Thursday, October 11, 2018

Blind Item #10

She only uses one name, but it is a tough one to pronounce unless you have heard it before. She is A- list. She also recently gave a speech about being who you are and not trying to change to please others and blah blah blah. What she didn't say was anything about her lap band surgery and her breast lift and enlargement and some work done to her face. But yeah, keep telling people you did it all on your own through diet and exercise.


  1. Someone idiots look up to.

  2. I don't know how to correctly pronounce Tinashe.

  3. Is Oprah hard to pronounce?

    Or Rihanna?

  4. The real lesson she was teaching was that life and strong beliefs are bullsh!t. If you stand up and convincingly preach enough bullsh!t, people are forced to clap even though they know it's bullsh!t. Just like all the churches of those fake religions.

  5. +1 to the Sza guesses

  6. How is it pronounced anyway!

  7. I know someone that worked at a hotel she stayed at and they said she was nice to fans & would take photos with them.

  8. I have been going through pictures and I can't figure a single picture that shows her anywhere even CLOSE to being overweight enough to warrant a lapband.

  9. Yeah, I don't think it's Sza either, TML.
    Can't think of who it could be though

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Gemma Collins?

  11. Sza’s surgery isn’t a secret, she has a totally different face & it came after she was somewhat famous. A brow lift, chin implant & nose job all at once isn’t exactly subtle.

  12. At some point... who the fuck cares!

  13. It was on MTO about her "losing weight". Everyone said she also had her face done but it wasn't in the article.

  14. Sade, she has given motivational speeches before.

  15. Not Sade! She might have had a little eye work done, but maybe not. She looks like a beautiful mature version of herself. Her pictures through the years do not even remotely hint at her ever being heavy.

  16. Sza. She has lost weight and she had work done on her face

  17. Sza might be it.
    She looks like Jamie Foxx's "Wanda" from In Living Color.

  18. News flash - even after you have weight loss surgery, you still have to eat right and exercise. It's not a quick fix. It's just an extra assist.

  19. Anyone thinking of a gastric band, be careful lost a good friend this summer who had this surgery. It is not without risk.

  20. SZA used to weigh 180 lbs before she was well known. She claimed that she decided to be healthier, but she did it right before her album CTRL came out. And now she has a totally different face.

  21. I think this is SZA. I remember a few months back when other blogs were saying her boobs appeared noticeably bigger. And 2 weeks ago they noticed that her nose is now different. The weight loss thing was a while ago when she first came out as an recording artist.
