Friday, October 05, 2018

Four For Friday - Pimping

An actor who has fallen from some pretty big heights is this foreign born former A- list mostly movie actor. He got that high on the list, thanks to a franchise when he was younger. Since then, he has made bad choice after bad choice. If you run into him on the street, he is generally a nice guy if you want a photo. The people he isn't nice to are his employees. Oh, he has employees. They are women who he finds on the street where he buys his drugs. They tell him that he looks familiar. He throws out one or two lines from his movies and then buys them some drugs. He then convinces them to start turning tricks for him. This is where he changes in an instant. They assume he is going to be the same happy go lucky guy when they work for him.

Nope. Beatings are frequent, especially if they don't bring home enough money. He also sexually assaults them, usually using objects he finds around the house. There have been several of his employees who have required hospitalization, but they don't say anything. He is an evil person hiding behind that failed movie star facade.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Remember when Four for Friday actually included 4 blinds?

    Gerard Butler?

  3. Hayden Christensen?

  4. Tom Felton from Harry Potter??

    1. I can so see this being him. Everything he has been in since HP has been godawful. Grim.

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Hayden Christensen?

  6. Since we're talking about him on the other reveal how about Orlando Bloom?

    1. I second this guess. Always smiling in photos.

  7. Somebody from the American Pie franchise?

  8. It would break my cold black heart if it was one of the Potter boys. I've actually met Felton, seemed like a nice kid.

  9. Unfortunately I don’t think Bloom is former anything yet, but he is headed that way.

  10. +1 for Darth Vadar, he too is hiding behind a facade...Inthought that might be a clue.

  11. Definitely with @incredible gecko with this.

    'You're a pimp, 'Arry."

  12. I second the Edward Furlong guess.

  13. +1 to the Hayden C guessers.

    Remember his "regular guy" facade was publicly on display at that ComicCon interview or wherever that was a few years back.

  14. I hope this gets revealed soon!

    1. Yup. This person should be in jail. Even if for some reason would be Radcliffe, all that "admiration" had for him would go down the toilet. The critique he had for Depp, that about everyone deserves the same equal rights, and his "progressive thoughts" would be all false. I hope deep in my heart is not him... if it is :,( I thought he was "good," "kind," one of the few people with feelings, and a consciousness. He would be far from being an humanist. He has even complained about his character in KYD or HP about how selfish they can be, if that's true he has the worst psychiatric issues, and he would not be a sociopath, but a full psychopath. If he really was abused on set, it wasn't those ladies fault. It would be so sad for me ...

  15. I don't think Edward Furlong is foreign born, although everything else I know about the dude would make this one fit...

    I *really* don't want it to be Hayden C. I think I'm one of the few people who think he's actually a pretty decent actor. He was crap in the Star Wars movies because the Star Wars movies were crap. Fight me.

  16. Ok wait I got it wrong...I was thinking of Jake Lloyd from Episode 1---he gave that awkward interview at the convention.

  17. Not Furlong, but somebody along those lines.
    Not Radcliffe because just no. He's too successful for this.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Whats the "four for" stand for Enty?
    Its Friday tho. Nailed that part

  20. I think maybe Mickey rourke

  21. I don't think anyone from Harry Potter would be buying drugs on the street.

    Also, bad choices could mean personal or career, probably both. So somebody who we already know has a police record &/or drug habit.

  22. @Sara that's what I thought at first but rereading the blind I get the sense this is someone that has a nice, down to earth reputation.

    I think this is older than Harry Potter and the actor might have been a kid or teenager since emphasis on "younger".

    The main people that popped into mind for me aren't foreign born :/ (looking at you, Tobey)

  23. "I don't like sand." "Oh, I recognize you now!"

  24. What about Alex Pettyfer? Ticking off Channing Tatum was a bad choice that turned his blooming career around.

    Hiding behind an evil facade could be a reference to that Beastly movie he did with Hudgens & the Olsen twin.

    He's still working but doesn't have nearly the credits or status he had during his Magic Mike days.

  25. He played I Am Number Four... Enty is trying to finally make Four For Friday fit... lol ok that one is a stretch

  26. Alex Pettyfer could absolutely fit, although I'm not sure what the franchise would be. Is Magic Mike considered a franchise? Plus, he was only in the first one...

    Dude is a complete D-Bag from what I've heard and read, though. It's a good guess!

    1. I used to know someone who went to school with Alex Pettyfer and said he was a total asshole to everyone. I don’t think this blind is about him, but just wanted to confirm that he seems like a douche.

  27. @LooksLikeCRicci I'm not sure but Enty considered Rob Pattinson part of the HP franchise when he was only in 1 out of 8 movies so I'm never sure how strict the clues are lol

  28. Edward from Twilight

  29. Anonymous11:52 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. So wish this was Sean Astin but he is in stranger things

  31. Four for Friday used to include four blinds back in the old days when Enty would just write a bunch of gossip posts andd then one blind. Even earlier was good old Full Frontal Friday with dick pics of stars.

  32. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Ricky Gervais

  33. I don't want to even say this, because I loved him for years, but Orlando Bloom fell from a window and broke his back when he was a teenager..."fallen from
    skme pretty bug heights" was the clue that made me think Enty means him. :(

    1. "fallen from some pretty big heights". sorry.

  34. The Harry Potter dude, Rathcliffe.

  35. Could this be Jean Claude Van Damme?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. It's beyond ridiculous to think that this is anybody from HP, but ESPECIALLY Dan Radcliffe. He works. All. The. Time.

  38. Someone with catch phrases.

    Someone we really haven't seen since their thing that made them.

    Foreign born.

    Mike Myers

    1. Mike’s net worth is 175 million. I doubt it’s him.

  39. what about MacCauly Culkin (sp?)?

  40. I thought of McCauley Culkin too, but he's not foreign born. Daniel Radcliffe seems to film 2-3 movies a year, fairly sure he wouldn't have time, but I can't think of anyone else.

  41. I thought Furlong right away.

  42. Krab said...
    Four for Friday used to include four blinds back in the old days when Enty would just write a bunch of gossip posts andd then one blind. Even earlier was good old Full Frontal Friday with dick pics of stars.


    I never was able to enjoy Full Frontal Fridays because of work.

    Four fo Friday was something I looked forward to every week.

    Those were the days.

  43. Hugh Grant? Hasn't had a hit in years, and we know has a thing for the hookers

  44. Hugh Grant? Hasn't had a hit in years, and we know has a thing for the hookers

  45. Jean Claude Van D


  46. I've seen photos of Radcliffe shaking hands with Mike Tyson

  47. I'd go with Edward Furlong but I don't think he fits the franchise thing very well. He was in franchises. But not for more than one film as far as I remember. He was in Terminator 2 and Pet Sematary 2. Unless it's ok to just assume that being in one movie of a franchise counts.

    He was supposed to be the next big child star when T2 came out. But he had an horrific stage family and developed all sorts of messed up problems resulting in what you see today. What a train wreck. At least he isn't scamming people like Feldman though.

    But I don't really think it's Furlong. He isn't foreign born right? I don't know where he was born. But I don't think he's Canadian or was brought to America from another country as a baby. If he is foreign born then I just didn't know.

    Daniel Radcliffe was a big child star due to the Harry Potter films so I think as a child he'd be considered A+ list. Harry Potter was all over the place for years. Maybe one of the co-stars then?

    Also, I recently saw Swiss Army Man and it was really really good. You'd think it wouldn't be. But it is. It's not what you might be expecting. It's actually a very touching film about love and friendship. I was expecting so bad it's good and got "heartwarming story about a man and a corpse" instead.

    So it's gotta be someone who was huge. But then fell down to the bottom and got glued there by his own horrible life choices. There are so many failed child stars. Who to pick? I think I'm getting the flu. So the gears in my head won't turn right now. Gosh darnit!

    Maybe this doesn't necessarily have to be a child star but someone who is just an older adult now. Him being able to utter a few recognizable lines from his films to fans probably means that he had a catch phrase or there were at least famous lines everyone knows.

    I'm surprised no silly people tried to say Michael J Fox or anything ridiculous like that.

  48. Jean Claude Van Damme. Fallen from some pretty big heights - makes it seem as though it's an action star. Had a series of movies "Soldier" or something like that.

  49. Could it be Daniel Radcliffe?
    That about "falling some very big heights," could it be related to an accident he had in the past? He fell from 25 stairs. Could it be a simple metaphor? I would be very disappointed. I have always admired the star somehow, but as one philosopher of my school told me "not all the famous people are moral." He had claimed in the past to not have spend nothing of his earnings from the HP franchise. Is this thread revealed? Also a blind makes a inference that some famous people don't have the access of their earnings. My question is... if that would be Radcliffe, why? "Just for fun," Also, it would be very hypocritical from him, hence he was very upset when Emma Watson got harassed in a dark alley. He seems to have "a good relationship," with his girlfriend, even she has remarked to him that fans could be rude to him, if he would be that pimp, I believed he would be more of an arse, but I don't know. Some people think that the HP actors wouldn't be buying drugs in the street, I do.
    It seems that as he established in the past, "it's not all rainbow and sunshine," I have read some blinds here, and I can tell that the HP set was hell, many young boys being raped. Once Radcliffe, the interview is in "funny or die," in YouTube, many people believed he was acting, I don't think so, he seemed pretty high, and there is a point where he said to the interviewer "You don't know all that I have been through" it was touching for me, and it's still unbelievable to me that all them have some sanity after that. Rupert is sort of retired, Emma is an advocate for women, and if You realized Radcliffe has been the one, sort of quiet. Some in the blinds list him as either -B or -A actor, but as this blind is written, it was kind of the same way of writing as that one about Emma Watson not getting along with the cast of Little Women.
    I have read another blind, where there's a male with a fetish of touching nude women, while masturbating in an all-white room. I have seen HP videos, and everything and most of the time Radcliffe is very white rooms. I mean, I don't care, actually it would be more acceptable than him being a pimp. I hope not, but after all the trauma in HP. Many people from there have lost their sanity to a point. Now... why there is not an investigation about this? This is serious, and believe me or not, I don't care, in case is Radcliffe, I don't care if it is him. Actually, I will lost all my respect for him, all of it. Hollywood is not glamourous and beautiful, but it's flooded with pedophilia, prostitution, trafficking, traumas, people making a drama for everything, nasty and rude people, booze and drugs.
    Also, Rupert Grint seems to be a fan of the "Clockwork turned orange," so do I, but could it be?
    Here what it is confusing is the way the actor is listed, but Radcliffe has been listed as -A in the past so does -B and A so far. Emma Watson has been listed as -A, and I'm not sure about Rupert. But this is very shady stuff, I just want this thread to be revealed, and yes I would be so heartbroken, disappointed and disgusted if it's him, Radcliffe.
    He has blamed men in the past to be in the "friendzone," he supported Emma Watson while harassed. He seems to have "good feelings, and a gentleman." He told an actress that it wasn't necessary for her to take off her high heels. Unless he secretly wanted her to suffer with the worn high heels (joke). I don't know there are so many cues that don't make me think about him being that psychopathic. He even likes assertive women. He likes that women take initiatives, and he's being raised by strong women. He even disagreed with Johnny Deep. Maybe is not him.

  50. Awfully stalker mode, god. I feel embarrassed. I discovered this site due to a mysteries' site on the web, anyway... Radcliffe? Could it be?
    If that's true that quote is not true, and deceives himself.
    Why? To be an Einstein admirer would be the worst from the worst of him...
    Unless the "Clean Freak" blind is very sweet and cute, if that's true. Could be between Eddy Radmayne (don't know how to write it), or him ...

  51. Devon Murray!?
    Edward Furlong fits too, but He's not foreing-born. He used to be very handsome :/



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