Today's Blind Items - It Was Murder
Halloween seems like a fitting day to talk about this Hollywood murder. It didn't actually happen in Hollywood. It happened a long way from Hollywood in fact, on a movie set. This long time A list dual threat actor was probably B+ list at the time. His offspring probably reached the same level of fame at their peak. The offspring has shinier hardware nominations for their efforts. Anyway, our actor told the person in charge on the set that he knew not only about the financial exploitation of all the young children, tweens and teens on the set, but also the sexual exploitation. This was back in the day in a faraway place before there were smart phone or social media. Do you know how much child porn was filmed during this movie? Hundreds and hundreds of hours which is still floating through Hollywood. They used the same cameras from the filming of the movie. Our actor wanted to put a stop to it and was killed for his efforts. Some of the exploitation was revealed in an investigation, but that was just the tip. It was enough to get people to move on to other things.