Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Blind Item #5

This A list singer wants to be a part of a charity concert paying tribute to her ex. So far, none of the organizers want her to be a part. Right now at least, they are not fans of the singer and also feel she would make everything about her, rather than her ex.


  1. Arianna and Macs trubute

  2. Do you think they'll get Paul and Ringo?

  3. It'll look really bad for her if she doesn't contribute in some way though

  4. I feel like she should be able to be there or at least sing one song regardless of what happened between them.

  5. It's not like they were married... it's not like she was even dating him when he died. I say she's in it for herself.

  6. Just by asking she's already making it about her and not him. It's one thing to want to pay tribute to an ex, but its not like they were on good terms when he died. Let him have it be about him amd show respect by letting him have his moment, even in death.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Was he that big a star that he warrants a tribute concert?

    1. I didn’t realize his reach either, but apparently he helped the careers of Chance the Rapper, Kendrick, Travis Scott, and others. From what I gather, he was all about sharing the spotlight and helping others... He was a talented artist; rapping, singing, producing.. his recent album is REALLY good. Lots of instruments and live bands in his records.

  9. Mac Miller having a tribute concert was a thing I couldn't digest.

  10. The second he died, the publications were writing “Ariana’s ex, Mac Miller dead of overdose.” Every article mentions her. All her fans are talking about how bad they feel for her. Literally no mention of condolences for Mac’s family or even celebrating the man himself. It’s been all about her from the second he died. It’s sick. They weren’t even together. This is not about her. She shouldn’t do it. If she does, all the headlines and fans will talk about their sympathy for her and yet again, Mac’s memory will be lost in the shuffle.

    1. Exactly. It will all turn to "look how sad she was". A way to take a tribute to him and turn it into her own pitty party.

      Instead of looking for attention, she should be visiting her doctor for a depo shot.

  11. She should just contribute monetarily or something. Pay for flower arrangements or a deli tray/pastries but stay the hell away.

  12. one actually gives a shit. About either of them.

  13. If she didn't offer, she'd be labeled as cold hearted. 🤷‍♀️

  14. Prixie-Mac Miller wasn't a huge rapper, but he was a very popular producer, and toured with some huge acts.

  15. Courtney and Kurt - LOL

  16. I initially thought of Love and Cobain too. Then I remembered that we're in 2018 and absolute talentless trash like Miller is considered a star.

    AG was not responsible for his death nor was she with him when he died, yet the media and usual internet twats have relentlessly attacked her since his death. If she doesn't do the charity gig she'll be slagged off and if she does do the gig she'll be slagged off...because it's always the girlfriend//wife/mother/ex fault.

    We've not reached a point in time where men take responsibility for their fuck ups.

  17. What I've been reading is the opposite of attacks on this shifty babe. She has gotten reams of publicity off of his death and planned daily pap walks to push it even further, and there's no end in sight. Throw some money at the charity and stay out of the limelight for a day ARI.

  18. I didn’t realize his reach either, but apparently he helped the careers of Chance the Rapper, Kendrick, Travis Scott, and others. From what I gather, he was all about sharing the spotlight and helping others... He was a talented artist; rapping, singing, producing.. his recent album is REALLY good. Lots of instruments and live bands in his records.

  19. He was one of the highest grossing independent rap musicians around. Very successful, huge following. Geez, I’m old and I know that!

  20. Talentless trash? You must be an AG Stan. And If you’re not a hip hop fan maybe you should refrain from commenting on Mac Miller’s talent. Also he’s dead. Have some respect @viking song
