Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Two Worlds

There is an interesting dynamic going on in the music world right now. Sick and disgusting, but interesting in how it divides. Apparently if you are a follower of this one named permanent A list singer, and by a follower, I mean attend his parties, work with his producers and guest talent, then that means you are more of a lover of underage boys. This whole group is dedicated to finding young male talent and then "developing" them. Yes, that A list singer was one of them. He, in turn has brought them several others.

The other group, led by this foreign born one named permanent A list singer generally tends to attract followers who like finding and "developing" underage females. They like to model themselves after R. Kelly and his "development" of Aaliyah. They are all about getting these teens under their control both sexually and musically. They even informally call their group LMK after the song Let Me Know which featured R. Kelly and Aaliyah. You will often see it written on their shoes to let people know they are a member of that group. 


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