Sunday, October 07, 2018

Blind Item #2

If you think it was a decision he made on his own, you would be wrong. This former A+ list rapper got shut down by his wife. I don't think he knew she had the passwords.


  1. Ye is the LEAST of these morally corrupt cretins problems.
    Foul FOUL people.
    And everyone knows his password is

  2. She should’ve done this a longgggg time ago

  3. Kanye all day. How do you deal with your husband who refuses to take his medication. I guess back to the sunken place you go.

  4. Actually, he should shut hers down too.

  5. Well, if he can't shut down her social media accounts since she's always on them, maybe he could start a coordinated effort with his friends to troll her HARD.

  6. She’s just trying to erase the unphotoshopped images of her real body with all the cellulite and disproportion from our minds. We saw the real her. She can post all the photoshopped pics she wants. We saw it. Can’t take it back lol

  7. There should a mutual shutting down of accounts of all of them! That would be a glorious day, just hoping against hope here!

  8. 😂😂😂😂 seriously. It’s like watching a car crash... you just can’t look away but you wish it wasn’t happening 🤔

  9. They're always keeping the black man down. Don't let them silence you, Kanye!

  10. If Ye was bashing the Orange Cheeto Trump, they'd all be like "You're cured, the 14th amendment does suck, throw your meds away, and keep-on Tweetin'!!"
