Friday, October 12, 2018

Blind Item #3

If I had to spend all day with criminal defense lawyers, I too, would probably get sloshed in a bar. That is what our celebrity CEO was doing last night. Surprise trip to the city to meet with them about criminally defending him against accounting fraud charges.


  1. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!"

    From the TV Series Barreta? I think.

    Yes, I remember 1970's TV shows.

  2. Robert Blake can do the time.

  3. And this is your daily Musk blind of the day

  4. Although I think it's

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...
    don't do it!

  5. Yup, Musk- someone in a bar in DC was sitting near him + posting photos... trying to figure out who was w/him.

  6. @Guesser, where is Grimes?

  7. Somebody got sloshed in a bar, stop the presses, those are family venues!

  8. If you're not getting drunk in a bar, you're wasting your time.

  9. keep your eye on the sparrow

  10. @riffraff,someone here claims she a seen with Musk,the day of the rocket launch,but I couldn't find anything. So where is Grimes?

  11. First Domano of the PayPale Mafia

  12. So Musk is bad but 100 years of cooking the books in Hollywood is just fine? I might have said it was OK in the older days when movies were good but why do they get away with it now?

  13. @Robert.

    Hey, that cartel money won't launder itself, you know.

  14. Can he afford getting drunk in bars?

    I don't just mean his reputation or whatever is left of that but financially speaking. Drinks in bars are crazy expensive.

    If he is going to get drunk wouldn't it be cheaper & smarter to buy a bottle of whatever he drinks & consume it in private (like a hotel room if he is on the road or at home if he is not)?

  15. Grimes right now, somewhere in space: "Open the pod bay doors, ELON."

  16. So was he meeting his lawyers at the White House? Because he was taking meetings at the White House all afternoon.

    Here’s Grimes at the SpaceX after party:

  17. @Brayson87, major business executives who get drunk at bars are just plain stupid or sloppy. They can do it anywhere no need to make it public.

    1. He wasn’t drunk at a bar, he was simply having dinner at a hotel restaurant and bar. He was photographed during a business dinner an hour and a half before his plane took off for LA. With the drive to the airport that leaves no time for finishing dinner and getting sloshed at the bar.

  18. @Unknown, major business executives who don't know how to handle themselves drunk have no business in business. He didn't get behind the wheel, he didn't assault anyone, he didn't leak company secrets, he didn't even get on top of a table. Lighten up, he's a private citizen not a public official.

  19. I hope this guy doesn't get suicidal Booze does that to you. Even though he's a prick, he's a harmless prick after all. I blame Amber Heard, that nasty witch, for his downfall. And drugs too.
