Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 9, 2018

It is really interesting that the guy who arranged the initial pay for play date between this foreign born permanent A+ lister and his now wife is no longer welcome in the home by the wife. Guilt by association? Maybe she is afraid he will talk about the others?

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry


  1. If all these things about Meghan being up for hire are true and that she slept with Weinstein and Ratner, how come they haven’t come out in the press, or any other site?

    1. And even if she was play-for-pay, so what. The "First Lady" was too. Apparently you're supposed to overlook it.

    2. Lauren, interesting you should mention those two dirtdbags, Enty was slinging dirt on Weinstein and Ratner long before the press or any other site was reporting on them. Either he sometimes knows things others don't or he just isn't afraid to share it. We really have no way of knowing what's true here. Also, I'd like to add, positive or negative, our comments here are almost always just speculation and opinions. We shouldn't take things personally or be easily offended.

  2. So she doesn't want her pimp in the home. And she married a guy who pays for play. Ya this won't end well. Just hope they keep that baby away from Uncle Pedo.

    1. Pay for play means you can get am NDA signed. Makes sense.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    @Lauren The Royal family is like the Kardashians, if they want something hidden, it will never see the light of day!

  4. Because it's all made up bullshit. Cue the surrogate blinds.

  5. Who cares. They seem happy together. I have a soft spot for Harry, love him.

  6. She knows Harry paid the pimp for her. Harry knows he paid for her. And she's afraid of what exactly? Everyone involved here knows the deal. Lizzy most likely does too.

    1. Maybe she wants to forget about everything and act like a high society housewife? Also it seems she isn't good at keeping her friends

  7. Meghan knows to behave herself with the royals or she'll end up in a tunnel in Paris.

  8. I thought they were set up by a mutual friend? A British socialite named Misha Nonoo who used to date one of Harry’s friends from Eton? If not, then the British friend and everyone else in their circle of friends would have to be involved in the fake story and cover up. Sounds wildly implausible.

    1. Haven't you noticed? Meghan has no friends.

    2. Watch the engagement interview and see, when asked how they met, Meghan interrupts Harry and says, we need to protect their privacy. Yeah, right.

  9. Who cares? I like them. Love is love, and I believe theirs.

  10. Well, we'll see where they are in three or four years.

  11. @bestman - Same here! I have always loved carefree Harry & I like the way he smiles when his wife is around. If he's happy - who cares!

  12. Snort, ha...if Meg slept with Weinstein she'd be a bigger star than some supporting role on a cable series no watches....

    They never said how they meet, the Daily Fail guess it Misha or that German royal who does PR for Ralph Lauren.

    Knew this was why they weren't telling how they meet. This is completely normal to these people, Diana did it with Dodi & others, Harry's exes do it

  13. Like Diana, I hear Meghan plans to use a surrogate father.

  14. Sad. Harry must be nuts.

  15. I don't hang out with the same people I did. ...maybe she's trying to be a better person idk who cares she's got enough problems with her stupid sister ..what trash and I'm from Tennessee 😁

    1. Maybe sister us Totto or Lisa!! @ stupidpervs. I could tell that sister was straight up trailer trash.

  16. This whore moved quick, they've been married for how long? And she's already pregnant. Even though I despise this bitch's thirstiness, her need for attention and the fact that she's a fame whore that only cares about money, I gotta respect her hustle. She went feom a nobody who worked on a forgettable show that no one watched, to duchess real quick! Who cares she's a nasty slut! She's a duchess now so bow down! For that I give her props, she's got no shame and it shows every time she shows her smug face.

    1. Totto, you need to talk to a counselor cause you have issues. Try getting out and socializing with peers. Stalker alert

  17. Well, bitter Totto, she's already preggers because she's 37 years old and probably felt she needed to move on with it.

  18. The HATE for Meghan Markle is in over drive now.

  19. No it’s not. From day one she has been putting the relationship in the press so Harry could not get out. She did Vanity Fair and he was hooked. Doria
    is straight thug. She used Harry’s bisexuality as leverage against him. Meghan is a hooker and an opportunist. She is a garden variety sociopathic narcissist Valley Girl.

    1. And Harry Andrew and Phillip lovee dem hookers. Word

    2. Lisa, how do you know this? Show the receipts.

    3. Dat ass tho.

    4. What ASS??? Oh you mean the push up pads?? Oh ok

    5. Dem titties tho.

    6. I believe she calls them MagicB00Bs.

    7. Haha @ Hamid!!!

  20. Glad I’m not the only one not bothered by Markle. Everything she’s been accused of have has been done by countless others. It’s not that deep totto.

    1. Untreated MH issues MD. Bipolar i suppose

  21. They were already engaged when she did Vanity Fair, the palace is who arranged the interview. Harry likes Vanity Fair, cause they were nice to his Maw, and other European royals work for them. Megs could never get in Vanity Fair on her own, even dating a royal.

  22. Thursday, no they were not yet engaged. It was shortly before.

  23. Bow down peasants! The Duchess of all gold diggers is preggers!

  24. @Mischi, they were engaged, they just didn't announce it yet. That's why the palace got her the Vanity Fair interview.

    Google what happened to Prince Andrew's actress ex GF, Koo. The palace knows how to get rid of those they deem not good enough. Megs didn't force anything.

    1. ‘Megs didn’t force anything’—you mean besides telling Harry that the paps were following her and her friends (even though nobody knew who she was) and forced him to release that ridiculous statement asking the press to leave her alone? Meanwhile she was calling the paps while trotting around Toronto & kept posting stuff about him on her Instagram, etc. And the Palace did not get her the VF interview. It was shocking because after all these years, Kate has never done such an interview and the Palace was not happy with Meghan’s behavior. So those are the things that Meghan did to force Harry into a corner, then she had the ‘R’ card in her pocket for good measure.

  25. How exceptionally lucky that a slender 37 year old woman became pregnant immediately after her very public wedding. What wonderful timing for all involved. Amazing.

  26. A Brit and a novice here. Yes its all speculation and alledged but do the Royals not have any legal recourse about stories like this? Like they would if such a story was printed in the paper? true or not shes in the inner sanctum and now with a royal child. The stuff said about her, true or not does effect the reputation of the royal family, belive it or not but it really does

    1. Cupoftea- I HAVE to know, do you brits always have cake available in case you have a visitor pop in? If so, store bought or home made? Or do I watch too much TV? And do you offer them tea?

  27. No way Meghan and Harvey ever 'did it' cause she isn't into Kosher meat.

    1. Actually, Boo, she converted to Judaism for Trevor.

      Hope you’re feeling better!

  28. @Thursday If you're suggesting that Koo Stark being hit by a car was the doing of the RF, that seems fairly preposterous considering it happened ten years after she and Andy had already broken up.

  29. @Elamina

    "Enty was slinging dirt on Weinstein and Ratner long before the press or any other site was reporting on them."

    Bullshit. YOU just heard about it first from Enty. The Weinstein and Ratnor and Singer and Spacey behavior has been a huge subject on gossip sites and boards since the early 1990s.

    1. This is a headline from the DM last yea-
      "The website that busted Weinstein and Lauer years ago: How Crazy Days And Nights and its mysterious lawyer founder became a Hollywood gossip bible and claims that Tinseltown has covered up abuse for decades". There are other websites with similar stories. I hadn't heard of CDAN before that mess.

    2. Could you recommend other gossip sites? I keep up with CDAN and DListed.

    3. @elamania. You are very late to the game. Surely you jest about the DM? They are paid by Kardashians and others to promote their no talent asses. Google CDAN and click the Vanity Fair article. You too can learn something.

    4. Thank you SD Auntie, I'm a a bored empty nester. Very late to the game infeed.


  30. "How exceptionally lucky that a slender 37 year old woman became pregnant immediately after her very public wedding."

    Maybe she had some help with fertility drugs, but it looks like the plan all along was for 37 year old Meghan to become pregnant as soon as possible.

  31. All this speculation about Meghan and prostitution hinges on the supposition that Harry EVER had to pay for it. This I very much doubt.

    Trump on the other hand, oh yeah, he's been paying for anything he gets for a long long time.

    1. It’s more about the thrill of paying for some strange. People of all types have fetishes and preferences. Look at all the huge celebrities that hire strippers and prostitutes to F*ck they don’t need to pay for it either yet they do.

  32. Dat ass? You must have not noticed her ironing board appearance in that ill fitting wedding dress. Dat ass was butt pads. And "carefree Harry?" The guy is profoundly fucked up with apparently no real path out of the maze, perfect material for the wee manipulator.

  33. No wonder, both of then are fucked. At this point they are more celebrities than royals. Just wait for her new show, the real housewives of Kensington palace.

    I used to like Harry, but after MeAgain screwed Eugenie's wedding and he allowed it, my sympathy for him is all gone.

    1. +1 She screwed Eugenie twice; once by getting her to change the date and once by announcing her pregnancy at the wedding.

  34. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Wait, I gotta process this.

    Some of you believe that a rail skinny woman, late 30s / possibly 40, got pregnant in her first married monthly cycle?

    How did this happen? witch doctors? shamans? astrologers? perhaps she brought in her favorite monk to meditate?

    thank you I needed the laugh

  35. My goodness, there are some critically unhappy, self-loathing people commenting here.
    The hate is mind boggling. It's not about anyone else, it's about yourself.
    Get some help!

    1. It’s disgusting especially because they don’t even know her. You’d think meg was a puppy killer or something. Get a life people

    2. The same could be said for the both of you. You don’t know her yet are willing to defend her honor for what? She could be exactly what has been said about her or she may not. But the difference is the stories are out there for a reason, and it’s not just one or two. Also if you watch her and listen to the things she has said you can see the total facade. Not all of us our blind sheep.

  36. BS on this one, Harry would not be paying, the 'ladies' would be putting out for free.

    1. Most royalty do pay for high priced escorts. Spain , Greece, England and all those lovely crown princes from Saudi Arabia. Andrew is one of the worst ones allegedly. @emerald city. And the things they do....ewww

    2. They aren't paying for the sex. They're paying for women who can recite an NDA in their sleep.

  37. @KateK: You may have missed this last year, because it appeared in the NY Times and not on a gossip website but you're asserting that Melania Trump was an escort while asking people for "receipts" over the allegations that Meghan Markle was an escort. In 2017, Melania won a $150 million dollar libel suit against the Daily Mail, although payout was likely much less than that. From the NY Times:

    The Daily Mail apologized to Melania Trump on Wednesday and agreed to pay damages to settle two lawsuits she had filed over an article last year asserting that the professional modeling agency she worked for in the 1990s had also been an escort service.

    “We accept that these allegations about Mrs. Trump are not true and we retract and withdraw them,” a lawyer for the British newspaper told a judge, Andrew Nicol, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. “We apologize to Mrs. Trump for any distress that our publication caused her. To settle Mrs. Trump’s two lawsuits against us, we have agreed to pay her damages and costs.”

    The terms of the settlement were not immediately disclosed. She had sought compensatory and punitive damages of at least $150 million, according to the filing.

    Perhaps you know differently, and should show everyone YOUR receipts from your sessions with Melania.

  38. @Elephant Cat
    What the hell are you doing here?! You make too much sense!!!

  39. @Do Tell

    Soooo, the Daily Mail, one of Donny's best cheerleaders of the faux news variety, calls Melania a hooker. Interesting that a total Reich Wing source would claim such a thing, then be sued for it, then mea culpa m'lady, isn't it. And nary an appeal or a delay by the DM lawyers? Yeah, it all happened at lightening speed.

    Anyone else smell a set up?

    Melania was a hooker and is now a wife-whore. Nothing wrong with that btw. Fat ugly stupid men have to get it somehow.

  40. @J
    You hear? They have specialized medications for your particular issues.

  41. Seems strange to announce this pregnancy so early, particularly before a major international trip. There was really no rush; Meghan wasn't showing.

    And particularly odd to come out with an announcement during Eugenie's wedding weekend, when the attention was deservedly on her.

    Why not wait a week, or two weeks until the trip to Australia is over, or four weeks until Meghan had hit the presumed four-month mark?

  42. All this is, is click bait. And it worked, myself included.
    As for all of you jealous bitches who always wanted to be a princess, HAHAHAHAHHA aaaaah, you silly little homely, pathetic losers.


  43. Comments on articles about Meghan Markle always seem to fall into 3 categories:

    1) I don't like her. Something is off about this whole thing.
    2) You don't like her? You're jealous, self-loathing, racist bitch!
    3) She doesn't really impact me one way or the other. Live and let live.

    No one seems to be, like, a major fan. Ie "She's so pretty, and her style is so amazing! And she's got such a good heart. I wish I could meet her." Where are those people?

  44. BTW, did anyone else notice that Issa Rae has been cast in a new romcom called "American Princess"?

    Per Variety:

    “Insecure” creator and star Issa Rae will topline Fox’s romantic comedy “American Princess” from director Stella Meghie.

    Rae will play an American woman who moves to London, finds herself drawn into a world of wealth and high society, and falls in love in a very unexpected way. The script was written by Amy Aniobi, who has worked with Rae on “Insecure” as a writer/co-executive producer."

    I wonder who they will get to play the redhead. Maybe KJ Apa is available during his "Riverdale" hiatus.

  45. Spot on Nutty with your 3 opinion camps of MM.

  46. Rich people don't pay for "it" - they pay for "it" to go away and/or keep it confidential. As the president alluded to, any number of amateurs would love to give away to rich or poor celebs, but they would rather pay a premium to keep it on the D/L rather than having someone yapping to all their friends.

    The DM is 90% negative about Cheeto, so no, it is not a rightwing publication by any means.

  47. Haha, so fake.

    All the Meghan blinds are made up by the racist trolls and Cumberloons on Tumblr. They think every single woman married to a famous man is a pregnancy-faking whore who secretly runs the Illuminati or something.

  48. Why do people keep mentioning that if someone doesn't like Markle it's because they're 'jealous' or they got their 'wish to be a princess' crushed? First of all, what a lame excuse and second who the fuck is a princess nowadays? Not even Markle is one, so spare me the BS, I don't even like Harry or what the monarchy stands for, but something about Markle rubs me the wrong way, the pap strolls, the interviews, the infamous IG posts, it's like she was planning this all along. Mind you, Kate obviously tried to win William over, but at least she didn't do it in such a disgusting way, she was her friend, they had the same group of friends and they actually got to meet their families before getting married. With this one it's been lies and secrets from the very beginning, and that's why I don't like her, she's shady as fuck.

  49. And stop with the racism nonsense. Markle it's not even black, she's biracial like the majority of the people in this world, that's like the only thing one can find likeable about her, but her personality though, it's terrible.

  50. @Totto

    "Markle it's not even black,"

    That is not your call to make.

    Sounds like you want Meghan to be an honorary white person for your own psychological well being.

  51. Plot, what the fuck? It's kind of funny you're speaking of someone's mental health when yours it's really not there, you really need help. Markle isn't black or white, she's BIRACIAL. I can't believe how hard it is for some people to understand that, or maybe you think that the world it's just like the US where people don't seem to understand race, there's a world out there where most people are mixed, I actually find it quite funny how you guys think that being mixed it's something new. So sad to see how dumb you are.

  52. Most of world's impression about the US is how CNN portrays it. CNN is on in every airport, hotel, etc. worldwide, while it's ratings in the US are lower than competitive Mongolian basket weaving on tape-delay. It is extremely inaccurate in it's portrayal of the mood and tenor of everyday life there. It's a big place, but my experiences are not unique.

  53. @Totto

    Again, her ethnicity is not your call. You don't get to make that determination. You don't know how Meghan was treated as she was growing up, as black or white, and I'd damn bet on it that she was treated like an African American girl.

    Thanks for admitting you have absolutely no clue how racism is endemic to the US system, nor it's permutations. At least now I'm aware of your ignorance.

  54. @Tiffy

    " the stories are out there for a reason, and it’s not just one or two."

    Yep, because Big Scandal brings the readers, not because the Big Scandals are true.

  55. Sure!! No problem. National Enquirer used to be the best, then Ted Casablancas and now CDAN. Its not as good as it was before but it keeps my mind busy. Good day!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Plot, Markle went to an Ivy League school, she went to private school and had a privileged life growing up with her father, you know, the one she likes to act like she doesn't know even though she owes everything to him? So no, I can bet that she wasn't treated badly. I feel that you're doing a lot of projection with this Markle thing but whatever, if anything you're the perfect example why the US needs to get on with the rest of the world and stop minimizing everything to race.

  58. Markle did NOT go to an Ivy League school and she attended Catholic schools. There are slews of African Americans in Catholic schools.

    You are accusing me of projection? You've already admitted you don't know the first thing about race inside the USA. No, sorry, you have no authority in this matter.

  59. Markle went to Northwestern in Evanston Illinois, a suburb, right next to the Far North Side of Chicago..
    Most of NU's students are either from wealthy families or are there on scholarships.

  60. Some people are missing the point. It's not a matter of whether or not they love each other and that being the determinative factor. It's not necessarily personal. They might be the love story of the century and nice people. But they are not ordinary and this is not Pretty Woman (Hollywood). They are unelected representatives and there are expectations and standards that must be upheld or the monarchy ceases to have meaning. Once that trust is broken, the BRF will have to go.

  61. If Harry really did pay for her time, he wouldn't need to be protected from the truth. He'd already know.

  62. Why do they pay? Why settle for Digiorno when delivery is available in any flavor combination any time day or night for the right price?

  63. I always thought that Markus Anderson is a Soho pimp, he knows way too many people and there is virtually nothing about him online, his friendship with Meghan always give me creeps

  64. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I have oceanfront property in Arizona , for anyone who believes that street wise suitcase girl Markle graduated Northwestern.
    Attended vs. Graduated .

  65. What would you require as proof there mercy? Only an authenticated copy of her diploma?

    Meghan finished her senior year internship, one semester away from graduating. There would be very little reason for her not to commit to 4 months of schooling to graduate. Until further evidence is provided, other than MERCYHATESHEROFFCOLOREDASS!, I'm going with Meghan graduated.

  66. I know 2 ppl who did not graduate even though they made it to the last semester....both had different reasons...

  67. Yes, but was Markle one of them?

  68. Meghan Markle must have really pissed off someone powerful. Some of this stuff is so over the top with no proof whatsoever its obviously seems to be a planned campaign meant to ruin her.
