Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Prolific

More details are coming in about the exit of this foreign born A- list mostly television actor from a very hit show. There was lots of buzz, but never any real concrete answers. It turns out there are answers now, but they are coming from disparate sources. One of the sources is actually a co-star. Probably equal to or higher than the subject of our blind. He has been drunkenly telling people that our married A- lister got a woman pregnant. A woman that our drunk also hooked up with. The woman told the drunk when she was wondering what to do.

Now, at about the same time, word got back to the set that a woman was pregnant by our A- lister. At first, everyone thought it was the same woman who told the drunk. It turns out though, it is an entirely different woman. That's right, our married actor got two different women pregnant at the same time. No wonder he is leaving the show. He has to get out of town before any other pregnant women show up. His marriage is hanging by a thread. What isn't clear at this time is if both of the women are keeping their respective babies.


  1. Rick Grimes and The Walking Dead?

  2. Drunk being Norman Reedus

  3. He is just participating in who has got the most baby mommas?

  4. In this day and age do you think the pregnancies were accidental? Ha Ha Ha Ha.

  5. Of course they're keeping the babies.

  6. He is just helping repopulate the world

  7. Farmgirl is right , it is just that Andrew and rick have their purposes mixed up.

  8. Oh god is everyone on that show ho’ing around? Why don’t people wrap it up?

  9. Wow, his wife definitely won’t forgive him.

  10. Well, at least they got rid of him instead of the pregnant women. Progress?

  11. You'd think he'd STAY on the show, since the payday could help cover the extra child support payments.

  12. Joshua Jackson the affair?

  13. I'm behind I don't have any ..ya know waiting til I was ready and in a decent place in my life..I better get cracking 😉

  14. If this is Andrew Lincoln then WOW will a lot of people I know be shook. From what I've heard he's supposed to be the 'good guy' of the cast. Hmmmmmm.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Not Andrew Lincoln, he's coming back to direct next season.

  17. Alternately, Tom Ellis, who already has cheating and baby-mama scandals in his past. His show Lucifer was rather abruptly cancelled while it was still quite popular, causing fan outcry, then Netflix picked it up. Personally I don't care for the show but I know it has its avid fans, so the sudden cancellation caught my attention.

  18. Low Key - he's good alright!

    I actually laughed when I read this. Maybe Andrew will direct episodes around the due dates so he has an excuse to go back stateside.

  19. A Madonna song comes to mind.....

  20. Golly, if only there were multiple methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies, this whole thing could have been avoided.

  21. Geez...I thought Californians were so FORWARD THINKING?
    Have none of them heard of that alternative to abortion...
    Called BIRTH CONTROL?!

  22. They film in Georgia, not California.

  23. Damon Wayans? He just announced he’s leaving the show

  24. Anonymous5:07 PM

    No idea if this is Andrew Lincoln but as I said well over a month ago here Reedus definitely has got a young English actress pregnant as well as maybe baby Diane Kruger, so another two pregnant women courtesy of the that production now.He and Lincoln should elope-less risky.

  25. Yeah I actually read this as Damon Wayans and maybe that other guy that got fired last year?

  26. nvm not foreign born derpppppp

  27. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Kunal Nayyar, from Big Bang Theory

    (Chuck Lorre's closing message, during the credits, episode two: "Foreboding". Why would Lorre write that?Something big is coming.)

  28. I wanna know more about Reedus and the young English actress.. since u r the only one talking about this. Spew...

  29. Anonymous6:13 AM

    She was pulled from a European production because she was pregnant and had relocated because babydaddy had set her up where she was convenient to him and the whisper on the production is it's Reedus. He's got to have kids all over the place and seems like he gave a dose of his behaviour to Andrew Lincoln.I wonder if this blind was someone's on set confusion about who got who pregnant because Reedus is a trainwreck but Andrew Lincoln always seemed to have his shit together.

  30. Thanks for the scoop! That's really great gossip. I'm also waiting to see more of the Kruger pregnancy shit. Come on..neither one are talking or anything about this "awesome" event? Like wouldn't paps and stuff be all over Reedus...asking questions like "how do you feel about becoming a dad again after 18 years??" First time mom Kruger doesnt say a WORD about this??? I'm thinking the IVF story is true...wonder who the "known" donor is??

  31. No way, Andy Lincoln getting random chicks pregnant is not a good enough reason for him to leave a cash cow like TWD. They'll still be pregnant if he's in the UK? Makes no sense. Unless of course wifey gave him an ultimatum.

  32. I kind of think something is a bit off here.....I agree with the poster above who said this is mixed up. Reedus is the one knocking everyone up and Andy is just done because it's time.

    What I really would like to know, is all the deets on Reedus. You hear such conflicting comments about him. Either he's a falling down drunken asshat or he's the sweetest nicest guy around.

    I want to know the deets on Reedus please.

  33. I hope one of these two ladies calls one of these sprogs Carrrrrrl.
