Thursday, October 11, 2018

Blind Item #8

This former A- list actress turned B- list actress turned A+ list actress turned permanent still young A- list actress who really doesn't act very much any longer but who all of you know hit her head while drunk and passed out. That is where one of her children found her.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Drew you can afford 24/7 nannies
    Do it

  3. "turned permanent still young A- list actress"

    So what age range are we looking at for "turned permanent still young?"

  4. OMG, she's only 43, WTF happened to her? Thought she was older.

  5. Yea I think it’s like “still rather young to be Perm ,but sue her longevity and starting so young kinda is”?
    I think she looks good still... still fresh faced so to speak.

  6. Oh Drew always looks good, love Drew but I thought last few years she was looking more around 50's. F*cking divorces age people.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Opinions here...she dresses dowdy and not a makeup queen, she dresses like she doesn’t care like a 50 year old but her face doesn’t look anything like 50, you are just being plain ol mean.

  7. Tricia, Enty refers to Katy Perry as Perm A list, and that Queen of Mediocre is a decade younger than Drew....this is just crappy writing. ;)

  8. None of this would be happening if she had just stayed with Tom Green.

    1. Off topic but I saw Tom Green do stand up last year and laughed so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. He was so freaking funny. I would pay $100 to see him again and I went to the show kicking and screaming thinking it would be terrible.

  9. Drew is hawt, wish she'd eat me!

  10. @Parisliterallysucks-yes I agree with that and thought of all the younger celebs entry refers to as Perm A like Rihanna and Beyoncé.
    And Beyoncé is only 28/29 right?
    Still lol.

  11. To be fair, Drew looks about 45 so not really that much older than her actual age. This sucks, though. I feel bad for her kids.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    just let her use her drugs and die happy

  13. This really doesn't fit Drew. When she was a kid she was A+ for sure. Also, she stars in her own show right now, so she does act. I'm 51 and I wouldn't consider 47 or whatever she is to be "still young."

  14. I would have thought Drew's description would start with a reference as a child actress. That said, I don't have a guess.

  15. The Barrymore family and alcohol addiction is a well known fact. I thought that maybe the disease had skipped Drew's generation.

  16. I don't think this is about Drew, tbh.

  17. Someone who stars in their own show wouldn't be described as someone who rarely acts. Also,I think the children are older.
