Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Just Relax

Over the past two years, this foreign born former A- list singer in his own country who was much lower here despite his name recognition has been responsible for the deaths of at least five women. These women would all be alive if they had not met him. He would meet them online or dating apps. He would get to know them and date them and sleep with them, which is scary enough when it comes to him. He would tell them he wanted to move on to the next step with them, but to do that, they had to share in his lifestyle. He wanted them to use heroin with him. Most said no and he broke up with them then and there. The ones who did stay are for the most part dead. There are two women who used it with him once or twice and then got away as quickly as they could.

Our singer gets them hooked and makes them do more and more to earn their fixes. When he gets bored, he gives them a little too much and they fade off to nothingness. How does he get away with it all? This is a guy who years ago sold himself to so many powerful men and knows all their secrets. Their world of privilege would come crashing down. So, the deaths are noted as accidental overdoses. They just all seem to have happened with our singer presiding over them.


  1. The only foreign born singer with a high recognition name and not be an A-list singer here is Amy Winehouse's ex Pete Doherty.

    1. Who would want to date Dougherty? He looks like bloated strung out snd homeless. Zayn would be my guess

    2. Blake Fielder Civil is Amy’s EX andybrrok

    3. *sandybrook❤️

  2. And let's not forget we have learned recently Enty was friendly with Amy Winehouse at one time.

  3. How come A mazing Qu otes is always popping up... can't it be stopped?!

  4. He's probably got a lot of money and he's famous SD

  5. Ewwww. How about that pink floyd guy? Not a dan of their music but hear a lot of crap about him

    1. Interesting! I’ve read a lot about him being a controlling asshole, but nothing about heroin?

  6. Mika?," Relax, Take it easy"

  7. Roger Waters? All Pink Floyd members are legitimate Permanent A listers.

  8. Gary Barlow or Robbie Williams

  9. Pete Doherty lives in France in a tiny town close to Paris

    1. No he doesn't he lives on Margate in Kent.

  10. Dohertry was a street prostitute. His clients include many in police and political circles. This is a guy who gave drugs to His cat. He was close to Amy. Many stated his background kept him from long prison terms. Remember,Boy George and George Michael did time. They she have more,influence than Doherty.

  11. Robbie Williams?

  12. They should have more influence,autocorrect!

  13. @FrenchGirl,any spike in female heroin deaths there?

  14. I was thinking Robbie Williams too.

  15. @Tricia13,Amy denied she and Pete dated,but he said they did.They were very close regardless.

  16. The blind says women not men. Holly Johnson is as gay as a parade.

  17. Emin Agalarov. Emin was just...WOW!

  18. Pete Doherty was my first instinct guess.

  19. Mika is a bender, not him. Gary Barlow doesn't touch drugs. Robbie might but he's more into alcohol so I'm gonna go with Doherty which is in itself sad and hilarious because he's so disgusting and gross.

  20. I think this is Pete because he probably has every STD that exists. I think that’s why it says it’s scary enough coming from him for sleeping with these girls.

  21. I'd say it's good advice to not sleep with famous people generally, and not to take heroin also, but good advice gets some folks all riled up.

  22. Definitely Pete Doherty. An old but applicable article from The Telegraph:

  23. @Guesser.

    A joke on the old Holy Moly site at the time after Doherty yet again avoided prison was that he wouldn't even get sent down if he turned up at court wearing Madeline McCann as a hat.

  24. Robbie Williams has been married for 8 years, he's not out dating and killing women by overdosing them. Plus he puts on weight easily and frequently, that's not a junkie thing.

  25. @Lonely Bastard,unfortunately,probably true.

  26. Roger Waters lives in New York. I've met him at parties and liked him. Not him.

  27. Doherty has always been a waste of oxygen.

  28. Doherty has name recognition as the ex boyfriend of Kate Moss, not because of Amy Winehouse.

  29. +1, @Torr - I didn't even know Pete Doherty knew Amy Winehouse. I know him only as the guy Kate Moss dated.

  30. Pete Doherty for sure. There was a story not too long ago where he injected a passed out girl with heroin. He’s a creep. https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/6534156.html His connections must run deep because the image has been scrubbed from the internet.

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM


  31. Robbie Williams likes Cocaine and RX pills. I don't think this is him.

  32. Some of these guesses are hilarious, Jagger, Pink Floyd!?! it's quite clearly Pete Doherty, who i met in the queue for a manics gig many moons ago. His money comes from Kate moss to keep quiet about their relationship. Still a junkie, now a scumbag. Shame, he had genuine talent.

  33. Marc Anthony looks heroine chic.

  34. This is NOT Pete Doherty. He's married, has been sober for a good few years and lives a very quiet life in the English countryside. He still writes music and tours but it's all on a much smaller scale. None of his ex girlfriends have died under mysterious circumstances. That's a crock of shit. How do I know? One of my close friends is his neighbour and I see him every time I visit.



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