Saturday, October 27, 2018

Blind Item #5

This A+ list mostly movie actress has a big problem on her hands. How does she get her kid off heroin when she can't get off it herself?


  1. Replies
    1. I think you’re right, but really hope it’s not true...he’s so young!

  2. Takeshi 69 got a 4 year probation, said millions of youth look up to me and they dont deserve to see me locked up and hours after this decision, his entourage got involved in a shootout in NYC!

  3. Oh I hope it isn't Maddox!

  4. @yep

    It sounds like the victims' stories wouldn't hold up (they are young, who knows how they would do on the stand) so the prosecutor did the best he could in 69's case.

    Nonetheless, 69 is bent on being dead soon. He isn't moving and he has earned the hatred of many people prone to violence in NYC. Also, he simply won't STFU. His family better start saving all the money they can right now.

    1. Relax 69 wasn’t the target and the shooting had nothing to do with him. He moved out of his old home and is trying to move out of state

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Would Angie be "mostly movie" thought?

  6. @plot,the victim was 13 at the time and filmed. He pleaded guilty, he still could have gotten three years, just on that. He seemed resigned to serving some time. Something is seriously wrong,or maybe they want Houston to deal with him.

  7. Maddox was allowed to play with guns and knives from an early age. He was thrown out of at least one school and Ang doesn't think that traditional schools offer anything to her children (don't cater to their individual cargo shorts personalities.) Think it's fun living in new places every three months surrounded only by siblings and servants, maybe a designated tutor or two? Trapped inside at all times except when mommy needs a photo op at a toy store or fast food joint? No independence of movement unless mom wants to visit a refugee camp? A father who is escaping into pot and booze because he is in way over his head?

    One of them, if they are literate at all, will write the story. The movie/tv rights are practically guaranteed.

    1. You made it sound like a cult. They do look like a cult tho, but instead of robes they use cargo shorts lol

  8. @Plot, Guesser, its all about having the right lawyers! And the money doent hurt either! I mean if any normal person is filmed with a naked 13 year old in their lap(makes me sick to mention it here), you think they would get off with just probation? And look at him after court proceedings, he is practically sneering! Made my blood boil!

  9. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I'm going with Angelina and Maddox on this one also. It's possible to be a long term functioning heroin addict if you have money and access to the good stuff, which she does.

  10. Of course Angelina is mostly movie, what else would she be?

  11. The blind is meant to be Angelina, probably Maddox but maybe Pax,shy and intelligent, he wouldn't send out the alert like Maddox. I agree for the most part with @plot about the kids,except I think the older kids are rather intelligent,but undisciplined. If Brad is truly sober,he needs to rescue them. But she married him because he has no spine.

  12. Anonymous11:22 AM

    @hunter, To me mostly movie implies not all movie and as far as I know she just does films. But I'm newer here and just picking up on terminology which is why I was asking.

  13. Oh, and about that rapper I won't name,TMZ is being paid $💰to make him look like a great guy. His daughter is three. Only 10years to go!

  14. @Poppy tart,Angelina became a star with her role in Gia,which was made for I think HBO. Enty says that because a dozen people would bring it up.

  15. Lest this be taken for support, it is NOT, 'k? It's necessary to know the ambiguities of a defense in order to fight them.

    69's attorney could have emphasized that 69 was 18 at the time of the assault and the original charge was not rape, but sexual misconduct. There is another weird aspect here in that would they send 69 to a juvie prison or an adult prison? That could have been argued over for years worth of sentencing delays and appeals.

    I vote for the victims not knowing whether they were raped or assaulted at all, being so young and probably victims of their own ignorance about what their permission means and what it doesn't. NO CHILD should be forced to undergo a full battery of defense lawyers questions not knowing what exactly happened to them. In time, they will, but in the confusing world of pop culture meets legal definitions, at 13 years old most would base their assumptions on pop or rap culture.

    It's a tragedy. We have to do better.

  16. Whoever the A+ person is, for God's sake, get help for both yourself and your child. This is so sad.

  17. @plot,the charges he pled guilty to bad a recommended sentence of one to three years. The victim didn't testify. 18 is an adult,13 is usually under the statuatory limit in the US. He was an adult then and now. My thoughts lean to the idea they don't want his death on their hands. Let the other charges put him away.

  18. A man without a spine = pusillanimous.
    Or, gutless wonder.
    Has anyone ever seen a photo of any of those children reading a book? Or holding a book in their

  19. Wouldn't Angie be perm A+ Oscar non/winner, actor/director?
    I wouldn't wish this hell on anyone. We only go thru this short life once.

  20. I really really hope this isn't Maddox or any of the children.

  21. Maddox was in rehab in the past year or so but Angie took him out because she missed him. She has a fucked up relationship with that kid. She treats him as an adult. He’s the new ‘man of the house’ since Brad is gone.

  22. I'm thinking Demi Moore

  23. Hey @aquagirl
    Where are you getting your information from? I've never heard that Maddox was in rehab. I would think it we're common knowledge.
    It wouldn't be a cdan evil-mommy blind without Angelina being the primary guess.

  24. *were common knowledge

  25. Angelina did True Women and George Wallace in 1997 - both TV movies.

  26. Plot- I always played with knives and my sons played with knives and guns. No drugs here or there . Why even include that?

  27. Because people and kids who play with knives and guns are people I like to stay far, far away from. Know who taught me that? My gun collecting grandfather. Guns and knives are not toys.
