Monday, October 15, 2018

Blind Item #7

This three named married actress had her female lover move in with her. I bet if you ask her though, she will say her sex life with her husband is amazing. Uh huh.


  1. Jada Pinkett Smith.

    They have an open marriage. Not sure why this is blind-worthy.

    1. Now you believe what celebrities say? I have never seen any of them being open in marriage publicly

  2. You don't have to ask, Jada will tell you...

  3. Consenting adults??

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ya know why? Cause it's not my business.

  6. Comes to celeb gossip site.
    Says celeb personal life is none of our business.

    Someone is very confused.

  7. I hope her kids are out of the house.
    IF they are then whatever. Let her lez out all she wants if Will's aware and doing his own DL thing.

  8. @Sal +1000 (and an extra LOL!)

  9. There's a lot more to life than sex and constant self-pleasure, the Smith's are not that deep.

  10. Jennifer Love Hewitt

  11. One doesn't necessarily have to do with the other if the barn door swings both ways.

  12. Sarah Michelle Gellar
    Jennifer Jason Leigh

    There are just too many!

  13. Someone is very confused.

    As per the blind "I" am supposed to be asking "her" about "her" sex life and the reason she will "lie" to me, is because it's none of my business.
    And celebrity or not, she would be right.

    Hope that clears things up for everyone.

  14. Lol no way do I know more than Enty
    Another blind website called Foxella said that Will and jada got divorced secretly and that’s why she now refers to him as her life partner so this wouldn’t be interesting if that’s the case and I def believe it

  15. Sarah Michelle Gellar

  16. Jada Pinkett Smith has some tv show on facebook where she claims to have frank and honest discussions with her family. Yet Jada and Will are never going to admit neither are straight. I believe Will and Jada definitely love each other been together for twenty years and that is a life time in Hollywood. Yet neither are going to discuss their bisexuality because of the homophobia from the black community. One tabloid I think four or five years ago wrote about Will Smith having a male lover Duane Martin the husband of actress Tisha Campbell.

  17. Rapper MC Lyte lives with Wil and Jada

  18. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Someone I know knows Will and Jada, and told me 10 years ago that they are both bi and have an open marriage. It seems like this is only now surfacing to the general public.
