Friday, October 19, 2018

Blind Item #6

The well underage A-/B+ list rapper/social media star is now hooking up with a guy in his 40's. Parents think it is fine.


  1. Catch me outside chick?

  2. +1 Yep her 😅

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    her dad isnt even around, so shouldnt it say mom.

  4. Mom is for all practical purposes not around either.

  5. Wow Dr Phil really helped her out. She might have just been a teen mom or a drug addict, but now she's a star pedo attraction, great work there doc.

  6. Cash me outside

  7. Now she might start fighting MMA? That is on TMZ.

    Why do I even know who the fuck this girl is? I hate this world. We shouldn't even know of her existence.

  8. So do we think this is the new way to get famous & try to cash in, go on a talk show for alleged 'therapy' / public humiliation (rather than the 1990s early 2000s way via a sex tape) & then hope to turn it into a Kardashian/Jenner type franchise of crap as income stream(s)?

    I'm just curious, I want to know who else to avoid in future, thanks.

  9. I don't think she's going ought MMA but being trained to protect herself since she's always getting into street lights and trouble.

  10. *to fight MMA* thanks again gboard

  11. y'all need to stop calling her a rapper. I blame phil mcgraw for creating this mess.

  12. sandy - try Swiftkey. Gboard sucks.

  13. I never recovered from her first Dr Phil appearance. I stared at the screen and superimposed my dtrs face on to hers and wondered how much time I'd spend in Rikers for what I was thinking at the time. Then I got down on my knees and thanked God for giving me the best kid in the world. Millions of moms were thinking the same thing during that SAD episode. How will her story end?

  14. Cash me middle school biology class

  15. Is her mother Buckwild from Flavor of love? I swear they are related!!!

  16. Well the whole world knows her dad's a deadbeat ..enty info is shit lol especially when I know more about the blind than he does ..Haha 15 minutes is up ...well is dry

  17. @Sd Auntie- Brilliant!! 😂

  18. I know someone who was on Dr. Phil. Twice. He allowed himself to be humiliated just to get on TV.

    Has also been on game shows. I heard recently he was on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Left w/ $1000.
