Sunday, October 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 14, 2018

The emergency standby for last week got his own shot this weekend. It will be his last. Apparently, the powers that be have said he can be an emergency standby but nothing more than that from now on. It was quite the run. Pretty sure he has more guest appearances than anyone.

Paul Simon/SNL


  1. He's retiring when his tour is over.

  2. He will never really retire. He'll pop up at secret gigs from time-to-time. Look at Tony Bennett. Musicians never stop. It's who and what they are. A real national treasure.

  3. He'll retire when Simon says.

  4. He was the very first musical guest they ever had.

    1. Janis Ian was the first musical guest.

  5. Did something happen or is it just he's been on too many times?!

  6. I thought Elvis Costello was the first musical guest on SNL.

    1. But he couldn't stand up for falling down.

  7. Oops, no. Elvis probably the first *banned* musical guest. Billy Preston and Janice Ian were on the first show, Paul Simon on the second. Mixed feelings on him as a person, but as a musical talent, I appreciated his rendition of The Boxer when SNL did their first post-911 show.

    1. That performance of The Boxer gave me goosebumps!

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Musicians over age 70, who love to play New York and pretend they are 30 again.

  9. Andi F, the only thing that happened is that Paul Simon decided to grow old without plastic surgery. And that scared the children running 30 Rock these days.

  10. He and Lorne are very close, have been for a long long time. That's why he'd pop up in things early on.

    "Apparently, the powers that be have said he can be an emergency standby but nothing more than that from now on." This sentence doesn't really make sense bc Paul has been the emergency standby for years and is content to do that - he's not asking to be on the show nor is he a good fit for the show. He knows that, what he does is a favor. He's a pro at the show format and available on a moments notice.

    Nothing has changed with Paul's status and it won't as long until Paul fully retires or Lorne does.

  11. What musical guest cancelled in the first place?

  12. I didn't think he was too bad...

  13. Paul Simon needs to fix his fucking face.

  14. The man is nearly 80 years old - give him a break.

    I love the people in here ragging on him who are probably a quarter of his age and have zero of his talent. Get back in the basement and have your mom make you another sandwich - you're getting cranky, kids!

  15. I don't get the blind. Paul Simon has been a part of SNL FOREVER and is still better than Kanye West. I thought Simon's appearance was do to it being his birthday.
    What about Candice Bergen? Will she get a spot since Murphy Brown is back? She used to be a fixture. I thoug

  16. I don't really get it, either. Who was the original guest supposed to be? I know Kanye was a fill-in for Ariana Grande two weeks before... so there were going to be two musical dropouts in the first three weeks of the show? I find that odd.
