Monday, October 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 12, 2018

This former A list singer turned seller of clothing and frequent poster to social media shares an ob/gyn with the current significant other of an ex. The former singer has referred dozens of new patients to the celebrity doctor, so when our former singer was scheduled to be in the office at the same time as her ex's significant other, she made the doctor's office cancel the appointment of her ex's wife.

Jessica Simpson/Vanessa Lachey


  1. There's a pic of her chowing down at an Italian restaurant on the Internet this weekend. She has ballooned up to 300 lbs again. Looked like she was eating the glaze off the plate!

  2. Its probably just 200 because she is five feet tall. And its all in the face/chest area.

  3. Sd Auntie: I was just kidding. She wouldn't be able to move if she got to 300. I'm 5 feet, as well. If I had her $$$ I would weigh 500. I would hit every 5 Star restaurant in the world. That's why I am splurging this week on Mega Millions and Powerball tickets!!! Somewhere out there, there is a fork with my name on it!

  4. I have a friend who was on tour with her for 2 years and was banging her in the ass the entire time. He told me point blank how much she loves it in the ass and that he spent two years on tour, banging her in the ass.

    Just because of that she can do no wrong. She'll always be a superstar to me. Even if she's 300 lbs.

  5. Y'all know she is approx 8 months pregnant so how about less body shaming? and @EFFYIEW - Guys have lied about having sex with me more times than I can count. A friend making a declaration that he did something with someone is not absolute truth and most likely locker room bs.

  6. @EFFYIEW …. cuz Jessica Simpson is a damn DRAG QUEEN. That's a man baby. Don't believe me, read into it, remove the fake tits and let me know how a woman would have a cleft chin (male trait) and man legs.

  7. @Daniela - I try to be as vague as I can because I really don't want to out any of my friends so I blur or leave out details, but here's the entire situation, still trying to leave out names/in what capacity my friends work for her.

    The friend I spoke of, I know for a fact was with her for two years so I don't doubt him. He also has a reputation for sleeping with the celebs he worked with. Before her, he was with Britney Spears, and slept with her, and I was, in fact with him when she called once looking to hook up, so I don't doubt that he slept with her.

    I had a second friend that did sleep with Jessica as well, but he did so, only once. Both of these occurred while she was with Nick Lachey, as she used to regularly cheat on him behind his back. The second friend had told me he slept with her and I said to him, "Does she take it in the ass?" he was shocked. I told him I have a friend who's on tour with her and told me the same thing. I work as a professional in the entertainment / music field so it's not uncommon for me to have friends who have sex with celebrities so this isn't like some random person claiming that they slept with her.

    As if that wasn't enough for me, fast forward to a year later and Wilmer Valderrama is on Howard Stern. Howard asks him that since Wilmer slept with Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson, and Jennifer Love Hewitt, can he reveal some details about the sex. Wilmer says he can't give specific details with the names, but he will say this, "You wouldn't believe it, but one of them will only take it in the ass." I remember screaming, "I fucking know who it is! It's Jessica!"

    Don't forget, John Mayer even said something about how she's "sexual dynamite" or something and how he'd pay to fuck her after they broke up. You won't get it because you're a woman, but only a chick who's raunchy enough to like getting fucked in the ass has that kind of effect on a man.

    I know this is a message board and so we don't know who each other is, but I know who I am, who I work with, and what I do for a living so I know for a fact, it's not locker room talk.

  8. @m styles Lol, if she is a he, my friends didn't admit to that and I wouldn't expect them to lol! But at this point stranger things have been known so I'm not about to call anyone's theories crazy!

  9. @Boo, "Looked like she was eating the glaze off the plate!" I love that, totally going to use it next time I see someone inhaling their food lol

  10. @Eff, Hey now a gentleman never tells lol

  11. That comment about Jessica Simpson being a man floored me. In the early 00's, I worked with a very smart and serious California boy who never joked about things and he swore that Jessica Simpson was transgender, and had been programmed and designed since a very young child. How bizarre that this should pop up again.

    1. Styles thinks every woman in Hollywood is transgender so I wouldn't read too much into it (cleft chin=Male trait... really?)

    2. So Nick likes a chick with a dick?
      What a prick.

  12. @Eff Yiew I wouldn't be surprised. I know a few girls that were "saving it for marriage" who were convinced that anal didn't count.

  13. Jess is preggers isnt she?

  14. @Eff Since these incidents happened while she was married I wonder if Jess thinks that ass sex doesn’t count as cheating? Wouldn’t surprise me, she isn’t the brightest, bless her!

  15. She must have a strong sphincter! LOL. And must not eat for days back in the day. 🤣

  16. Her butthole must be ginormous by now.

  17. Eff View's story was more interesting than the cancelling appointments. Apparently Jessica takes after her father!

  18. Anonymous9:18 PM


    If she is, how do you explain the three pregnancies?

  19. She can eat what she likes.
    As she's no longer anally retentive
    Everything just falls out of her bottom.
