Thursday, October 18, 2018

Blind Item #13

It looks like the news is starting to spread that this alliterate former actress who is far more famous now than she ever would have been from acting had to use IVF to get pregnant. I told you from the very beginning that she had always told her exes she didn't even think she could get pregnant. Apparently with the help of science she could.


  1. That's right Prince Hot Ginge gets absolutely no credit at all for being the manly stud every woman in the world thinks he is. Knocked up in less than 1\2 year can't possibly be him chugging inside of her like a machine.

  2. Oh FFS, as long as the DNA matches who GAF? They could have been using handstands and turkey basters for all it matters, lots of couples face challenges conceiving.

  3. They are both on the downside of fertility, especially her. Of course she had help.

  4. I said this before on a similar blind about her - fertility issues are a private matter for a woman & if she has the means to start a family via alternative methods such as IVF, then yay for science!

  5. Don't understand why this is even a blind, there is nothing scandalous or remotely wrong with a couple having a hard time conceiving and needing help. Yet so many people hide it, especially those in the public eye. Meghan may have many things to be embarrassed about in her past, but not being able to get pregnant in not one of them.

  6. This is a mean-spirited and misogynist blind. Why are you shaming a woman for having fertility issues and seeking treatment? Would you shame someone for having another disease not of their choosing?

    1. Agreed. There seems to be more misogyny in the tone of this site lately. CDAN used to be daily reading for me. Now, not so much.

  7. God save the spares' heir!😎😇🙏👪👍

  8. Hannah J. and Misskitty took the words right out of my mouth. Shame on you, Enty.

  9. she's 37 if science helped so what, Enty trying to save face that he said she was not able to have kids. She didn't want kids with her ex and she had a career that isn't very accommodating to women when pregnant.

    May her first child be a masculine child I say.

  10. Career focused couples are settling down later in life, IVF is quite commonplace now because of this. My sister and her husband had IVF at 40 for this reason. It’s no big deal and definitely not blind worthy.

  11. Yeah, okay, 'misogynist' is going a bit too far but I agree, this is stupid. Who actually gives a fuck how they have their child? As long as they are happy and baby is healthy, who actually cares?

  12. IVF is cool. A wonder of science doing good for people who want to get pregnant. It might explain her over the top giddyness this past week. She's absolutely delerious with happiness it seems. Almost manic with her constant grinning, laughing and feeling all over Harry

  13. Or, maybe that's just what she told her ex's because she didn't want to have a baby [interrupt her career] with THEM. Having a Windsor baby is on an other level.

    Standard guidelines for diagnosing infertility require a couple to have actively tried for a pregnancy for one year with out success. Who's going to believe that Meg's or Harry were willing to walk down the aisle before Queen, Country and Oprah with ponderous bump and fat ankles!

    Knocked up 3 months after the wedding? Even with help, that's pretty quick.

  14. No surprise here. Not even news worthy. My 42 year old is expecting in January 2019, thanks to IVF.

  15. I was over 35 when I started trying to get pregnant and was worked for infertility after 4 months. The wait for a year is for more likely for women younger than 35. If she has a known diagnosed problem they are not going to make her wait a year.

  16. Been waiting for forever for Enty to start saying "alliterative".

  17. THANK GOD! We don't have enough people on this planet, and the shortage of trust-fund brats is especially dire.

  18. This would require them to have started before the Wedding.... Bravo MM!

  19. Stop with this fertility shit. No one cares how families get created. You seem soooo thirsty about Megan Markle. I'm almost convinced ENTY thought he was going to be promised to Harry.

  20. Wow...This is incredibly sexist. I'd also like to add that IF a woman is a call girl or uses the 'casting couch' to get ahead, that does not make her a bad person. The blinds & COMMENTS are sometimes so mean/ sexist I feel I need a shower.

  21. The reason for the blind is that the rumor is that Markle did the IVF in secret, perhaps when she ran off to Canada. Rumor is also that Harry and Markle don't live together, and Harry is unhappy, but the Queen said they have to stay married for 2 years. Harry is putting up a front because he is a professional royal.

    If you dislike Markle like I do check out the Facebook page "Meghan Markle The Charlatan Duchess". Warning though, if you in any way defend Markle you will be swiftly booted from the group. We have a member who has a palace source who said: "...the mood is dark surrounding this pregnancy and I asked well is she really pregnant? They said Princess Anne was rumored to have said the same thing. ... "The tart was bursting with pride as I sat next to her at the wedding. She was rambling on about her pregnancy. If it wasn't for Eugenie... I would have loved to smack that cheeky look right off her face."

  22. I'd like to add my "what they said" to the above. Leave them alone!

  23. It is indeed misogynist. Would Enty shame a man for privately seeking treatment for erectile disfunction? I doubt it.

  24. A few seconds of ejaculation is nothing, Sandy, and it's certainly not the equivalent of nine months pregnancy while the Mother GREW the baby, or going through life-risking agonising childbirth or going through the sleep deprivation and exhaustion of 24/7 breastfeeding etc., while coping with PD, stitches and mastitis.

    It's high time men got the fuck over themselves. You did the least, had it the easiest, and are given an obscene amount of preferential treatment over mothers, and yet you faux cry victimhood. Utterly pathetic.

  25. If true, there is no shame in this.

    But this implies Harry and Meghan basically spent their honeymoon in the IVF clinic.

    The risk I think they are taking is announcing the pregnancy so early. At age 37, I'd want to wait a bit longer before telling the world. But maybe this tour forced their hand. She'll be in the spotlight for the next 16 days, and any hint of a bump would send the press into hysteria, taking away the purpose of the tour.

    Anyway, I wish them well. By the time Harry and Meghan's children are older, they will be as much a non-issue and Beatrice and Eugenie are now.

  26. Thankful that she was able to conceive through IVF. No shame in that. Not really sure why this is a blind item. I'm happy for them and for everyone else this procedure has been successful for.

  27. @Kimberly Nope, just a slut. And one who will happily cry "victimhood" if she ever gets called on it.

  28. This subjects hits home in a YUGE way, and makes me sad to read it. The fact that she looks so incredibly happy now makes me tear up a bit. Lord only knows what this lady went through to get where she is today. They went from not holding hands (it just isn't done in Royaldom) to bright smiles and tons of hand-holding. When she found out she was preggers, I am sure she finally exhaled! She looked scared to death in all her photos up till the announcement last week. Let's face it, the Queen is in her 90's, the Prince is ailing, the UK is experiencing the worst weather patterns in their history, millions of immigrants are arriving. The Monarchy, as we old folks have known it, is not going to last much longer. Let the Royals have their fun. They know their days (years) are numbered.

  29. @Mischief Girl Have you seen her stomach? There's hardly a "bump" anywhere. She could have EASILY hidden it - without bundling up in huge coats - for the entire length of the trip. But no, it seems she absolutely *had* to go around telling everybody about it at the wedding.

  30. Its none of our business. Pointless and tasteless item.

  31. The current Queen and Princess Margaret were alledgely conceived via artificial insemination, aka 'turkey baster'. No big deal.

  32. All this blind is is a CYA for the earlier blind stating that she is infertile, which has been proven totally wrong.
    As a CYA it is very petty.

  33. A face book page dedicated to hating MM?? Wow be those in the group must have great lives. If the quote is truely from Anne it says a lot more about her then MM

  34. Well Renee, if that's true its bullying with possible hate speech. I would think that fuckerburg would shut it down. Anything on facebook dedicated to hating a person should be dealt with immediately.

  35. Human/lizard breeding...nothing to see here...move along.

  36. To those of you who are so self righteous in defending Markle- what are you doing here? This is a gossip web site. Whether you like it or not Markle is going down in flames eventually, so boo hoo to you. The Royals hate her and they have a plan and I don't mean a tunnel in Paris, but she will be shown the door. Meanwhile, yes, there is a group on FB devoted to discussing her. They have received a massive amount of requests to join since I posted the name of the group today. We love our group, and we also discuss saps like those of you who claim to adore her.

  37. Bear are you sure your ‘palace insider’ is kosher? I’m not particularly interested in the royals, but my family has links to Princess Anne going back years, (my cousin was her head groom and they’ve remained friends) her and her husband and children attended my cousins wedding and other family occasions. What you wrote doesn’t sound like her at all.

  38. This blind must have been written by a 25 year old intern who thinks anyone over 27 is OLD!

  39. The heir for European royalty is ALWAYS conceived with IVF. That way they are assured of the line. They all use the same Swiss doctor.

  40. Also, apparently with the help of a toothbrush, she removes the plaque off her teeth. That is about as blind worthy as this is. IVF treatment is neither salacious or shameful.

  41. Yawn this is rather boring and predictable. Considering her age, I hope the baby is born healthy and it brings them joy.

  42. I certainly don’t adore her but I’m not wasting time or energy “hating” someone who hasn’t hurt anybody. This sap thinks you are pathetic & should get a life. Or atleast more positivity in it

  43. Leave the Duchess of Yacht alone!

  44. She already had the baby. She was pregnant before her wedding when she looked full. This hooker will fake it until the palace can slide the real kid into the picture.

  45. Have to add my two cents. My mother bore me at 40 and my brother at 43. No complications. She had my siblings at the age of 37, 33, 29, (had a miscarriage)and 23.

  46. I want to say thank you to some posters here (few, in comparison, to my liking, but you do rear your ugly heads) who are very bitter people who've vindicated my assertion that those of you who hate Meghan are of the utmost bile-ridden sorts who unfortunately have the use of internet.

    1. Get off the internet then snowflake it

  47. @Stupidpervs
    Kiss my royal ass, hahaha!

  48. Why don't y'all go read some other site. Ridiculous how y'all get all high and mighty, all righteous and shit. GTFO of here if you don't like the site. This is one of the few good sites left so STFU !!

  49. As someone who thoroughly intends to have a "geriatric pregnancy", I take wild, sorry, mild offence to this.

  50. It could not have been IVF, she would be a miracle. They have not been married long enough - unless she started treatment prior to the marriage. She's an older patient and she would need more than one cycle to get pregnant. Only the minority, even young patients, get pregnant first go. It's also time consuming, waiting for the natural period to start or be induced. Sometimes the IVF cycle is spread over 2 natural cycles, so it's easy to see how this must be wrong (assuming she's 3-4 months). It's really unbelievable to think she got pregnant through IVF. IVF is not as foolproof if you talk to actual fertility experts. The global rates stand at around 30% success rate, but after multiple attempts, all ages up to 45. I'd say she went off the pill before the wedding and conceived naturally, if I were to guess.

  51. Anonymous4:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. i will add to the chorus of "So What?" This or surrogacy is no deal to anyone this day and age other than those who want to keep women "in their place".

  53. @Unknown

    "It's really unbelievable to think she got pregnant through IVF."

    Yet millions of women over 35 become pregnant using IVF every year.

    It's a miracle!!!!

  54. Many people have no clue how fast and far women's fertility drops once they get into their mid-thirties. it's a taboo subject for media. Publicizing this might at least reduce misinformation.

  55. Bullshit. Your previous blind about MM's fertility said she could NEVER become pregnant ever, not even with fertility treatments. Folks, this goes to show that you have to read the blinds here with a grain of salt. Because most of it is bullshit, period.

  56. There's too many incel attituded Vickers turning up on CDAN these days.

    As a looooonnnng time reader, it has me visiting less frequently.
    Plus the change to ALL blinds. Some news to comment on each day would break things up a bit?

    Still loads of nice peeps on here though, so it hasn't completely tanked. And some of us really like Meghan.

  57. Utter balls. They'd have had to start immediately for her to get pregnant that fast, and they clearly weren't planning on it because of the upcoming tour they're now on. (I also remember the previous story saying that she was so far gone IVF would never work...) Someone out there is very upset their ginger prince got nabbed, but they are going to have try to face reality.

  58. @plot: maybe learn to read and not let your sycophancy distort your comprehension re IVF? My point was that there wasn't enough time for IVF and if you had any knowledge at all about IVF you would know that. She would have had to start treatment prior to the marriage and I doubt that. Your ignorance is astonishing.

  59. @Unknown

    So you are of the quaint belief that IVF may only be started on a wedding day.

    That's cute, granny.

  60. plot: you know nothing about IVF and why would you call me 'granny'? I know about IVF, that hardly makes me a 'granny'. But hey, your heroin is having a geriatric pregnancy! They wouldn't have risked starting IVF too early in case she did get pregnant before the wedding. I'll bet you're American ... you know nothing about IVF and nothing about the BRF. But you're boring me now, just a troll.

  61. My heroin?

    Americans know nothing about IVF?




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