Friday, October 12, 2018

Blind Item #1

You would think the significant other of this former A+ list tweener would want to see him get help. Not really. She basically just bailed and is letting him do his own thing. Not really sticking by his side through all things thick and thin.


  1. Replies
    1. Considering how fast she's left him, Bailey would be about right too.

    2. Another funny typo. 🤣

  2. She’s probably sick of his shit already.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought Britney was doomed, but she bounced back. Maybe he will too. And Demi. And 'enter name here'.

  5. His getting all weepy because his ex is unwell isn't helping his relation with her. I din't blame Hailey for leaving him alone.

  6. PPl are so heartless. Beiber is falling apart, its obvious with his emotional outbreaks he has been photog'd having. There is some serious mental health issues there that like many with a mental illness, he is trying to hold at bay with drugs. I do not believe half the damn stories about his forcing Selena at things etc, and I would hope that SOMEONE will step up and try to help him, or else he will be dead soon. I notice he is rarely pictured with his little brother anymore, he used to spend alot of time with him and always looked so happy then. Also hopefully, someone can help him get this marriage annulled once the extent of his mental illness and drug issues are brought out. There needs to be an intervention here. LOL and I am not even a fan, i do not even read the articles he is in, i just see the picture after picture on the Daily mail splash page and its sad.

    1. +10000 truthseeker. Kind of thought his overspending with trips to Europe and flaunting his affection with wife was a cry for help. His parents are afraid of getting cut off and an OD will be the only way for someone meaningful to intervene

  7. "You would think..."
    she's what? About 12?
    She can barely commit to which yummy sugary cereal she wants to buy, let alone a man child. Bless his heart tho, I kinda wanna give him a hug.

  8. Lots of young people suffer or die without being comprehensively entitled dickheads. I couldn't care less what happens to him, apart from hoping he goes away.

    1. And we're shocked you've taken that position. It totally goes against the grace you typically show.

      And is that seriously the way you want to use the word COMPREHENSIVELY

      lol okeedokee

  9. He desperately needs help, but he doesn’t exactly have a support system. And hailey is probably just waiting on something to happen to him because ching ching, she wants a payday asap with no prenup.

  10. That "church" is up to no good as well... They are playing head games with him and are doing nothing to help stop his destructive behavior.

  11. Britney had her dad and a team who wanted to keep the money train going. Justin just has scooter and a creepy church. Oh dear.

  12. Why should she care? They have no prenup, so if he bites the dust, she'll be living it up! I hope his mom or someone that has some sense will intervene soon!

  13. Yeah you'd think his church would be helping him through this. Say what you will, but at least other groups will support their golden gooses through tough times.

  14. She just got hitched to the daft bastard with no pre nup, why the fuck would she want him to recover? She just one wild party night (or hot shot) away from his bank accounts. Maybe she'll spend some of his millions and buy some food for herself, the skeletal harpy.

  15. Hi Rosie. Give my regards to the other gutter slobs.

  16. If he dies, she's set.

  17. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Bieber needs help. Inpatient type help.
    Children cannot be in show business. Period.
    We need to address this. We need to be lobbying state legislatures, to get children out of show business.
    No TV studios. No movie sets. No Broadway stages and dressing rooms. No modeling on runways. No selling of clothing. To sell clothing, ~~is not the job of a child.~~
    A child is here to learn, grow, and be loved. Period.

    1. It should be illegal for minors to work in show business. Why not use midgets or CGI or trained monkeys?

  18. They never got married. TMZ would have published the Wedding Certificate the same day. Another ridiculous publicity stunt. His 15 minutes were up LONG ago.
