Monday, October 29, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Mischief Not Managed

A no show to a very big event bearing his name this past week. Apparently things have hit a very rough patch between this A+/A list mostly movie actor and his significant other. Apparently though, it has nothing to do with the very young member of the waitstaff he met at a different party and spent two nights with instead of going to his big event. The reason for the rough patch is because the wife was supposed to take care of some issues that happened on another continent that has been plaguing our actor for several years. The family of the 16 year old that was nearly killed falling off a cliff while fleeing from our actor is making more noise. The money has yet to be settled because the 16 year old is going to need medical help for life. What was supposed to be hush hush and done, is still out there. It nearly came out two years ago when I first wrote about it. 


  1. Age of consent in Italy is only 14. Explains alot.

  2. The older blind seems to be Clooney on ratings description

  3. Yes the pilot was missing a stewardess

  4. Enty was quick! I think the other poster thought the boy died.The no show Amal,not at either party.

  5. If it's Clooney what event did he miss? He went to those Halloween parties which were for Casamigos. Was there something else, too?

  6. I never noticed it back then but there is no gender listed for the teen. So if the teen is a young man I can see this being GC.

  7. is Clooney gay? this victim a girl or boy child?

  8. Btw, whatever happened to the boy who was in the scooter crash with GC?

  9. Isn't "mischief managed" a Harry Potter reference?

    1. Yes, which is why my first thought was Johnny Depp.

  10. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Clooney apparently missed one of the parties

  11. You know him marrying a lawyer makes a lot more f*cking sense now, probably saved a fortune in the fees for keeping his victims quiet. He really would chase young ass off a cliff.

  12. Didn't Clooney have a boy on the back of his motorcycle in Italy when he crashed it earlier this year but managed to cover that up as well? This dude may have a lot of skeletons in his closet!

  13. @Chris P if you click where it says "two years ago" in the blind it'll take you to the original blind 2 years ago describing the incident in question!

    @Brayson I thought the same thing! Awfully convenient to marry a lawyer...

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    yes apple it is. so i thought of johnny depp because the new fantastic beats comes out in a couple weeks but it doesnt fit.

  15. The boy(?) On the scooter was on a different one,he rode past then walked back to check on him. I oh comment that he was Clooney's special friend is from here,as far as I know.

  16. I thought it was weird that Amal wasn’t at any of the parties. She loves publicity and the camera so I can’t see her missing any party like that.

  17. @Ophelia . Thanks. This guy always seemed too good to be true. Handsome, charming, witty. Definitely does make sense to marry a world class lawyer. She's complicent tho, lawyer or not. And just because a there is a low consent age doesnt make it right . hes a pedo.

  18. Anonymous10:45 AM

    George and Amal. He missed one of the two parties for his former tequila brand. What a horrible story about the kid. I hope that's not true.

  19. There are photos of Clooney at the Casamigos party.

  20. And how serendipitous that this blind showed up today when I just a few minutes ago I asked about that accident at his villa, under another blind.

    1. 😂😂😂😂 Enty is not subtle lol

  21. Do Tell: that's an astounding coincidence! It's almost like Enty makes these up on the spot.

    Next up: the murder of Kate Spade.

  22. Though the Italian media mentioned it was a teen female or is that the one photographed getting undressed at a window. 14 is too young !! Omg

  23. The pedophile protection team has parachuted in! LOL.


  25. Consistent with Enty's eloquent & clear writing style - I think this blind may be worded a bit strange.

    I think he could be trying to say that the significant other didn't show even though it was for her husband? This would fit wit Amal not being at the Casamigos party.

    Yay, Entyspeak!

  26. Reading the blind from 2 years ago makes me sad. Remember when people exchanged info and were polite? The snarky idiots really make the board less fun.

  27. I think this means Amal was missing. She is tending to her $18,000 coat collection. If this was an event she could wear designed clothes,she would get out of her death bed.

    1. Sounds legit. I can totally buy it.

  28. There's definitely something fishy about the Clooney/Amal couple.

  29. Although it you read down further it says he missed a event.Oh well. Amal I think was at the first but not the second Halloween party.

  30. 'World class' lawyers win cases, something Amal has yet to do.

    Clooney is one of those Hollywood morons, who never finished high school.
    His judgement fails him every time; it also failed him at picking a partner to marry. Everyone hates her, his career is over, and he's become a laughing stock.

  31. Amal

    Dat ass tho!

  32. When Clooney was shooting here in Vegas one of the Ocean's movies, everyone on set knew the he liked them (males) very young.

  33. @Hamid,what ass? Even "pregnant" with this she had none.

  34. With twins, stupid autocorrect strikes again!

  35. This original blind from 2016 was in August. Clooney didn’t marry until late September. Perhaps Enty was planning on publishing later than he did? Or it has to be someone else.

  36. @Perfumista, "The reason for the rough patch is because the wife was supposed to take care of some issues that happened on another continent that has been plaguing our actor for several years."

    It's been plaguing him for several years.

  37. Just to throw out a different suggestion..... Travolta. One of Kelly Preston's 80's movies was "Mischief". Doubt that this has any legs, but maybe something to ponder?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. @Brayson 87. I don’t understand. Enty posted in Aug of 2016, “He is married.” Clooney married in Sept. what am I missing?

  40. @ Perfumista they married in 2014.

  41. I'm flabbergasted that plot hasn't shown up yet with her normalization of pedo George.

  42. @ Mrs Meat

    I really hope you have noticed that a lot has changed in the last 2 years, especially after that Nationwide meltdown.

  43. The people who believe this is Clooney are also the ones who believe that Megan announced her pregnancy at that princess's wedding, and that Megan and Kate give each other dirty looks in public.

  44. Because of the HP reference...Gary Oldman?

  45. I did't judge Clooney for his sexual preference, or for him hiding it. I have always felt the women he has dated, and married, did so knowing he was gay. Until reading this blind, I didn't know he was involved in a situation where a 16 year old (who may have been 14 at time) was seriously injured, obviously for trying to avoid being assaulted by Clooney. I have lost all respect for him, and hope he is outed for what he did.

  46. @boredatwork......surprisingly Clooney did finish high school and then went on to college, his parents gave him a years tuition money and he spent it all partying during the first semester. He quit college after the first term and went to live with his aunt Rosemary in L.A.

  47. Ok,everyone,Clooney did not go to the first Halloween party. The pilot costume was the Vegas party. He was home changing diapers. That's what the gushing CNN story said. So this is what he missed.

  48. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Sounds made up as usual. That being said, I can't stand phoney Clooney, always thought he gave off an unsettling vibe, like there was something sinister lurking beheath that charming, suave facade.

    1. +1

      It’s like how the audience is supposed to feel when we watch that restaurant scene in “American Psycho”, isn’t it? Like, we (the audience) know what a terrible person Patrick Bateman is, but his dinner mates are eating up all the SJW shit he’s spewing. I feel that way about certain overly-beloved world leaders too...

      Celebrities who go overboard with their SJW-dom are like the individual/human equivalents of CSR. The more they virtue-signal, the more fucked-up I think they are. 😒

      It’s like Unilever. Their social media is just a feed of non-stop do-gooder CSR activities, but in reality, they are one morally messed-up company: 🤷🏻‍♀️

      (Side note to stalkery #JellyFakeGranny: You know you’ve reached the pinnacle of #basic when you’re on Enty’s site and out of all the fucked-up crap you could be outraged about, some commenters’ “rare wisdom” is what gets your panties in a bunch. What real “granny” gets jelly about strangers online like they’ve developed zero wisdom throughout the years... Fake and shady AF.)

    2. *ethically (not “morally”)

  49. @emeraldcity: that is surprising indeed. Whenever he opens his mouth, it sounds like he left school in 4th grade and never looked back

    1. When Amal eventually leaves him, they’ll cite “irreconcilable differences due to intelligence disparity.”

      Then Kneepads will run a story like, “she thought she was going to be The One to change him.”

      Enty’s readers: Honey, you can’t change stupid. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  50. childish gambino? He missed voodoo fest this weekend.

  51. The Harry Potter reference makes no sense.

  52. Diana Jenkins fuck puppet

  53. @Rufus T, my mistake- thanks for clearing that up. On another note, I can totally see Clooney with way young, but see him more with the female variety.

  54. It's Clooney. Harry Potter reference might be a nod to where they were wed--UK/London.

    "On 7 August 2014, the couple obtained marriage licences in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in London.[94] They married on 27 September 2014 in Venice's city hall"--Amal's Wikipedia page.

    Amal touts herself a Human Rights attorney. What does she get/gain by protecting Clooney? When does she get her reward?

    If they succeed in managing Clooney's mischief, we will know because he will run for political office.

  55. He's becoming more sociopathic as he ages and getting more mentally ill the longer he stays in the closet. When I first heard rumors about him I met his alleged boyfriend who was a very handsome fully grown man. What is it about these closet cases that they tend to go younger and younger as they age?

  56. @Halloweenie
    All gays like them young.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. No different than most hetero men esp the rich and famous ones.

  59. Harry Potter reference --->



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