Thursday, October 18, 2018

Blind Item #10

This guy is going all OJ on us now. Going to find the real killer huh? Yeah, look in the mirror buddy. Everyone knows you killed your sister.


  1. Jon Benet Ramsey’s Brother. There’s an article on about him requesting files

  2. Read “Foreign Faction.” You will see all the evidence. Great book.

  3. Yup. Who Chameka and co., suggested.

  4. Blurke? (typo and keeping it)

    All the evidence seems to point to Patsy, though.

  5. Honestly Burke is really the only thing that makes sense. If Patsy did it, Jon Ramsey would never defend her. He had already lost one daughter and wouldn't allow a killer to raise his last remaining child. If Jon did it Patsy wouldn't stand up for him killing her daughter that she doted on and lived vicariously through. The only other person in the home was Burke and it would make perfect sense that they would be afraid of losing their last child this way. Perhaps, they felt they could take better care of him and keep him safe than the criminal justice system. Perhaps they weren't thinking straight and just panicked in staging the scene and once everything was out there there was no turning back again. I also would not be surprised if Burke has no memory of it.

    1. I think Burke was trying to molest or did molest her ..

  6. Didn't the movie say the Grinch did it?

    1. Your heart is two sizes too small.

  7. I thought DNA analysis ruled out the family? Just wondering - I haven't followed the case too closely

  8. Goddamn I just googled Burke and he bears an uncanny resemblance to Ramsay from GOT. He probably did it and his parents covered it up. Very sad.

  9. I think it was an intruder. No way the Ramsays would have garrote their daughter. They doted on her.

  10. I actually don't think he did it. He's weird but that's expected given the trauma he went through. There's no DNA evidence pointing to him at all. I could be wrong. I suppose he could have been a mastermind child killer. Anyways I'm not as clued up on this case than I am on others.

  11. I was about to guess Patton Oswalt, because I thought the blind said wife, not sister.

  12. @Ophelia

    No, the DNA evidence doesn't exonerate the family though they have paid a whole lot to publicists to push that narrative. The DNA was not "fresh". It was extremely old and degraded before it's collection and almost without a doubt was deposited at the time of the manufacture of the brand new underwear that JonBenet was wearing. Someone who sewed the gusset on the underwear, or someone who packaged it, left the touch DNA.

    Patsy wrote that crazy as hell, 3 page, note (actually there was a whole 'nother note she wrote first and discarded.) What outside killer leaves the dead child in the basement and then sits down in the kitchen to write two long winded ransom notes?

    Here's my take -

    John would cover for Patsy because her cancer had returned, she was completely stressed by not only the holidays but the alleged suspicions of John having a mistress (conjecture there.) If she killed JB, the guilt John felt would only be compounded, not diminished.

    I can't figure out a reason Patsy would cover for John, frankly. Maybe for status? Patsy certainly loved status. But I really don't know.

    If Burke did it, I don't think the Ramseys would have covered for him more than to claim it was an accident, a tragic outcome of playing by the kids. Now, if they were covering for Burke then they are both implicated in the final death of JonBenet since some adult person redressed her and some adult person ultimately strangled her after the skull bashing.

    These are entirely my own thoughts on this case.

  13. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I don't believe Burke murdered JonBenet either.
    It seems as if readers of this blog, of all places, would know the lengths a pedophile predator will go to for prey, especially a prize like JonBenet. The real killer probably milked that murder in their circle for the rest of their lives.

  14. If it really was Burke then I wonder if and/or how he’s been able to control himself since. This case haunts me, along with Madeline McCann’s disappearance.

  15. Anonymous12:17 PM

    She isn't dead, she grew up and changed her name to Katy Perry

  16. I think Burke did it, not as a pre meditated murder but as an accident after he hit her on the head because she ate his snack, proven in her autopsy. Then the parents covered it up as someone previously said, to save him from going through the legal system. And I agree that he may not even remember it if it's been pushed down for so long. So sad

  17. What's with Enty planting all these blinds against Burlke? No way does a little boy know how to garrote someone. That was someone ex military.

  18. No, not everyone knows. Neither do you, enty. Why would he bring it up now if he did it and got away with it? Why even bring attention to it again? For attention? Seems dumb.

  19. The killer used a stun gun on her. I don't think her brother even had one, let alone used one. He wasn't strong enough to use the garrotte on her, either.

    1. In one of the documentaries of the case (it may be the one Burke is fighting, I can’t remenber which reported what), they proved that it wasn’t a taser, but rather an imprint from a toy train track that was found at the house. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it, I’ve forgotten how they proved it wasn’t a taser, but it was a convincing argument.

  20. Allow me to throw my tinfoil hat on:
    This reeks of satanic underground activity. John and Patsy knew why and how, but never knew when. It was no accident this happened on Christmas Eve. The intention of true Satanists is to mock, degrade and reject the trinity as radically as possible. What better way than to steal a little girl like Jon Benet on the birthday celebration of Christ? I shudder to think of what happened to her after she was taken. The letters and other evidence were all a plant by the Ramsey's to make it look like some random intruder - they were in a panic. They knew they were going to have to explain her disappearance. This was forced intentional misdirection by the real culprits. They had John Ramsey by the balls on something. Giving up poor Jon Benet is the deal they made to cover their crimes and also maintain a specific economic status. This is how these sick f**ks work.

  21. It is possible Burke is the killer,he is the only one who the parents would cover for. However, numerous people have been through the house and there were numerous known pedophiles in the area. Many are obsessed with child beauty pageants. It is not far fetched at all that it could be an intruder,perhaps someone dressed as Santa, or someone the children met before.

  22. The only person either parent would cover for is Burke. Plus there was a history of Burke hurting JonBenet.

  23. For me, there is no pedophile or child killer that exists who would sit in the family kitchen for hours writing two long ransom notes after killing JonBenet.

  24. What You're tired said. I don't know who killed JB.

  25. This was indeed a satanic ritualistic murder. When the local law enforcement began to uncover this, the feds swooped in and took over, as they always do. Poor JonBenet was probably being abused for months, if not years. Her mother, too. Read David McGowan's writing on the Colorado murders and cover-up, in his excellent book "Programmed to Kill."

  26. Protecting their son is really the only motive that logically explains their behavior after the murder.

  27. CBS' The case of Jon Benet they played a part of the 911 tape where Patsy thought she hung up and from the official 911 transcript:
    "Patsy apparently had trouble hanging up the telephone, and before it rested on the cradle she was heard to moan, "Help me, Jesus, Help me, Jesus." Her husband was heard to bark, "We're not talking to you." And in the background was a young-sounding voice: "What did you find?" It was JonBenet's brother, Burke."

  28. I thought this was about Karen Carpenter. Oh well.

  29. Burke is odd because his parents, then this father smothered him to protect him. He works from home, apparently has never worked outside the home. Has zero personality skills because of that.
    Dunno if he did it or not, but I've been leaning towards him doing so. We only know of Patsy and how she behaves from PR, nothing from friends. Is/was she a malicious person? IDK Again, we only know what their PR wants us to see/hear/believe.

  30. Patsy's been dead for years, Sex.

  31. Casey Anthony's parents covered for her, until they couldn't.

    1. Nope. Her mother is the one that reported Cailee missing. I think Casey killed her and her dad helped hide the body. Mom knew nothing.

  32. No one wins here

  33. I am quite obsessed with crime and trials. If you have a question about a murder trial i could probably answer it as i watch or listen to most of them, or follow along. There is this insane man from Britain who i encountered during my following of the JA murder trial in AZ, he really believes she is innocent, and Scott Peterson, and many others, he is of the opinion that he alone has the expertise and knowledge about US laws and crime that he was able to determine that Jon Benet and Laci Peterson and Chandra Levy and Jimmy HOffa, and that man was Edward Edwards. It is the most ridiculous shit, but he will fight you tooth and nail on it.
    That being said, I do not think Burke killed his sister either.

    1. Hi TruthSeeker! I’m a true crime follower as well. Did you happen to catch the series on Spike/Paramount Network about Ed Edwards? It was fascinating.
      Here is a link

  34. If you are bored.. because he also things he killed Adam walsh, He was the zodiac, killer, the Black Dahlia killer, the killer of the 3 boys blamed on the West Memphis 3, the list goes on and on. but he is absolutely certain based on his expertise of determining that Jodi is not a murderer that he is correct on Edwards.

  35. I saw the CBS special. That 911 call was chilling.

    He better come up with top forensics to dissuade me.

    Present day,he gives off signals to believe the CBS scenario.

  36. @DDonna

    The FBI was never in charge of the JonBenet investigation. In fact, the local cops told the FBI to butt out when they offered.


    Patsy wasn't a malicious person. She was frustrated, sad, emotionally wounded and so so tired. She really didn't intend to kill JB out of any malice, I feel. I think it was fairly close to being an accident, a truly terrible accident, that caused the Ramseys to strangle JB as part of a cover up for what Patsy did - after she found out that John hadn't taken JB to the bathroom before bed, that he had let her have a drink, and that JB had wet the bed AGAIN in her sleep.

  37. Fuck the CBS story as it was for ratings and that's all.
    I've done extensive research into Jon Benet's murder and I'm still not sure who killed her but I do know that both the parents and the police investigators covered it up. That's a lot of people and reaches far. The question is why and for who/whom is/are that important. It's not the son as he wouldn't garner that much protection.

  38. If this is about Burke Ramsey this blind is pure bullshit.

    1. Ramsey family DNA was ruled out.

    2. JonBenet was sexually brutalized, there’s no way Burke knew what a garrote was, let alone how to tie/make one. Or how to operate a stun gun.

    3. Sure, Burke is weird. You’d probably turn out pretty weird too if you woke up on Christmas morning and instead of presents and joy, you find out that your sister has been murdered in your basement and your parents are the main suspects in the court of public opinion for years afterward.

    4. Sure, the Ramseys acted weird when this happened. See above. Patsy was heavily tranquilized. I’d probably need a boatload of tranquilizers if my little girl had been brutally murdered in my home while I was sleeping on Christmas morning.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Patsy was a monster with a very controlled, false facade. If you want to go on 'feelings', don't make decisions that you haven't gone to great lengths to research the subject. Patsy, too, was a groomed 'beauty queen'.
    Most people can't fathom that a mother is horrible or that a father would torture or rape their daughter, I get that, yet it happens every single day in more households than you can imagine.
    Another such horror exists and it's pedophiles who do group together, use their children as 'toys' and those children are sometimes killed.
    And, just because people are middle to upper class doesn't mean they're any less capable of these atrocities.
    Look it up, and I don't mean in those conspiracy sites. It is the crazy sites that make people think these things don't happen.
    Look to real criminal cases.

  41. that kid smeared his feces all over Jonbenet xmas chocolate box and her bathroom walls, I think he hated his sister, he was jealous of all the attention and killed her, his parents covered up because they didn't want others to find out that that they weren't the perfect family. I also think Madeleine was killed accidentally by her own parents. I think people create theories blaming intruders, kidnappers, pedophiles, satanic rituals as a defense mechanism because it's really hard to accept that respectful families could kill their own kids or tamper with an investigation to save their reputation. Just my honest opinion

  42. @MB

    The DNA did NOT exonerate the Ramsey's of anything, no matter how much they say it, no matter how much they pay publicists and journalists to keep repeating it.


    I agree that the McCann child was accidentally killed by her parents, who both dosed her with sleeping pills without being aware of it.

  43. It was the maid. She had big money problems, had a key, knew about the bonus & could feed the kid pineapple without alerting anyone. Also, Jon Benet would go willingly with her.

    I bet you never even knew there was a maid. Once you hear about her story, you'll know I'm right. It's the only person who fits cleanly into the story besides the family.

  44. Good grief people!
    There's no such thing as satanic child murders! Completely disproven as false, with the children who claimed it, were actually given hints & info to then sound believable.
    That was crap spread by Jerry Rivers [Geraldo Rivera] years ago, along with the help of a bunch of small town cops who are whack jobs who claim to be Christians, but are just plain crazy, as they see Satan everywhere. These are the crackpots who see religious figures in burnt toast & rust stains!
    It's pretty obvious that Burke was extremely jealous of his younger sister, who his mother doted on & apparently ignored him. So in some sort of rage, he wanted to see why she was different from him & he accidentally killed her.
    Not a murder.
    But it was a slow news week, Xmas time & the cable networks, led by that loon Nancy Grace have an obsession with little blonde girls that are missing or killed.
    So the Ramseys stupidly tried to make a mess out of the crime scene & faked a kidnapping for ransom [for the exact amount of John Ramsey's bonus the previous year] & had no idea that TV would blow this thing out of proportion & on top of that, that the Boulder cops were so goddam incompetent, not to realize what was being done.
    Had they told the cops the truth, Burke would've been sent to some locked up school for behavioral counseling & it never would've made the news!

  45. This is absolutely underground Satanic Sexual Abuse. Jon Benet said to the baby sitter, she always got scared when the men in black robes would come to her room to get her. Burke was sexually abused as well. Playing in feces at an older age is a huge indicator of sexual abuse. The entire town is not your average town. Big name connections and the locals were not allowed in to investigate. The Holloway girl was in the same boat. She wasn't no innocent kid. She was Pregnant by her step Dad & her Mother was complicit to it. Also a known drug user. The kid said she had no problems engaging in sex. He was right she was no virgin. The mother knew she was running away. She came down & went to the casino instead of looking for her because it happened many times.

  46. This is my first comment and I just couldn’t let this pass by. I am from Boulder and lived there for many years after the crime. There are 2 reasons why this crime was never solved, Boulder DA Alex Hunter and the Boulder PD. I can’t blame the PD too much as murders rarely happen and they just didn’t have the experience or know how. Alex is a slime ball who would have done anything to cover for the Ramseys. A grand jury voted to arrest the parents and Alex stopped it from happening. He is the one who said the DNA proved the parents didn’t do it when it proved no such thing. As for the phone call that sounded like Burke, it is so garbled that nothing was ever determined as to who or what was said. It’s just a mess. I will always believe it was Patsy who accidentally killed her and John helped cover it up for whatever reason.

  47. The DA announced the Ramsay family was “cleared” making it virtually impossible to ever get a conviction in this case. Several legal analysts said that by doing this, it would always be reasonable doubt for anyone in the Ramsay family. The DA office was in on the fix. Burke had many behavioral issues as a child and some of his anger was directed at JonBenet. Most of Burke’s behavior was not reported.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I don't know who killed JBR, but, it's proven beyond reasonable doubt in my opinion, that Patsy wrote the ransom note. So, she knew who it was if it wasn't her. She was also wearing the same clothes from the party the night before even though they claimed to have gone to bed and got up early next day and found Jon-Benet missing. It's pretty safe to assume its one of the three family members.

  50. Gee, I wonder what explanation these experts of the Great Satan have for all his favorite sacrifices being blond white girls?

    The death of any blind white girl is immediately tied to Satan for them. No blond white girl is simply killed or just dies.

    Does Satan have a fetish for blond white chicks? Or merely his experts?

    So here you guys - Caylee Anthony! Go!

  51. @Clark

    Good luck trying to convince them otherwise, I blame Nancy Reagan with her Ouiji Board, tantric, astrological, numerology, bullshit spread far and wide through her favorite cause - Stranger Abduction (while over 90% of kidnappings happen by family members.) Boy did THAT ever ignite a string of false daycare Satanic abuse fantasies throughout the country.


    Great first comment! Thank-you.

    1. Plot, how the fuck do you find time to post all these comments? Because I can’t even find the time to read your posts.

      I don’t usually follow the mob-mentality of following suit to beat up the “public enemy du jour” in a given group (like people who feel the need to rant about Trump on threads that have have nothing to do with politics). Until they start offending something that I care about.

      Which you just did.

      I don’t care what fucking bigoted ideas you have about other people’s beliefs, but Nancy Reagan experienced having her husband shot by a Jodie Foster stalker and used astrology as a coping mechanism—and if you can’t have enough compassion to understand empathise with a woman going through THAT, you are truly a heartless asshole.

      What a MISERABLE real-life you must lead.

      Nancy was far from perfect and she’s teh reason why medicinal LSD research ended. But at least kudos to Nancy for at least not going completely batshit and becoming a nuisance like you.

      Your need to be the “smartest person on a thread” EVEN WHEN YOU ARE COMPLETELY IGNORANT OF THE SUBJECT MATTER and you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about is utterly pathetic.


      And I can’t believe I’m actually about to say this, but you are Ben more annoying than that Islamophobe-pretending-to-be-a-Muslim troll Geeljire.

      People like you just go around spewing hate about how ridiculous other people’s beliefs (and mystical experiences) are. Well guess what? There are scientists who are open-minded enough to find scientific reasons for them.

      And when that happens, you’ll still be on some CDAN thread picking people’s comments apart line-by-line still trying to be “the smartest person on the thread”, denying it like some cray climate change denier.

      Just Like your idol Donald Trump.

      Yes, someday, you’ll be looking into a mirror and you’ll see Donald Trump looking back at you.

      Thanks for reminding me why I don’t come here anymore.

  52. they were selling time with her to pedos, things got out of hand. Cover up
    She was being whored by her parents, very sad

  53. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Satanic sex cults. Always funny. (Hint: they don't exist. Seek therapy)

  54. @Take Your Meds & Tara: You are both mentally ill & need help!
    I repeat, there's no such thing as satanic child abuse, it was all made up by loons in the 1980s.
    There wasn't any evidence that JonBenet was being whored out by her parents. PERIOD!
    And LondonGirl, yes, Patsy wrote that absurd ransom note, there's zero doubt of that!
    JonBenet was accidentally killed by her brother who was jealous of all the attention his sister got.
    Ice Angel's explanation at the top of these comments is what i believed then & still believe. The parents tried a coverup, because they didn't know what would happen to a 10 year old in the justice system, but got screwed by the timing & Geraldo Rivera's & Nancy Grace's obsessions with little blonde girls!
    I just can't wait to read some of the wackos who will continue to claim satanic child abuse. Remember the McMartin Preschool case. It was all put into the children's heads by the incompetent cops & prosecutors who had the ridiculous belief that small children don't lie, which any parent & expert in child psychology knows is false!
    As in a parent that finds the child covered in chocolate frosting claiming they didn't eat the cake!

  55. The stun gun would have created greater irritation on the skin, a general puffiness and a marked redness, rather than two small unremarkable pricks.

  56. "Nancy Reagan experienced having her husband shot by a Jodie Foster stalker and used astrology as a coping mechanism"

    Nancy Reagan had used voodoo crap her whole adult life I guess "as a coping mechanism" for what? She was a long practitioner of the...oh how to say this delicately...California New Aged woo-woo.

    "People like you just go around spewing hate about how ridiculous other people’s beliefs (and mystical experiences) are"

    People like me, or me? Where have I insulted anyone's personal beliefs? Unless Nancy Reagan is here, of course...

    Yeah, I looked into the JonBenet case fairly deeply at one point. It's a kind of national litmus case, donja think?

    BTW, feel free to ignore me. It really doesn't matter one way or the other.
