Saturday, October 27, 2018

Blind Item #7

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee that all of you know and your parents know and your grandparents know doesn't even bother trying to have sex any longer with any of those models you always see him with. Hi impotence issues are extensive at this point and he would jut rather not even go through the effort. So, no more five hours of fruitless tugging ladies. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hahah... it does.
      Um...still waiting?!

  2. Replies
    1. Jack is geriatric. Did u see that picture at the Lakers game. Oh gosh

  3. Al is married. Leo it is.

  4. Leo....always thought of him as asexual, neither straight or gay.

  5. Al's married? When did this happen? 😱

    1. Oh wait. Sorry he is not. I'm watching Robert DeNiro right now. He was with some young lady after the Argentinean gal. Oops

  6. Pacino has never been married. Thought Leo was in the closet. Who knows in Hollyweird.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Got to be Fat Jack N.

    1. Can see his whiskey bottles next to a naked unsatisfied ezcort

  9. If Leo’s ED doesn’t respond to the little blue pill, it’s most likely not physiological but
    more likely to be psychological. Another childhood and life lost to Hollywood IMO.

  10. @Unknown - escorts don't do sex work for satisfaction, they do it for money. That's why it's called work.

  11. Maybe if Toby watches Leo can perform?

  12. So, this one has never heard of Viagra?

  13. Doubt it’s Leo. This sounds like an older actor considering grandparents would know him. Jack Nicholson is a much better guess.

  14. I certainly don't think my grandparents would know Leo d., perhaps if your grandparents were 40/50.

    1. My grandma died 26 years ago at 96. Very sure she did not know Leo D.

  15. The only know cure to this problem is Milf.

  16. Jack Nicholson.
    No more kitchen table escapades for Jacky Boy.

  17. It can't be Leo D because all those models are paid beards aren't they?
    If it is brain hurts.

  18. Okay, whose Grandparents didn’t hear about or watch “Titanic?”

  19. it's leo. the grandparents would know him from titanic

  20. If Leo, he would bring his fluffer aka Luke. Probably Nicholson.

  21. i vote for jack. my grandma would have said 'leo de WHO?' he's not old enough to be this guy. yet.

  22. Leo not getting wood with the ladies would make sense, no?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Do old fella can't be arsed trying to
    get it up anymore.
    Big whoop.
    You'd think that in these fractious metoo litigious times that might be thoughts good thing. But no, apparently not. Ftw

  25. So not Do, fucken autocorrect cocksucker.

  26. Why would my grandparents know of Leo? I think this is someone older.

  27. I think it's Pacino. He always seems to be photographed with much younger women. Leo seems too young. Nicholson seems too old and not really in the game anymore.

  28. Clint Eastwood Jack Nicholson pretty much anyone from that particular era seen with young pretty women or paying 4 young pretty women I also believe Jack Nicholson has had more women than probably 10 men would have in a lifetime

  29. I don't even HAVE a weiner and even I know 5 hours of fruitless tugging would be painful

  30. Anonymous5:24 PM

    My 91-year-old grandma who hasn't been to the movies in decades knows who Leonardo DiCaprio is. I clearly remember a conversation we had back in the Titanic era, when his antics were talked about in the media every other day. She said something to the effect of, this Leonardo DiCaprio must be an unpleasant person. My 10-year-old self hated grandma for that statement, although I knew even then that she was probably right.

    The other grandparents (similar age) had Titanic on VHS.

    Anyway, I think this is supposed to be him. It doesn't really make sense since he's usually gay on CDAN. But when do these blinds ever make sense? And there was another impotence blind a few weeks back that was obviously about him.

  31. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Would an 80-year-old with performance issues even be considered blind-worthy?

  32. It's Leo. Smoking, drinking, age, overweight....that'll do it!!

  33. If this is true, and it's Leo, he's too young for impotence.

  34. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Leo D. is the only A+ actor I can think of who's photographed with models all the time. Others may have lots of women, too, but they're not always models.

  35. Leo DiCaprio is not old. He's middle aged. If anything, this BI will be about Jack Nicholson or Robert DeNiro or even Pacino.

    Also, this blind has nothing to do with #MeToo, but it's amusing that triggered "men" still can't differentiate between CONSENSUAL sexual activity and sexual assault/rape. Your faux victimhood is pathetic.

  36. Damn I've had a strange life.

  37. If Leo’s ED doesn’t respond to the little blue pill, it’s most likely not physiological but
    more likely to be psychological.

    Bingo. It is Leo, there was an already revealed blind about this (stating it was him) and I can't think of a better guy. This is a toxic bachelor who has always treated women as commodities, only goes for models (except for Blake Lively who is an "actress") and then only if they are Germanic looking like his mother. He gets them on contracts and NDAs and then when bored flips them. He also cheats on the ones he has. He has absolutely no emotional feeling or attachment or interest in these broads and that is why he can't get it up. Ha ha ha Leo, your whoring ways have finally caught up. He was also involved with "swinging" with Vlad Doronin...he has become totally depersonalized at last.

    His best chance is just to let it go for six months, go six months without sex and actually find someone has some feeling for. That may be impossible at this point but his attitudes towards women have always sucked, it is always been about status and getting the girl that all the guys want. It took 20 years to backfire.

    It might become like a mental block/performance anxiety thing for him. Either that or this is like a really clever revenge rumor.

  38. Is 'tugging' a new term for sex?

  39. It’s jack for crying out loud! Get off the Leo train because grandma would know him from titanic. That’s ridiculous.

  40. "Tugging," Mary, is the same as "pulling." Tugging his penis would mean masturbating.

  41. I don't think it's Leo. The part about your grandparents knowing this actor means he's from a generation further back.

  42. Hey, I'm a grandma and I certainly know who Leo is! Everyone in the world knows Leo from the movie Titanic, and that was how many years ago....25-30? I think it's Leo, too!

  43. DiCaprio. It's in step with all the previous blinds about this issue that have been about him.

  44. DeNiro, Pacina or Leo, who cares.

    I just love all the Leo gossip. Wanna know another celebrity with unsettling mommy issues who couldn't "perform like a man" (in the words of a Polish gent I used to know)? Elvis. Now one could say it was the drugs with Elvis, but rumors of his inabilities predate the drugs, when he used to invite over a bevy of 13 to 14 year olds, have pillow fights and wrestle while they wore lingerie and then sleep with them all cuddled together in a big bed - no sex.

    That's the kind of vibe Leo gives off, only more creepy and oily.

  45. Well, DiCaprio hadn't made Titanic 26 years ago, so that's probably why she hadn't heard of him yet. Good for her for achieving that ripe old age, though.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I thought the story is DiCaprio is a closeted homosexual at least that is what blinds on other websites are suggesting for the past few years. According to other gossip sites the women are just for cover so DiCaprio can hang with this long term boyfriend Lukas Haas. I don't think this is about him. The blind also sounds like a much older man it mentions grandparents might know the man. So I am guessing this blind is about a senior citizen. Dicpario is only 43 he should be able to maintain a firm erection he is young.

    1. 43 years old is already old for sex. Decline starts to set in. You do not have erections on demand as when you were 20 years younger. He might need viagra

  48. Jack Nicholson is in his 80s.



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