Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Above 16? He Isn't Interested

Many female teenagers and former teenagers are coming forward to share their experiences with this A list Vegas guy who had a run at national prominence a few years back. He has been in this space before for his boorish behavior towards women in general, but now he has made a return appearance. Apparently he has a standard m.o. when it comes to hitting on very underage teens. He likes to separate the intended target from the rest of her friends. Once he gets them alone, he shows them a few tricks of the trade so to speak and then either makes a move right there or will invite them to his dressing room/hotel or wherever he thinks is the best place to assault the teen. He doesn't care where he is, he will find that underage teen and do his best to get them to come with him. It could be backstage at a venue or at a dinner where he spots her and makes a move.


  1. Or David Blaine, David Copperfield? I don't know why I think this is a magician.

  2. Could be because of this line "he shows them a few tricks of the trade". That screams magician to me.

  3. Not Carrot Top, he's gay and it specifies "her friends".

    1. No, we do not want him. We gave him back.

  4. I think it's Angel Montana he's a dirtbag.

  5. Whatever happens, I hope no one involves the authorities. I wouldn't want to upset the commenters here who like pedophiles to remain unbothered.

    1. @J Your logic is priceless. It's once thing to say, "I hope someone calls the police," and quite another to say, "What did the police say?", knowing that the police weren't called.

      One puts the blame on the perp. The other puts the blame on the victim.

      The only defender, it would seem, is you, since you perpetually blame the victim for not alerting the authorities to his/her trauma.

      Having said that: I hope someone turns this asshole in so he can rot in prison.

  6. I agree, Montana. What other trade's "tricks" would seem all that interesting to a 16-year old? "Here's how we initiate the payroll transactions. Pretty cool, huh?"

  7. Angel is returning to Planet Hollywood

  8. Payroll transactions are the devils handiwork.😎😇

  9. How bout Steve Wynn?

  10. @J,
    You are always mentioning the authorities but what about these girls’ parents? The blind mentions very underage teens, which is what, 14 or 15? At that age, the only events I’d be allowed to attend where something like this could possibly happen would be concerts. I’d have to beg my parents to let me go and someone’s parents would drop us off and pick us up & my mother would always say ‘stick together girls’.

    So what are these very young teens doing in Vegas or at other venues where shit like this could happen? And don’t their parents warn them to be careful?

    Whoever the perpetrator is belongs in jail, but ffs, people, look out for your kids & don’t let them go to age-inappropriate events. My brother has a 14 year old daughter who is very beautiful and mature-looking for her age, and if she wants to go to something like this, he or his wife (or both) will take her & a friend. They did the same thing when my older niece was younger. She was dying to see Lady Gaga, so he took her with a friend. End of story.

  11. Don't you have to be 21 or accompanied by a parent to go into Vegas casino's?

  12. Please remember LE is CORRUPT, especially in DC but also in Los Angeles County and in Vegas. Know for a FACT this is 100% true.

    Underage teens are too humiliated & embarrassed to let the world know they were vulnerable & naive. Therefore they are extremely reluctant to report rape & abuse. FACT.

  13. You can see crabby, tired toddlers in Vegas casinos, parents are distracted gambling. Casino security is supposed to take action, and they will in the better ie pricier casinos. Technically they don't allow those under 21 to gamble. Casinos have food courts and movie theaters to attract teens. Rarely do you see parents along as chaperones.

    Unless you're an established high roller, casinos will not get involved at all unless it's their $$$ that is being threatened. Buyer beware.

  14. Wayne Newton. Remember how he stalked Ellen Griswold? He was playing the long game to get to Audrey. Or Russ.

  15. As Simon says, I think Wynn.

  16. "Dressing room" sounds like a performer.

  17. Alleged victims, witnesses, friends who hear stories from witnesses, parents too... seems like (given the countless blinds of this sort) there are lots of people in a position to report suspicious behavior to the authorities... but instead they don't bother, finding it more fun to let a blind-gossip website publisher in on their secrets.

    And Liv, I think what you're trying to criticize is my rhetoric, not my logic. Regarding my logic, all the parties listed above are to blame if real crimes don't go reported, not just (or even, in some cases) the victim.

    Aquagirl, what you're doing, asking why these victims are in dangerous situations, is called victim-blaming. Even if it's the most constructive, natural question in the world, you're not supposed to ask it. It's worse than saying Bruce Jenner isn't a woman.

    1. @J I'm sorry I wasn't more clear.

      I'm criticizing your logic. People who are critical of your rhetoric are pedo defenders?

      Also, nice straw man fallacy. (Once again logic, not rhetoric.) You know what that is and you wield it well.

      None of your critics have ever said the abusers should go unpunished.

      But while we're on the topic, your rhetoric sucks as well. Thanks for the reminder.

      Aquagirl is hardly victim-blaming. The parents aren't the victims and that's who she's criticizing.

      But nice attempt to confuse the definition of "victim-blaming" to fit your misogynist agenda.

    2. And +1 Copperfield. That man deserves prison.

  18. First one to spring to mind was David Blaine who has been accused of rape/sexual assault by several women. I gotta say though, I always got gay vibes from him. But then again, I also thought Cristiano Ronaldo was gay.

    'A list Vegas guy who had a run at national prominence a few years back' must be a major clue.

  19. +1 Copperfield He’s been accused of drugging and raping a 17 year old girl before and there have been rumours about him for years.
    Angel wouldn’t surprise me either, total sleazebag. I remember he used to hang around Paris Jackson when she was 14/15.

  20. Are we sure this isn't Gallagher? How to smash a watermelon would be interesting to a 15 year old.

  21. Enty’s clue ‘tricks of the trade’ definitely makes me think this is a magician. Blaine doesn’t fit as well as Copperfield or Angel to me because he’s not so much of a Vegas showman. The other two have/had residency shows for years.

  22. Don't think it's Criss Angel, pretty sure he's gay. I met someone who worked for him and asked, he didnt confirm or deny but hesitated pretty long.

  23. @Post Cards, sounds like that hesitation could be the he'll-fuck-pile-of-rocks-if-he-thinks-there's-something-breathing-underneath-it pause.

  24. Copperfield was nationally known for years before his Vegas residency,although I'm sure he does this kind of thing. Probably someone who only became nationally known recently. Someone here will get it because of the old blind. There was a popular guess,do not remember it.

  25. This fits Criss Angel. He did have national prominence a few years ago with his TV show.

  26. The "had a run with national prominence a few years back" line means it's clearly not Copperfield, Blaine or Penn Jillette. They are all world-famous and have been for a long time.

    Criss Angel fits. He's Vegas, he's a magician and he's pretty much only known outside Vegas because of the TV run he had a few years back.

    This blind refers to him, according to AGC:


  28. Agreed, Angel is the best fit for this.

    I forgot Penn Gillette, I remember there being a blind about him carrying a binder with child pornography pics in around with him. This isn’t him, but blinds like this only help to reconfirm my lifelong fear of magicians!

  29. "It's not unusual to be raped by Vegas performers..." nah just kidding Tom, this sounds like a magician.

  30. Hi Liv!

    Which logical error(s) have I made?

    1. Hi, J!

      I guess saying "Straw man" wasn't clear enough.

      So, straw man fallacy. You are repeating an argument that was never made. ie "Pedos should remain unbothered."

      Nobody had ever made that case here. We just don't like your, erm, rhetoric.

  31. Liv, every time I ask whether the police were contacted, some posters (usually the same few) become very upset and start hurling insults at me.

    Could you tell me why that's such a trigger for the hysterical?

    Also, I see you've appointed yourself spokesperson for everyone. Congratulations! Must be exciting to see your career soar like that... to self-appointed honcho of a gossip comment board.

  32. Copperfield owns an island.

  33. Copperfield's shot an national prominence (which he achieved) was more than a few years ago so I'd go for a newer magician who was big 5-10 years ago. I hate magicians so couldn't think of any names. Even Blaine seems unlikely to be described as 'having a shot at national prominence a few years ago'. Too popular. Too well known - him and Copperfield (hence why even I have heard of them).

  34. I feel like its got to be a magician.

    I feel like the description doesn't match David Copperfield, as it would likely include 'long time' or 'legendary-at-this-point', and he didn't really have a 'run at national prominence a few years back', his biggest moments were 30-plus years ago.

    It has to be David Blaine or Criss Angel. Between the two of them I feel like David Blaine was more nationally prominent a few years ago with the live 'stunt'-type shows, but Angel's popular phase was a bit more recent, so....

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. That's funny, J, I could ask you why are so many hysterical misogynists triggered by rape? Twenty years ago, you never saw men faux crying victimhood over rape being reported by the media like you do nowadays.

    Your "what did the police say?" posts are obnoxious and arrogant because you're implying that the victim is lying or that they didn't go to the police when you DON'T KNOW if they have spoken to the police or not.

    Savile's victims reported him to the police over several decades. The police did nothing. The Rotherham victims went to the police who turned a blind eye because they didn't want to be accused of racism. For some women, reporting to the police is not even an option due to beatings and honour killings. Which is why you're a vile, obnoxious, embittered wanker..

  37. David Coppa-feel doesn't beg for it. I'm guessing Angel ?

  38. Viking Song, the Rotherham blog is three doors down. This is the blog about Hollywood.

    Still, I'd say that each time a Rotherham or Savile victim went to the authorities, they did a good thing. Apparently you disagree.

    Mixing up Hollywood and Rotherham... just the kind of daffyness which sets your husband's loins a-tingle!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I'm guessing Dan Bilzerian, gambler who got famous for parading his wealth on IG. There's ALWAYS women in his pictures, and he rose to prominence when he paid to be in Lone Survivor but then saw his role cut from the film and he sued.



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