Friday, October 05, 2018

Blind Item #5 - Dancing Boy

Much like a certain foreign airline, I stand by my interview with the former child actress. It all took place on a recent, secret trip to Hollywood - at the McDonalds on La Cienega (we were both in disguise). I transcribed the whole thing - we argued over the McNuggets, and discussed catering on the set of that one movie back in the day (table scraps, basically) - on the back of a kid's placemat in crayon. Will post on twitter soon...


  1. Hmmm, too early to talk about lunch

  2. Hey! I made sense of a DB blind & I don't have a corkboard with pins and strings and a twitter

  3. I hope they were disguised as the Hamburglar and Grimace

  4. What is there to argue over mcnuggets? which sauce to dip in? whether to get the 10 or 20 packs?

    1. Why they taste awful with the orange soda

  5. Drew Barrymore

    Dancing Boy


    Mind blown

  6. Agree Ophelia. I think DB has some connection to Henry Thomas also.

  7. I believe I called it yesterday... always here. watching. waiting.

    Then BAM!


    It all makes perfect sense now. An amazing troll of those who only talk food in the DB comments. Well played!

  8. Ordering a Miami Dolphins sub from Publix right now.

  9. Not too early to discuss lunch! Not if you are on the east coast. Gotta make those lunch plans!

  10. Is it too early to discuss the Brett kavanaugh supreme court nomination that just happened?

  11. @Simon I've already made plans to run to Chopt because it's next to the pet store & I'm low on cat food!

    Which movie was he in with Drew though? First thought is obviously ET but would she have been old enough then to remember the catering this long after lol

  12. Nowhangonjustacottinpickin'minute!!!! McDonald's does NOT give away free crayons, nor do they have kid's place mats!!! I call shenanigans!

    DB & FCA MAY have been somewhere on La Cienega, but it wasn't Micky D's!
    I'm holding out for the Tweet!

    1. Theres a location 45 minutes North of seattle that has crayons and pictures. I colored a picture two weeks ago with my son. I hate those germ infested tubes, so was very happy about the crayons.

    2. What is 45 minutes north of Seattle these days? It used to be the Stanwood exit, but I am guessing it is closer to Everett now?

    3. Nice catch @Farmgirl
      Its Burlington/hwy20 mcdonalds
      I drive fast.
      45 min is indeed Stanwood/Camino island for those who go the speed limit

    4. Hello fellow north of Seattle-ite 🤗

    5. xoxo

      (Its B-ham...shhhh)

  13. good catch @Dahling! DB do some field research first!

  14. Only in your dreams DB. Earlier and earlier to avoid a topic of the day I see. One day troll, I'll surprise you.

  15. They could have brought their own crayons,or he is trolling! Well played DB! Some SS info to come!

  16. @Guesser I hope DB isn't walking around with kids placemats & crayons in his bag or I have a few serious questions for him...especially after the last blind!

  17. wait. Am I having a dancing boy epiphany? Stranger things have happened.
    Its lunchtime here in sunny and still blazing hot NE FL but all I can think of is the last of the pallet of dark chocolate sea salt caramels which are reasonably priced and DIVINE. A whole large pallet disappeared in 2 days.

  18. I forgot to add I bought those last 8 small tubs in the pallet.

  19. Go ahead and try it, I dare you.
    Eat a McNugget and have a sip of orange soda.
    You'll never want a McNugget again.

  20. Geel, fess up for those of us who refuse to consume either. Just how bad is it and what does it taste like, if anything? I am curious.

    1. The McNugget tastes like a McNugget, the orange soda stops tasting like orange soda, and it's a taste I judge other experiences by, not the other way around.
      Truly should be experienced to expand your palette .

  21. The buttermilk crispy tenders from McDonald's are actually really good. I think they give a lot of actual diner chicken tenders a run for their money - great combo with the special sauce also!

  22. but let's not revisit Szechuan Sauce Gate that occurred in conjunction with the buttermilk crispy tender rollout 0.0

    1. Let's revisit Dan Harmon any time, enty

  23. +1 Geel. When are his writers coming forward?

  24. I'm boycotting Mcnuggets til they bring back the sweet chili sauce.

  25. Palate, not palette.

  26. Spooky! Still morning here. Got up, did 🧘‍♂️ then did something I never do, loaded up Ennui the dog into the whip and drove through, wait for it, McDonald’s! Purchased two orders of scrambled eggs and sausage, came home and made an omelet by layering sausage in the middle of the eggs with a fat slice of Tillamook Cheddar. Nuke...Viola GF McDonalds!

  27. Sandybrook- Thought you had a new food thing to lay down on us???

  28. McDonald's does INDEED have kids' placemats. They are just the regular placemats, flipped over.

  29. That sounds delicious@ Donna!!

  30. Holy shit. It's Drew Barrymore. I COULD READ THIS ONE!!

  31. I hope Enty is sharing some of his ad revenue with you "DB".

  32. That sauce is probably just Mae Ploy. Every time I’ve seen a “sweet chili sauce”, that’s basically what it was. Just run on down to the asian market and buy a bottle. Bonus, it’s not full of weird chemicals and stuff. And it’s good on all sorts of stuff!

    (For Low Key if it doesn’t go in the right place)

  33. I didn’t read all these comments but can someone tell me why this is important and why drew barrymore is the dancing boy. To be honest, I don’t read those blinds ever.. super boring and confusing but I still just DO NOT get it. And why is this cool? And why is enty disguised when nobody knows who he is?? And why is he with drew barrymore? Like whatt 🤔🤔🤔

  34. Why don't you just spill the beans, Dancing Boy?

  35. No, Olivia. We (at least not me) do not think Drew Barrymore is the Dancing Boy.

    Drew Barrymore is the former child actress he mentions in the blind with the connection to a certain foreign airline (she was in the news yesterday for some odd interview with an Egyptian airline.)

    I'm now wondering, based on the Drew connection and the talk of "the one movie" if the movie was E.T. Someone previously said that DB had a connection to Henry Thomas, who played Elliott. What about one of the other child actors in E.T. who played the oldest brother's friends? C. Thomas Howell? K.C. Martel? Sean Frye? Very interesting....

  36. maybe they meant crescent heights/sunset or highland/hollywood



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