Thursday, October 18, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 11, 2018

She only uses one name, but it is a tough one to pronounce unless you have heard it before. She is A- list. She also recently gave a speech about being who you are and not trying to change to please others and blah blah blah. What she didn't say was anything about her lap band surgery and her breast lift and enlargement and some work done to her face. But yeah, keep telling people you did it all on your own through diet and exercise.



  1. I had to take a look at her, if she hasn't had extensive work done on her face, I'd be surprised. Not just some work--extensive work.

  2. I was confused because Sza has never been a bigger woman so had no clue why she would need lap band surgery. I don't think I can find a pic of her online showing her as overweight, so always looked thin to me.

  3. Oh yeah she has definitely had facial work. When you see her older pics and her pics now, you can see the nose job, chin and cheek implant, dental work.

  4. I've never heard of her before. I had to look her up.

  5. Sjar? Is that how it's pronounced? I've only ever seen her name in print.

  6. I hope she does not go all Tiffany Haddish and think the public will buy any crap just cause her name is on it. That first album by SZA was amazing.

  7. It’s pronounced “Sizzza”

  8. Sofa?
    Sucka? is that how you pronounce Sza?

  9. Why would she need a lap band? She was never overweight

  10. I was wondering if she had something done to her face.. she tweeked it just enough though.

  11. I don’t get the lap band thing either but she said she lost 90lbs through diet and exercise . But I can’t find an overweight picture of her. Definitely had face work.

    1. She was big. And on her second interview w/ the Breakfast Club, she talks about it. That’s what made me look up for her first interview w/ them. It was heartbreaking when I found out. I was a newer SZA fan but to see how she (had to?) changed herself so drastically is just sad. She’s so talented...but it’s just sad. Amazingly...she’s achieved success, “outer beauty” and fame and she still doesn’t seem happy or fulfilled. Interesting....

  12. A-? I had to Google her and still have no clue who she is. C'mon Enty, let a grownup edit your posts once in a while.

    1. I know who SZA is snd have no need to google. But that guy that died in the pond,i have no clue who he is.

  13. She’s A- in R&B. My goodness people, it’s certainly possible people are quite successful outside your particular world lol.

  14. @Unknown- She has 2 sisters. Ppr and Rok. Might be wrong on the spelling, tho.

    1. They were told by their parents not to run with her.

  15. Unknown and HeatherBee hahaha

  16. Yikes, her new chin looks crooked!

  17. her chin implant looks huge for her face, I guess she went to Iggy Azalea's surgeon. I hate this kind of surgery always remind me of the Scream mask or those Bogdanoff twins

  18. She looked human before. I just don't get why you'd pay a lot of money to look generic.

  19. This woman can SING! I love her music. But Ive never seen her overweight, never seen any pics online of her being overweight. You can tell she had her chin and nose done though.
