Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Blind Item #14

Already having a few beers just to help him relax is what he says. This A+ list actor has not come close to rock bottom and probably never will.


  1. For some people its not rock bottom but a bottomless pit! Ben seems to be one such person!

  2. +1 I thought of Ben & his break from rehab

  3. Probably Ben blowing off rehab

  4. Wtf?!? Why doesn’t he want to get better for himself?? Why doesn’t he just hire a sober coach to live with him?

  5. Brett Kavanaugh?

    I kid, I kid.

  6. Maybe Ben should stop pretending he and his brothers past abuse of women, and the support friendship he gave to other abusers didn't exist. Maybe then he can truly begin to climb out of that pit he dug himself into and start to heal.
    It isn't enough to treat your daughters with respect. Own your abuse of other's daughters, and your enabling/support of Harvey and ben and probably Matt as they abused women.

    Fuck him.

    1. He doesn’t care. As if he feels any remorse or empathy about it. He is probably feeling sorry for himself and mad anyone got exposed at all

    2. @Nealm: thx so much for your comment. Totally agree and it all makes it more sickening. Ben is beginning to seem like Asia’s soulmate. And one can only hope that they burn in hell together.

  7. Ben Affleck was the correct response to Final Jeopardy yesterday and nobody got it right. Womp womp. Kick a man while he's down. 😂

  8. Affleck. Jennifer Garner is his biggest enabler and will never let him hit rock bottom. She loves swooping in to 'save' him, and in full view of the cameras.

  9. Affleck. I can't imagine what is going to be rock bottom for him

  10. He has to want to stop
    No one can force him to, long term

  11. Amazing how the paps were able to get photos of the Affleck family coming out of church on Sunday. You would almost think they were tipped off...
    Ben with his plastic party cup in hand. I never saw that at church before.

    1. Yeah, that cup looked like a cocktail. Go figure.

  12. Maybe it was wine during communion last Sunday?

  13. +1 LooLoo...
    I'm NOT blaming Control Freak Jennifer... but anyone who keeps coming in to help/save the addict, isn't allowing for rock bottom. Kids or no kids! Fuckers won't ever get better til they decide themselves!

  14. @Neal M, anytime you see pictures with kids in a school,church,park and the faces aren't blurred, papps are hired. The Afflecks are the worst,because Jenn speaks out about this all the time. Get they still buy them.

  15. @Guesser...
    I didn't realize that's how it works. Eeeewwwww... that's gross!

  16. Good point guesser. I didn't know that, but it makes sense.

  17. I initially thought Kavanaugh too, but he isn't an actor. So Affleck would be my guess.

  18. I thought it might be drunken Blasey ford, but there was no mention of lying and though she was certainly acting I don't think that qualifies, so yeah definitely Affleck.

  19. Re getting pics of the Affleck/Garner family arriving at or leaving church every Sunday----they are regular churchgoers. Paps know the family schedule and know they'll get an easy shot 99.9% of the time. The same thing goes for after school pick up.

  20. @Neal it's funny that your willing to believe most unsubstantiated blinds enty posts, even when no victim has even accused anyone but you don't want to believe Dr Ford. You really just believe whatsoever shit Trump makes up don't you.

  21. @Sara...I GOT IT RIGHT...I WIN!!! Or do I 😁

  22. Ford is NOT CIA. She has no Intelligence connections. Kavanaugh doesn't either. It's all being used by the Russian and American fascists to turn parts of the US against other parts. They also want to diminish all law enforcement, including the CIA.

  23. Not Johnny Depp - he's a wine drinker. Didn't you read his Rolling Stone interview?

  24. @LEANNE NORMANN, it seems Dr. Ford lied about her past experience with polygraph testing. She greatly exaggerated her fear of flying,as she flies frequently. Therefore,her honesty can be questioned.

  25. Ben's not an A+ actor-maybe Brad Pitt. Or someone else. More guesses guys!

    1. Has anyone told Ben he's not A+ any more? Please let me watch.

  26. You Can't Spell FordCIA without CIA.

  27. Argh can't these people and their fantasies go somewhere else?

    Anyway just coming on to say what others have. Until the addict is ready no amount of dragging to rehab or trying to shame will help. My brother, may he rest in peace, was an addict and tough love was what got him to finally take rehab seriously. The enablers are the last to realize that they're doing more harm than good. Living with an active user is hell.

  28. Leave him to it. Don't give him access to his kids and leave him alone. I had that happen to me. It was painful but I was sober 3 years on the 20th September. Loneliest days of my life soon knocked sense into me. He needs to lose work too. Stop giving him roles.

    1. Oh and let him go cold turkey without help. That will shit him up.

    2. Congrats @Amy, that's awesome 🌹

    3. Way to go, Amy! Strong lady! 💪😘

  29. Affleck. AFLAC!!!! quack. I HATE him. He is such a toxic pile of crap... is he trying to reconcile with Garner? I kind of got that vibe but am not up to date...

  30. Ben Affleck. Can't stand him, and I am not surprised nor do I feel sorry for him. I have several family members who died from alcoholism because they couldn't get help when they hit their bottoms. I'll be damned if I'm gonna shed one tear over an entitled, spoiled piece of swine who has plenty of money to pay for rehab and can get all the help he needs with no problems. And as for Jen Garner, she's playing Sainted Martyr, I saw plenty of that in my family too. And by the way, remember how he acted when that genealogy show dug up his slave owning ancestors? Instead of owning up to it he refused to let that show air, if I remember right, it was some years ago. That tells me a lot about him right there, f his so-called liberal leanings, he's full of bs. If he was as liberal as he likes to let on, he would have been glad to use that as a teachable moment about how close the slavery era still is and how history still affects the present.
