz around it, and it scared the bejeezus out of us at the time. Hasn't aged well but in it's moment it was the scariest movie ever.

  10. Paranormal Activity.

    I was so bored at Blair Witch and the soundtrack was so quiet I could hear stuff going on in the lobby.

    I would say my favorite Found Footage movie in recent years was Hell House LLC.

  11. Terrifier is the best horror movie made in recent times, be sure to catch it on Netflix this Halloween. It's low budget but it brings back the scary in this age of PG-13 "horror" movies with a couple of jump scares and nothing else.

  12. Oh, I love Blair Witch. So subtle.

    Paranormal Activity's best bit is the last minute.

  13. Blair Witch is a favorite of mine.

  14. I want a horror movie set in the Star Wars universe, an intentional one this time not like The Last Jedi or Soylo.

  15. The 1st Blair Witch was interesting, but PA was creepy as hell.

  16. I've only ever seen Blair Witch, and I was bored out of my tree. Horror movies are not my thing.

  17. Never saw Blair Witch, but I remember the “is it real or isn’t it” campaign, to @DDonna. There were 2 teenage sisters that lived a door away, they were traumatized & so freaked out, after seeing it. (It’s funny now but not then!)

    Paranormal Activity scared me bc I think that sh*t really could happen

  18. Blair Witch. I admire the film makers for raking in the money on a movie that cost $37,000 to make.

  19. Anonymous7:09 PM

    neither one. they are junk and bad for the soul

  20. Blair Witch scared the crap out of me. First time I watched it I was at the cottage all alone.



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