Blind Item #3
The only reason this alliterate former actress wanted to come to the US was to do a solo coke and booze thing. With that not possible, she is rescheduling.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Meghan Markle
ReplyDeleteMegan markle
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to question your commitment to MarkleMotion.
DeleteI'd bet the royals have access to some crazy good coke. Fergie could probably hook her up. No need to come to the US.
ReplyDeleteHere comes the comments!!!
ReplyDeleteCold turkey pregnancy. Fun!
ReplyDeleteWell, she is pregnant so i am questioning the booze and drugs stuff
ReplyDelete@MD right?? After 104 comments on yesterday's Markle blind and tons of new commentators flooding in for them Enty is going to keep pulling these out of his bacon filled @$$ and rake in that click revenue hahaha
ReplyDelete+1 ...MM cant win here ..I like her smile it seems real
DeleteAll the angry women are still sleeping! This is ridiculous
ReplyDelete3-2-1 on another Grenada shit fit
ReplyDeleteDidn't enty say fairly recently that she can't carry and that she asked Kate for surrogate recommendations?
ReplyDeleteEnty is doing this shit on purpose because obviously the MM blinds draw a LOT of traffic to this site. People are damn crazy and the trolls will soon be here to trash her. No, I'm not a MM fan but reading yesterdays last blind showed me how much hate she gets.
ReplyDeleteThey never let up on her and she has behaved very well so fuck them it's just trash talk
Delete@shaddup same. I've always thought she's pretty but definitely no saint which doesn't really affect me so whatever. (I still bought the Grenfell tower cookbook) but wow she has an even more polarizing effect than Lady Gaga O.O
ReplyDeleteLindsay Lohan ?
ReplyDeleteShe's sucking muslim cock for $$$$
DeleteSo are you but we let it slide 😉
Deletethe only reason people like Markle is because of the colour of her skin.
ReplyDeleteFuck off you nimrod.
DeleteStupid name Mischi and yeah havin Melanin is in now. Deal with it.
DeleteNah I like how she has not went full shade throwing while dealing with trashy family ...btw Hamid is our resident racist so pick another role
DeleteLOL @ sucker Harry.
ReplyDeleteAnd ladies and gentlemen here is your daily MM blind, next up please wait for blinds regarding a Teen Mom (usually Janelle is the answer), Elon Musk, Arianna Grande and maybe we'll throw in a Vicky Cornell. Thanks for reading!
ReplyDeleteYou’re like a fortune teller 🔮
DeleteExcept she wasn't coming solo she was coming with Harry.
ReplyDeleteNope - not buying this one. Harry has a permanently runny nose, and I doubt it’s from year round hayfever. He’s never had to go abroad for booze & coke, why should Markle?
ReplyDeleteShe looks uncomfortable in the limelight lately. Maybe because she is pregnant or because she is unable to take the stuff she usually does.
ReplyDeleteThe barely-disguised Markle blinds don't even have to make sense to get the emotionally invested nitwits all riled up.
Alliterate former B list actress will only brush her teeth with tears of her also alliterate sister-in-law. Family members now say she has changed ... and not for the better!
RugbyMom: "But dental hygiene is important! I would know. I don't have any teefs."
WishFulfillment: "She's cheating on Him. I always said she would. He's too good for her."
ShutIn: "I always knew she was evil. She was seen consorting with witches and she hath six fingers - obviously the mark of the Devil."
TheRealQueen: "In the Royal family you have to make do with what moisture is available in that particular moment."
Like London isn't the coke capital of the world...
ReplyDeleteWhy all the hate for Ms. Markle I don't believe all this crap the drugs the escort thing. I believe they met on a date setup by her friend, u can't make up the way they look at each other and the genuine affection that they show for each other. All these MM blinds are part of the fiction portion of this site that disclosure is one of the things that you read first when you come on this site.
ReplyDeleteNo no, CL, she's "toast" and on her way out, according to these chicken innards I just checked. Because it so often happens in the British Royal Family that a bride of six months who's pregnant is also getting a divorce. And Harry looked at her all mean in one photo. Also her mom is "straight up thug," which is not racist at all. And she has some fucking nerve cradling her baby bump which is too big and fake for a skinny lady in her second trimester. Also she's a former hooker who loves coke and booze, which you can only do in the United States. Dammit. Also, made up stories about problems conceiving, which makes a ton of sense given she was married for about twenty minutes before, so it must be a surrogate, just like Pippa.
ReplyDeleteI guess no one has been suicided in awhile and the pedophile rings haven’t been exposed, so MM blinds will do for now
ReplyDeleteHarry appeared super jittery at his cousins wedding.... It really made me wonder.
ReplyDeletePlease, Enty, no more Sparkle Markle fake news. Many thanks.
ReplyDeleteMarkle has apparently hired cut-rate trolls, just like she's gone for cut-rate fashion.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see good trolls, go to the Cory Booker stories. His people have gotten the left-wing gay media AND right-wing slimeball Laura Ingraham to attack Booker's (male) accuser. Now, that's quality trolling.
I don’t believe most of the blinds I read about Markle - but no one needs to think she’s a hooker/drug addict to dislike her. What she has done is bad enough.
ReplyDeleteI don’t buy the “blind date” stuff...I think she angled to meet him & badgered people at SoHo House until they organised it. He was spending much of his time chasing models & actresses anyway, so they probably thought he’d be delighted to hook up with a willing soap “star” for a night or two. She love bombed him, as narcissists will always do - and he found himself with a woman who a) was telling him everything he wanted to hear, b) looked good on his arm & c) could cope with intense press interest. Perfecf wife material for Prince Dimwit. The rest is history.
I do think there are skeletons in her closet that will emerge at some point - I think she’s slept with married men and almost certainly cheated on her first husband. The UK doesn’t like people who do that - and many already suspect it.
But her biggest problem will be when the honeymoon period is over and people start laughing at her obvious acting in front of the’s impossible to miss. The media are being nice-ish at the moment because of the wedding & now baby, but all that hand holding & back rubbing (already looking extremely silly) is going to get very old, very quickly and the newspapers will start calling them on it.
The one thing narcissists cannot bear is criticism, so she will not respond well to this - and that will be the beginning of the end.
The one thing that Markle (and most of her fellow Americans) simply do not understand is that the BRF are NOT supposed to be celebrities. They are NOT supposed to be the story and they are NOT supposed to use the opportunities given to them for self-promotion. People think William & Kate are boring, but the bottom line is that they are doing exactly what is expected of them...avoiding becoming the story as far as they can & instead trying to let the spotlight shine on the causes they support. And they do that very well.
The big, big mistake Harry made is to confuse an ability to cope with press interest with an active craving for it. Markle’s desperate, desparate need for fame and glory is the polar opposite of what we expect of our royal family....and that will be her downfall.
What exactly has she done ? Married up ?
ReplyDeleteI agree that William and Kate are playing the role exactly as grandma Betty wrote it. The monarch should be a bit boring.
But spare heirs are granted some extra latitude. Back in the 1980s, Sarah Ferguson would not have been an acceptable Dutchess of York had Chuck not already had boys. Once the line was secure, just don't embarass Betty (and Sarah couldn't manage that).
I was surprised that Meghan was deemed acceptable, as she does have a past. But Harry's getting further and further from the throne, and Phil and Betty don't have the energy, so hey, let it go and we'll enjoy the last few years we have.
Oh--meant to add that Betty and Phil have recognized that a bit of glam isn't hurting the family firm. Di was a gigantic pain in the ass, but she was, overall, good for business.
ReplyDeleteTMZ just released the first Bump photo. And she is wearing BLUE! Hmmm. Chuckle.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Twitter Beard Club she is most likely using a surrogate, and likely Pippa did as well. Kate is also suspect after having such a difficult time with George.
ReplyDeleteNetty: I remember the video of President Obama and Michelle meeting young George at the Palace after they had given him a really nice present. Even then he looked like a budding Caligula! 'Difficult time'? She ain't seen nothin' yet!
ReplyDeleteI would use a surrogate in a MF'ing HEARTBEAT are you kidding me?!!?!?
ReplyDeleteDo you even KNOW how hard it is to maintain a slim and attractive physique as a normal person of average weight?? The pressure she would face as a royal newlywed (of a certain age, let's be honest) to get back into fighting shape - and then the chronic dismay of never being able to look the same with your clothes off (truly a death of vanity, a crushing blow the the ego of a beautiful woman).
Fuck yeah I'd use a goddamn surrogate. In a HEARTBEAT. I am an attractive female and life is difficult enough.
That said, I like Meghan Markle. She comes across as very American, she's excellent with the public and in front of the camera. I think she has played her part beautifully and has acted completely wonderfully.
One thing Brits may not realize is Americans can be more physically demonstrative with affection than stiff upper lipped Brits and frankly, it must be HUGELY STRESSFUL to be Harry's wife and perform perfectly and beyond reproach with no second takes.
And with that father?!?!?!? Eeesshhhhh, so humiliating to be associated with white trash.
I think the hand-holding and touching is her seeking reassurance that she is not alone and that everything is okay and that she is doing a good job.
So who is the surrogate? One of Harry's buddies? Someone from the old yachting days? Maybe good ol' James Hewitt again?
ReplyDeleteEnty is an attorney,right? Does the Royal family have a right to take you to court over all the negative and hateful blinds you post about MM? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteHarry is not Charles's son and this is all a massive joke on the public by the royal family.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think they let that handsome redhead marry a mixed-race former escort who was a profane plaything of repulsive Arab royalty?
It's all a big joke on the masses and the evil elite of England laugh at most of you all day and all night long, as they carve the still-beating hearts out of infants to keep their satanic rule clinging to its last semblance of control, before they are all washed away by the huge shift in consciousness that is taking place.
Donna, your comment is quite ignorant! go and have a look at photos comparing Charles, Harry & Philip. I think the joke is on you!
ReplyDeleteDDonna never met a wacky conspiracy theory she couldn't take to her breast and nurse like her own. Then she calls anyone who disagrees a pawn or a joker or an idiot.
Harry looks very like a young Phillip. It's sort of uncanny.
Even if she wasn’t pregnant I call complete bullshit on this.. does she really strike you as the type that loves coke and booze? The answer is a hard no. Look at her past... she definitely would have canceled one of those women empowerment speeches or something by now if that was the case ... come on these blinds need to at least be SOMEWHAT believeable
ReplyDeleteCharles does make a delicious lemon curd.
ReplyDeleteThe prince hit the wall suddenly and is mo longer hot, have you noticed that? Red red face, scruffy beard and sloppy attire, squinty beaded eyes -- drugs maybe, or the booze catching up with him. Hope he enjoys life with a raging narcissist.
ReplyDeleteThat almost makes sense. Let's see what would have been the reasoning...
ReplyDelete"It's been five long months since I got married, and I need to go on a coke and booze bender. So, I'll carefully plan a trip solo in L.A. I'm pretty sure that the reporters won't track me, or give me extra attention because I spend some time apart from the famous guy I just married. Unless I'm pregnant, I can't see how any of this could go wrong. Oopsies, I forgot to be on birth control..."
So banana bread is a new buzzword for coke? Hope so- imagine telling your mum "I'll do some banana bread" and get high. Hilarious. I'm starting to love MM.
ReplyDelete@ Olivia "... does she really strike you as the type that loves coke and booze?"
ReplyDeleteThat's a hard HELL YES. Bitch has lived hard, and it shows in her eyes.
Also, the constant clutching her stomach is ridiculous already.
ReplyDeleteOmg it is so annoying. She’s going be doing that for the next five months.
DeleteBitches hate when bitches marry up ..
ReplyDeleteMM is a Californian before she is an American. Let us not forget she did attend Northwestern and is an excellent speaker. Everyone in LA knows the Suit Case Girls on Deal Or No Deal escorted on the side.
ReplyDeleteRingo: Banana Bread refers to a Banana Bread cake she made recently for an event. There was a photo of it in one of the UK tabloids. She is allegedly a very good cook.