Thursday, October 11, 2018

Blind Item #14

This openly gay female actress is probably A-/B+ list. It kind of depends on if you watched her shows or not. Anyway, she has a new show and is telling women she can get them roles if they will sleep with her. She puts that last part a little more graphically than I did. 


  1. Sarah Paulson! Yeah, firsttttttttttt.

  2. Sarah gilbert and Sarah paulson, ew.
    Ruby can getit without the extra conditions. Even straight girls want her

  3. Raven Simone
    New show just aired

    1. Sorry didn’t just air but called Ravens Home

  4. Well at least the casting couch is equal opportunity, anybody can be a pig.

  5. hard seeing any of the names listed here as A-/B+

  6. hmmm...jane lynch maybe?

  7. Paulson is one of those soft spoken phonies.

  8. Well Raven Symone was definitely an A list child actor. She was all over the place on TV and Disney for a long time. Dunno about as an adult though.

    Not sure about Sara Gilbert. As a kid yeah. I mean Roseanne was a huge hit and Darlene was my favorite character.

    I wasn't sure who Sara Paulson was until her face rang a bell. She was Merlyn on American Gothic. I really liked that show. It's too bad it was so short lived.

    I dunno who this is. But it's just proof that women can be as gross as men when it comes to the casting couch.

  9. Doesn't Paulson strictly indulge in ye ol' cooch? I can't see her casting anyone but old ladies.


  10. sarah paulson scene in What Women Want belongs in a time capsule

    she gives a yamaka to mel gibson

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I would have said Amber Heard, but she seems to have headed back into the closet despite having previously announced in front of the press that she was a Lesbian and was intending on marrying her then girlfriend Tasya Van know, the woman she punched at an airport.

  13. Ahh, the sweet gesture of punching your loved one in public, if thats not true love I dont know what is!

  14. Female actress? Aren't actresses always female, or so I thought.

  15. This is absolutely Ruby Rose. She has a reputation as bad as Cara's in the true love department and she has that new Bat Girl show.

  16. Why would you sleep with a slag no matter what their inclinations... disease central, no thanks..

  17. Fair point, Annie, but let's not kid ourselves that *male actors are any different.

    *Yes, I know all actors are male, but I thought I'd follow the lead from Enty's "female actresses" lol.

  18. Definitely Ruby rose no doubt....

  19. Tits "Tuna" Mcgillicutty
