Saturday, October 13, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 5, 2018

This B+ list actress really deserves to be about a C lister at this point. I mean, she really does absolutely nothing. At this point she is surviving on that massive divorce settlement. She does have A+ list name recognition. Apparently as part of that settlement she is not allowed to talk about her ex or anything tangentially related to him. That would make for a boring interview.

Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise


  1. I thought she has been filming things?

    I hope she got enough $$ in that divorce to never have to work again. So who cares if she does anything anymore....

  2. Why was this even a blind item, Ieveryone knows this.

  3. You're being facetious about the "massive divorce settlement", right? Because she received relatively little, considering Tom's fortune, by agreeing to his terms in order to end the marriage quickly and retain custody of Suri - $4.8 million in child support, plus another $5 million for herself, and that's it.

  4. Child support-4.8mil
    Spousal support-5mil
    Free of a creepy tiny man-Priceless

  5. You're right about that rosie. I give Katie a lot of credit for putting Suri ahead of money. Suri was approaching the age when Scientology indoctrination would have begun.

    1. I see a lot of headlines here Tom hasn't seen Suri in months, so I wonder if he is allowed to see them. Scientologist are not allowed to talk to family members who aren't members. Can't think of what it's called.

    2. @kim Non Scientologists are called “suppressive people” and have some sort of negative impact on a Scientologist’s midichlorians. I admit I may be mixing sci-fi fantasy concepts here 😏

  6. +1MB. This isn't even news.

  7. Not just free of Tom,she and Suri free of Scio.

  8. Yeah, I don't get the negativity against Katie? She's a good Mum and she *has* been filming things. Good luck to her and Suri.

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    5 million, that's all, poor poor Katie. That's more money than most people will see their entire lives, but she's broke, right?

    Get some perspective, people. 5 million invested right, she could live off the interest the rest of her life in comfort.

  10. @Unknown You get some perspective. Her ex, her child's father, is worth well over half a BILLION dollars.

  11. How would anyone know what the settlement amount was? Unless a person worked in one of the attorney offices, and is spilling the beans. Or, worked at the county courthouse....

  12. I li like Katie Holmes and she deserves whatever she got by taking a ride on the crazy train. Hell she probably would've made 4million off the THE Dark Knight movie. I just didn't care that Rachael got killed with her being played by Maggie G.

  13. What’s even been revealed here? We already know she doesn’t talk about Tom. What’s the gossip?

  14. You know its possible she doesn't talk about her ex husband because well he's her ex husband and anything she says Suri would have to deal with. I'm sure there's NDAs and all but if there weren't she still wouldn't talk about him. Its not as if she says much of anything to begin with.

    More celebs should take this approach.

  15. Absolutely nothing but raising a child.

  16. @Kim he hasn't seen her in YEARS. Which says a lot about him as a parent. Katie seems like a good mom and she's not whoring herself or her daughter out in pap pics. Kudos to her!
