Sunday, October 07, 2018

Blind Item #1

Dear Reporters,

Please ask the big winner last night about a flight from LA to NYC and what he did to the drink of a woman seated next to him. Then ask him about the sexual assault of that women in an airport bathroom when they landed. Just see what he says and get him on record.

Love & Bacon,



  1. Brett Kavanaugh, naturally.

    1. This is why conservatives will keep shining and people like me, (who have always been absolutely indifferent to anything political) believe that the only thing worse than a conservative Is A Liberal.
      Deliciously counterintuitive, oh bright one.

    2. I'm sorry, but that IS funny. And I'm a supporter of him

    3. Don't worry Rosie, their true colors will show when abortion and RU 86 is outlawed. Then you will be be on the bandwagon. Oh and don't forget, discrimination against trannies and gays will be ok. Lots of republican people i meet say horrible ugly things about gays so dont kid yourself. These are the older folks who will NEVER change their minds.

    4. I can't wait for these geriatric racists to die off.

    5. @Auntie I'm quite surprised you hang out with so many republicans. I do not, and so only have a small sample to base these opinions on... the ones I know are not mean and hateful at all.
      (2)Abortion will never be outlawed
      (3)I dont know what RU 86 is..
      And lastly, you'd be wrong when you say that I'll jump on any bandwagon, especially "trannies and gays"
      Just because im gay doesn't mean I feel those are My People.
      I had a horrendous experience in my early 20's with the gays..they were SO MEAN (especially lesbians). So I've spent the last 20+ years living my life and being a good PERSON. not "gay", just me. I never wanted to be thought of as "that lesbian" and so I've gone out of my way to be nice and kind in my day to day life, so people will judge me on my character.
      Like I said, I'm indifferent to all politics. I'm too fiery and passionate IRL to concern myself with it. Really, it wouldn't be good at all.
      My opinions on either side come from what I see, and I see idiots. Conservatives often make me cringe and wince, Liberals make me laugh with their utter stupidity.

      Anyhoo... You shouldn't hang out with so many mean and hateful republicans. You seem real decent.

  2. French Montana won 100k on the fight....

  3. Idiot. Kavanaguh isn't a rapist. He was in D.C. Jesus you liberals are libelously dangerous.

  4. Khabib Nurmagomedov

  5. I liked roofies. I STILL like roofies. How about you Senator?

  6. What did the police say? Surely a specific set of allegations like this would be reported.

    1. They said your mom shoulda been slapped

  7. Um. Not special.
    And I'll thank you for minding your own business and and in your own lane.

  8. To be fair, the blind doesn't state that the flight was last night, just the bigger winner was from last evening. Could be the Russian guy or Kavanaugh or if there were any award shows last evening (don't think there were).

  9. Rosie can't conjugate, and tends toward unhinged hate and hysteria.

    But we're supposed to find it charming, not thoroughly obnoxious and gutterbound, because she's a Sagittarius.

  10. It's not a centrist when you dont care for either political party, its independant. And opinions about issues are reach on their merits, not on the politics. This is the problem with those that are party connected; they only see through those goggles.

    I dependants deal with issues on their merits, not on the bought and paid for party line. Its called integrity.

  11. Party line constituents cannot see any issue except through their goggles.

    Independants see the issues on their direct merit. No party lines are involved. Its called integrity. Wake up sheeple. There is a whole 'nother life out here, beyond the red and blue walls.

  12. Winner of what? If you are going to report a person do it!! Name, time, place, other ways keep it to yourself or your therapist

  13. Rosie's a sewer slob, proud of her ignorance and bad manners. Not worth tge effort.

  14. Careful Jose... some people here don't want rapists prosecuted. Because that would be political, I guess.

    1. Absolutely right, J. They're called Republicans.

  15. i dont know why u people try and guess this shit its not like there going to tell u the awnser

  16. Rosie was only responding to the political commentary begun before her. Her comments were far less incendiary, insulting, condescending, hateful and, let's face it, predictable than the responses she got.

    Abortion isn't going to be outlawed, though it may someday get tossed back to the states to decide and even that seems highly unlikely but who knows in these crazy times.

    I'm a registered Democrat, but the party is an embarrassment and they shot themselves in the foot like 20 times in the past two weeks and 2000 times in the past two years. I suspect they will get crushed come November, despite all he talk of a "Blue Wave."

    1. You have it right...from a former Dem

  17. Liberal Battle Cry - Make America Sleazy Again!

  18. +1 Ddonna. I used to be a registered Democrat and always voted a straight pro-choice ticket. As you get older and wiser, you tend to get more clarity through maturity. I am now a registered Independent/Libertarian and will be hard pressed to vote Democrat in the foreseeable future. I am also an old school feminist who came up through the trenches of what was considered a man’s industry. These pussy hat wearers are a bunch of soft, spoiled, uneducated, emotional, prone to hysteria shitheads. They are being played by the Dems just like black folk have for the last 70 years. They are an embarrassment to all real women. And I don’t give a rat’s ass what the pc brigade says, if you can’t bleed for five days and not die, you are not female period. Now you pussy hat wearers can all go clutch your Birkenstock’s and fuck off. Then when you get done, go fuck off some more. I’ll be having a beer for Kavanaugh and the Constitution.

  19. BTW @Rosie, I may not always agree with your opinions but I respect them.

  20. Angela, it's probably your father or your brothers if you even know them...

  21. Y’all... ENTY gave a clue in his Twitter post. Said we were brushing over the word “night” and wondered if he should’ve said “late last night”. That would point to the fight, not Kavanaugh.

  22. If it's the UFC fight, even though he lost, McGregor was the big winner considering he made close to 50 Million dollars for it based on PPV buys and his percentage from them.

  23. Yeah, DDonna, saying moms should be slapped is a totally civil way to enter a conversation.

    1. @J I swear I saw your lip tremble and foot stomp when you wrote this.

  24. Jesus Christ, one joke makes it to the first post and you all fucking go berserk. You'd think on a site where everything is already tailored to fit your preconceptions, this would be about Khabib.

    Guess what, if you're "politically independent" but support one party unilaterally over the other, for whatever reason, you're not independent, you're a fucking sucker. If that reason is that you think one of the parties is for "annoying people" while you ignore what the other party is actually going to do, then you're a sucker and a moron.

    The differences are mostly cosmetic but at a certain point if I'm gonna get fucked in the ass against my will I'd like them to use lube, even if it means listening to their obnoxious pillow talk. Wake the fuck up.

  25. "you liberals are libelously dangerous."

    That's rich.


    " I am also an old school feminist"

    No you weren't. You can't even parse out what feminist means on a good day.

    "Now you pussy hat wearers can all go clutch your Birkenstock’s and fuck off. "

    Yep, pure feminism there!

  26. @DDonna

    "Abortion isn't going to be outlawed"

    No, it will be outlawed state by state, as both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have proposed in opinions independent of one another...or not...since they want to kiss some religious ass for support.

    "I'm a registered Democrat"

    Bullshit. Share that voter registration card of STFU.

  27. Looks like Plot wants to see voter ID. Welcome aboard! Voter ID IS a good idea!

  28. @ rosie riveter

    You're not an independent, you're a fucking hypocrite.

    It doesn't bother you, for instance, when a clearly insane person posts day after day here anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
    It doesn't bother you when the site swears that Hillary Clinton gave John McCain cancer or that the democrats had Barack Obama's male lovers killed before the 2008 election.
    But it just takes ONE joke, and a not especially mean one, about Kavanaugh to play the indignation card...
    What would be the word to qualify someone like you? Yeah, I remember it... Snowflake.

    @ DDonna Tarttty

    As a registered Democrat, you're not bothered by the blatant racism and sexism here in the comments? Guess what, you're a liar. Like probably BestMan
    It's the oldest trick in the book to hide one's true colors for rhetorics. If you present yourself as a Trump supporter right from the start, you look partisan to everybody else.
    But if you're a "lifelong" or a "registered Democrat", suddenly the same words are supposed to be pearls of wisdom by somebody who has seen the light and is well over partisanship. Even if it's just about siding with every decision by the current administration, and being disgusted by what the Democrats have supposedly become.
    If that so, why don't you change affiliations? You have nothing in common with Democrats. You know that. Unless you're an idiot, you're well aware that you're much more comfortable with the Republicans and Trump. Registering as a Republican would just take a few minutes online, it would just cost you at worst one or two posts here.

    1. @Angela
      nope im not an Independent. I'm INDIFFERENT.
      Wrong "I" word you moron.

  29. TDS wackadoos are out in full force today. Wonderful!!!! Keep recruiting walk away voters for the mid terms.

  30. Khabib - but Enty doesn't have a clue as to the depth of depravity and criminality going on in the UFC.

    1. ^^^this is what I'd like to know more about!

  31. Anybody with moral convictions microscopic enough to let their vote be influenced by the comments section on a blind item blog probably wouldn't make the cut if we brought back literacy tests. Just saying.

  32. @Do Tell

    Your voter registration card isn't an acceptable voter ID according to your Reich brethren. It's been tried, in Texas I think, and your boys shot it down.

    So, looks like you are wrong, but it wouldn't be the first time.

  33. @Angela

    Agree, agree and agree.

    "I'm a registered Democrat (or a feminist) but..." is how they try to grab some credibility, which proves that yes, being a Democrat (or a feminist) means one is more credible. Funny how they don't grab the irony of that.

    1. And Plot.
      Ohhhh Plot...
      No One gives a shit what you think. Yet here you are, day in and day out, telling people they are not what they claim.
      You're such an imbecile.

  34. I don’t like the whole party system, have been unaffiliated with a party since the 70s.
    I’m not a joiner, i’m a voter.

  35. Agree with you Angela. Well said and my sentiments also.

  36. I will just add that I have no issue with someone who is a registered Republican and acknowledges so. I'd have issues with somebody who sides with Democrats on any key issue, yet mysteriously considers to be a real Republican.

    The main thing is honesty. And the people I've mentioned have simply none of it.

    Since August, the site has pushed the narrative that people like James Gunn or Dan Harmon are dangerous pedophiles whose place is in jail or in an institution. Apart from a few tweets taken out of context and a few bad jokes by both, there's zero solid evidence of it – we just had a ton of dubious blind items, later "revealed," but nothing concrete. Yet, anybody who would dispute these claims was an accomplice, somebody paid by (((Hollywood))) to protect these people, and most likely a pedophile supporter themselves.

    Meanwhile, we have Brett Kavanaugh, who is been accused, not by a bunch of 4chan anonymous users or other people under aliases, but by three named women, two of them delivering more concrete facts and accusations than the amount of "evidence" produced here against Gunn and Harmon for weeks. We have Kavanaugh himself being very uncomfortable and aggressive with anybody disputing his version of the story, claiming one day that he never drank at the time, and the next that he would have a few beers like everybody else.

    I don't know the truth about these accusations, but they are more solid and detailed than unsourced stories about James Gunn's exes being forced to dress like schoolgirls (while he could have paid an escort for this kind of roleplaying) or Dan Harmon being invited to direct voice sessions specifically involving underage actresses for a big budget film at a time he was a nobody in the industry.
    And Kavanaugh's situation is now solid enough for him to endure being the butt of a few jokes.
    Yet, any allusion here to Kavanaugh (who was definitely a "big winner last night") is disgusting for the same people who have never expressed any doubt about outlandish accusations against two men, who happened to be vocal Trump opponents, as their "intuition" was enough to see that these guys were creeps and criminals.

  37. Nobody cares if you approve of how they vote. Your pretending Kavanaugh was a legitimate guess is the most dishonest thing in this thread.
    Get over yourself you pedo defending TDS nutjob.

  38. Dear Weeklykittyclass, or whatever your name is:

    You and all the Bernie supporters sat home in November 2016 pouting because Bernie wasn't on the ticket. YOU and all the other Bernie supporters elected trump.

  39. Keep calling everyone who disagrees with you Neal names. It just makes you look like an imbecile. @ Rosie. My friends who are Republican are polite and restrain themselves around me. The others that i interact with are part of my job. This is California and let me tell you, some of those right wingers are fucking assholes. I just smile and change the subject because i am not a politican. My mouth just drops open and shake my head and say a prayer to remain calm. Its an ugly world out there and just be careful because its going to get worse. Scalia was Satan in my book

    1. Also Rosie did not mean to offend you with the reference about gays and T. I have friends who are all of the above and care about them very much. Peace✌🏽

  40. @rosie

    Oh you are indifferent? Then why to you pop into every political thread to state your opinion (and how little you care for anyone elses?)

    That's not indifference. That's a lie.

  41. She sure as fuck isn't indifferent to me. If only.

  42. @Rosie

    People who are really indifferent don't call people "morons" who disagree with them.

    1. Touche
      Got me.
      Fucking moron was what i was looking for

  43. Plot calling anyone wrong is not only hilarious, but a good example of projection.

    I'm Jewish, and a Democrat, so she/he/it telling me I have "Reich brethren" displays an unusual amount of abject snap judgement ignorance

    To steal a line from plot, not the first time he/she/it has done so. Nor will it be the last.

  44. To add, I said nothing about voter registration cards. I said "voter ID."

    Again, leave it to lost-the-plot not to pay attention when typing her/his/its kneejerk posts.

  45. Let's see, would the "big winner" who molested a woman in a public place be a boxer, or a judge who has been highly respected by everyone in his field and social circles and had a spotless record until Democrats decided to try to stretch out his confirmation hearing with accusations so they could use it for the midterms?

    Wow, this is a tough one....

  46. "Why would anyone with a brain be a registered Democrat anymore"

    Primaries, and trying to get someone on the ballot. That's all. But it is anything goes when the general election rolls around. No one should be voting straight ticket anymore.

  47. @Do Tell

    "I'm Jewish, and a Democrat"

    Sure you are.

  48. @Do Tell

    "I said nothing about voter registration cards. I said "voter ID." "

    I asked for a voter registration card. YOU claimed that means I support voter ID. I contended they are different things.

    Scroll up, bucky, it's all there.

  49. @rosie

    "Fucking moron was what i was looking for"

    Which shows you care, really and truly care, which is not indifferent.

  50. Good god people lighten up! Angela made a joke...and it turned into WWIII in here!

  51. "Sure you are."

    I sure am both Jewish and a Democrat, two things you hate, along with the world outside your delusions.

    Your immediate response to my voter ID joke was "Your voter registration card isn't an acceptable voter ID according to your Reich brethren."

    I never said voter registration cards were the same as voter ID. I was pointing out that you wanted to see authentication of Donna's voting registration status, hence, you were pushing the idea of voter ID.

    You certainly do need everything spelled out for you.

  52. Churchill 'anyone who isn't a liberal under the age of 25, has no heart. And anyone who isn't a conservative over the age of 25, has no brain'.

  53. J is an embittered queen. His Mother shouldn't have been slapped though, but she should have aborted the worthless parasite growing inside of her. It's high time "men" remember who make and raise them at great risk and cost, but they're thick as pig shit. And so they continue to throw kindling onto their own funeral pyres like the utter morons they are..


  54. The big winner last night..? Not the person who won the match.

    I have never watched UFC nor do I care. But it was obvious to me that Khabib walked right into a trap. A trap that was baited with "words" meant to trigger him into an emotional reaction that led to violence. All this while McGregor looks like the good guy in the situation. All because "He said bad things about my father, my country..." and whatever else McGregor's team of thugs used to fan the emotional flames.

    Sound familiar...? It should. We're watching the microcosm play out the macro in real time, folks.

  55. Being uncomfortable with mentally ill men wearing dresses using the girl's bathroom is not discriminatory.

  56. @Do Tell

    "I sure am both Jewish and a Democrat"

    And I'm an Inuit Presbyterian. No one knows you're a dog on the internet.

    "two things you hate"

    See! Right there you prove you're playing games.

    "I was pointing out that you wanted to see authentication of Donna's voting registration status, hence, you were pushing the idea of voter ID."

    Except I know the difference between the two, which you obviously did not.

    "You certainly do need everything spelled out for you."

    You certainly haven't been very good at resolving the contradictions in your persona.

  57. @Do Tell

    "I sure am both Jewish and a Democrat"

    And I'm an Inuit Presbyterian. No one knows you're a dog on the internet.

    "two things you hate"

    See! Right there you prove you're playing games.

    "I was pointing out that you wanted to see authentication of Donna's voting registration status, hence, you were pushing the idea of voter ID."

    Except I know the difference between the two, which you obviously did not.

    "You certainly do need everything spelled out for you."

    You certainly haven't been very good at resolving the contradictions in your persona.

    And right here you prove what a mentally ill idiot you are.
    Move along, maryscott.
    Quit spammin our inboxes

  58. I believe it was George Washington who stated this or some variation..... vote on the person not the party. Political Parties will be the end of us.

  59. Go ahead and have a beer, but know you’re time will be ending in your lifetime. Things are changing and I’m very happy you will see it because it will obviously cause you much grief.

  60. Giving women the right to vote was a mistake.

    1. Giving birth to you was a mistake @painkillr. Wheres my morning after pill.

  61. Boy, the gaslighting is out in full force today.

  62. I'm amused at the loons still trying to pin everything on Kavanaugh. This is clearly the Muslim UFC fighter but keep going, guys. At least you all believe each others bullshit.

  63. I know next to nothing about UFC but I thought the fight was between McGregor and some Russian dude. Who is the Muslim?

  64. Khabib is Russian and Muslim, he is from Degastan. Lots of muslims there.

  65. Ah, thanks Lisa!
