Monday, October 29, 2018

Blind Item #14

There is little to no chance this permanent A list singer will ever cancel a deal that makes her gob tons of money just because fans don't approve where the money is coming from. She just doesn't care.


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Beyoncé top shop

  2. Mimi in the Phillipines?

  3. OT: Elite Daily is claiming Pete changed his phone number after the Ari break, opposite of the blind item here (which it's way more believable she changed hers)

    1. Blindgossip says Ariana changed her #

    2. OMG... I wonder if he plucked his nose hair now he's single? This is WAY TOO MUCH FOR ME TOO HANDLE.

      How tha fuck will I ever be able to go on???? SO TRAGIC

  4. It's entirely possible they both changed their numbers, I imagine his phone was blowing up from people concerned about him.

  5. +1 SarahElizabeth

    "Green is currently at a spa resort in Tucson, Arizona and told the Mail on Sunday that he had a good relationship with his employees, insisting that he had engaged in nothing more than “banter” with his staff."

    Resorts/rehabs etc in Arizona right after allegations always raise some red flags.

    1. To some men 'suck my dick if you want that promotion' is 'banter'.

    2. And to MANY Woman... "I'll give you Head to get ahead" Is all they got to offer an employer.

      Mind your business, stop with the drama, show up, do an outstanding job, be a team player, learn from those wiser than you & assist those less skilled is how most men obtain status. Quit being a FUCKING VICTIM and start being a productive member of society. ffs

  6. Does anyone seriously think that snyboc Greens businesses will suffer significantly because of this? And yhay leaving aside the completely negligible effect it will have on Beyonce's popularity.

  7. I have also changed my number, if anyone is interested!

    1. WTF?!?...

      Someone call TMZ quick. This is MAJOR BREAKING NEWS

  8. The pedo recovery resort,spa, fake rehab? That place?

  9. @hothot, yeah anytime someone uses "banter" to describe workplace conversation it's usually not a good sign.

    1. Yes just stick to business and do your best impression of a robot.gtfo

  10. @Guesser, I think it's a different place, but all kinds of places around Arizona

  11. Not to mention Ivy Park is made is sweat shops in Sri Lanka. yeah Beyonce you run the world, such a feminist icon.

    Actually it's really disgusting. She isn't about her people, or helping others, she's about her bank account under the guise of being a good christian girl.

    1. I 100% agree. We watch this happening and we embrace the vapid, self-serving, selfish (and BRAGGING ABOUT IT!) kardashian whores. Like Kim would rather make a buck selling a poster of her ass than helping people in need. With all the money that the Beyoncés and the kardashians and Elon fucking musks of the world have...they could NEVER spend it all. It’s like they just want to amass as much as they can!!! Musk idiot billionaire: planning to SELL the rubble that he’s going to dig out to make his super-futuristic underground tunnels under LA, fashioning them into “LEGO-like blocks that connect, with the idea that 2 men could build a house (with them) in 2 days, NOT EVEN CONSIDERING the good he could do: low income housing, more help and support for the homeless, ANYTHING!!!
      But no, these people don’t care.
      WHY don’t they care!! People are suffering and they COULD help, but choose not to. When was the last time you heard about the kardashians performing ANY random act of kindness. It hurts my heart. The social hierarchy that we live in, based on money and “things”.
      There is MORE to life.

  12. Two Small Coins - Nobody should be too surprised, it's the second oldest game in the book.

  13. UPDATE:

    11PM 10/29

    For those of you who are following the story of the two sisters who were duct-taped together and found in the Hudson River last week in NYC, it appears they were from Saudi Arabia. Everyone, including me, thought they were Hispanic, and possibly Dominican, based on their last name. The family have told the NYPD there is no way their daughters killed themselves and to investigate this as a double murder. Law enforcement is searching for an CCTV videos that might show the girls at some point before they went over George Washington Bridge. My personal interest in this case is it happened near where I live. And because I have a daughter and cannot imagine the grief the family is feeling at this time. Hopefully, this will be solved soon.

  14. I just noticed this on twitter !


  15. Most women do that, JF, so fuck off with your misogynistic bullshit. Funny how it's #notallmen when it comes to paedophilia, rape, serial killers, child murderers and despotic leaders, so don't generalise women you fucking hypocritical prick.

    1. Ahh, there's the bitter, man hating, radical feminist, pussy hat wearing rant that we all have come to expect from Viking Song.... Meds seem to be back in balance now.

  16. @J F

    " is how most men obtain status"

    Oh aren't we naive! Men always deserve their status, is that what your tweener mindset tells you?

    1. Idk, I'm apparently not as smart as you.

      How many guys (outside of Bryan Singer's world) do you personally know that sucked and slept their way to fame and fortune?

      That Warren Buffet, what a FUCKING slut. If it wasn't for poppers and lube, he would still be flipping hamburgers at McD's

  17. @J K

    Answer the question - men are always stalwart and true, honest and hard working, and that is how they advance in their professions 100% of the time. THAT is what you said, is that correct?

    You sweet, dear, naive chump.

  18. If that is what you thought when reading my statement, then there is very little hope for you. Your world is a place for only the specially gifted. I hope you recover soon

  19. So you can't answer the question I've asked twice. Whether I'm simple minded or not isn't really important. Your panic, however, is noted.

  20. We won't mention those Trust fund babies like Trump. Seems Daddy is still funding old Donny, the old man left him 295 revenue streams in the will. We won't mention Daddy Trump and Fred Sr were crooked too.

    Trump has lost more money than the lump sums of money his old man gave him, what was it 400 million or more. Yeah the bankruptcy king is the one in charge of your country. Fed national debt 21 trillion tick tick tick 21.01 trillion tick tick tick 21.02 trillion tick tick tick

  21. @Jen

    But...but...Trump makes the Trumpies all feel like WINNERS! Nothing else matters. Ask Tricia. It's all about feeeeeeelings, donjano.

    Arm that border! Doesn't matter than the march is quickly dwindling and still 1000 miles away. Gotta turn this election around!

  22. Eileen,

    The only answer is to tax the living shit out of the wealthy. They can't possibly use the cash they have amassed now in 10 lifetimes. It's about time for them to pay up for the privilege of using our system to make themselves spectacularly wealthy.



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