Thursday, October 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 4, 2018

This A list mostly television actress who has had middling success in movies just doesn't know when to let things go. Once again, the actress from an iconic role is throwing a former co-star under the bus and blaming her for a reboot failure. In reality it is the A lister who is the hangup because of her money and diva demands.

Sarah Jessica Parker/Kim Cattrall/Sex And The City


  1. so whos the diva? Sarah or Kim. Both seems equally narcissistic divas to me.

  2. Sarah diva. She blamed Kim. Kim has too much class to roll in the muck. "Don't use me bitch, go away"...said once and done.

    1. If you remember, Sarah employed Cohen to respond. She's low.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sarah wants to do the movie because she cant get roles Kim wants nothing to do with horses she can't ride.

  5. Salt block or glue factory... make your choice.

  6. Got to be sensitive.

    Everybody loves Kim Cattrall best, I've never met a single intelligent person who's favorite character on that show was Carrie.

  7. But Kim herself said she’s not interested in doing a third film. So how is it SJP? Either way, Kim has every right to say no. She shouldn’t be bashed for it. Although I would hope that the third movie took the girls back to NYC life and not just showing off their wealth

  8. I can't wrap my head around this one, really Most SATC story lines were pretty separate. Maybe they would talk to each other over lunch or meet up at a party, but most stories were on 1 actress at a time. Are they saying SATC could not focus on the 3 without Kim? Hmmmmm.

  9. I love Kim. Sarah, you horse, just go away. Nobody likes you.

  10. Kim is smart for saying no, the last movie was so unbelievably bad, it only deserves to be forgotten.

  11. "Are they saying SATC could not focus on the 3 without Kim?"

    They could, but it would be terrible. You can't get rid of the best character, it would destroy the chemistry that made the show successful in the first place.

  12. SJP is just jealous of Kim looking hotter than her at 62.

  13. but Kim had cancer in the last one....the new one could take place after her passing, they come together post funeral, have a renewed vision for their lives, live out Kim's wishes for certain causes and honor her legacy, blah blah blah!!! i read Kim didn't want to do a she has aged, and was tired of the whole sex pot role, etc.

  14. Kim Cattrell could have just said "No thanks," and let it go, but she was rather upset. Her brother did die around the same time as the dust up with SJP. When someone is grieving a death, everybody has to cut them the widest amount of slack because people say and do things when they are grieving that makes no sense to anyone else. Never judge a grieving person. Also, give them a lot of space.

    And, uh, SJP is very beautiful in an unconventional way.

  15. Yuck. She tried so hard at the Met Gala this year but nobody cared. I chuckled just because this would be such a dagger to the heart for her.

  16. No, not everyone "loves Samantha best." I find her completely expendable and there could easily be another movie without her. She was there as comic relief, which Kim did well, but Samantha was not the heart of SATC and I wasn't particularly interested in herstorylines.

    I could also do without the annoying Charlotte, but whatever.

    I think KIm Cattrall is a certain degree of batshit, and kind of an asshole in how she's conducted herself and for at least one of her complaints. She felt her character was disrespected? Her character didn't have baby shit smeared on her forehead, like Miranda, or given the shits twice onscreen, like Charlotte's character, or made to fart in front of her boyfriend, or photographed atrociously for a cover of a national magazine, or made to fall on her face wearing a pair of panties and a jacket in front of a New York Fashion Week crowd, like Carrie. Her character got a facial peel,so what. And getting a cancer storyline is something most actors would love.

    I don't know what went on between them, nobody does, but the diplomatic one was not Cattrall, before or after her brother's tragic death. She should have not responded at all, or had someone contact SJP directly to tell her to leave her the hell alone, instead of taking yet another opportunity to lash out in the press.

  17. Just let this die. SJP acts like she wrote this stuff and has even gotten upset with other versions of Carrie; remember the Carrie Diaries? Candace Bushnell has not hidden how annoyed she gets with SJP acting like she created Carrie & Co. Just let it GO!

  18. I never cared about SATC, I think I only watched a few episodes because there was some really hot blond guy who dated one of the characters but then he left and I lost interest. Lol I know, I'm horrible

  19. SATC 2 was so bad and cheesy I'm surprised anyone's even thinking about it. whats with the personal hate though sheesh

  20. SJP needs to move on she is way to old to resurrect this series again. Kim is right.

  21. This blind is dubious at best. Itwas Kim who said she didn’t want to do the movie, and SJP and whoever played Charlotte both said the movie wasn’t made because Kim didn’t want to participate. They’re all in agreement. Why would Kim take the fall for SJP as the cause of the movie not being made?

  22. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Why would anyone cling to a role they created twenty odd years ago? That was then; this is Now. We are not meant to turn the clock back. Life is in front of you. Stop living in the rear view mirror!

  23. No wonder Kim didn't want to get involved in another movie.
    And all this time I thought SJP resembled the front part of a horse!
