Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Today's Blind Items - She Couldn't Leave

I am pretty sure he wanted her to quit. He would have sacrificed the film that had already been shot and started over at a huge financial cost because he wanted her gone so much. It was always a bad idea from the beginning that this A list director was directing his significant other. They were not getting along prior to shooting this movie and things were even worse during filming. Unlike the director, the actress significant other needed the paycheck from the movie. She had been on hold for so long waiting for the movie to begin filming that she had not worked in a long time. The director was getting paid about 20 times what the actress was earning. Our director liked an actress on the set. He would hit on her in front of his significant other. He then began having sex with her and would call his significant other during sex or after sex. He was doing anything to make her quit. If she quit, she didn't get paid. Her contract specifically said she had to make it to her final day of filming. He made her life miserable. He would yell at her every day and make her cry. He would tell her secrets she had shared with him out loud to cast and crew. He berated her every chance she got. She stuck with it though. She stuck it through to the end and got herself a new guy and an Academy Award win/nomination for the film where she had been abused.


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