Thursday, September 20, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Strange Goings On

There has been something oddly missing from recent news events concerning the dismissal of an employee of this international organization. Some of what the employee did has been documented and names of victims proffered by the organization for public consumption and interviews. What hasn't been offered to the public by the organization, even though it has been discovered via other means, is the dismissed employee's name. Seems kind of odd they protect the bad guy and put the victims front and center with names and make them available for interviews.

One other thing that is missing is why the dismissed employee's behavior is being referred to law enforcement for possible prosecution. For sexual harassment? It is disgusting, but rarely criminal. So, why all the hush hush and what happened criminally? Apparently this employee's job allowed him to traffic children. Well, not him directly, but he could make sure that certain organizations would not be reported for doing so. He could provide them cover. He could also arrange for documents for the children from his home country so the children could be trafficked. Still though, why all the secrecy? This seems to be something that could be turned into a positive. Taking down a child sex trafficking ring or two or however many were operating freely with the aid of this man. Nope, there is something more. You might think it was that low profile diplomatic expulsion of a senior official and his family. Apparently that senior official is already in jail in his home country for his part in this operation.

One of the faces of this organization is A+ list. If her name came out, it would be an explosion. It would bring so much attention to the organization that it would implode from the investigations. Behind the scenes, things are crazy. In addition to the A+ lister, there are two senior organization employees that the A+ lister has romantic relationships with and also assisted at her request. She would say she was trying to help kids go to better places minus all the paperwork. Umm, with no paper trail, these kids basically have no future at all. The amount of people involved is significant. If it all came out, it would topple the organization. Apparently a big part of all this came from the wife of one of the senior officials who was sleeping with the A+ lister. She did some digging on her own on why he was taking so many trips with her.


  1. And Hillary Clinton and the he Clinton Foundation?

    1. No it was never abt the clintons. It was all propaganda from the right wing. There is a blind abt a GOP organisation though.

  2. Can't be Hillary though if she was sleeping with a guy, maybe Huma instead

  3. I was just going to say that Sandy. I can’t see HRC in one affair, much less two, with men. Lord the visual of that Clintopottamus hoisting her crunk ass up on a bed or couch...

  4. I sense the hand of St Angelina in this story

  5. Angie and the UN.

    1. Plus 1.

  6. That last part sounds like another blind about an A+ list woman traveling with a couple of top org execs. People guessed Jolie and the UN then, so I'd imagine this is the same. Someone at the UN covering up for trafficking being done by some of its subordinate organizations that work with children.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I heard the rattling bones of St. Angie and her UN pals throughout this blind and the attempts to push it onto the Clintons did not persuade me otherwise.

  8. Angie.
    Watch Pitt get custody after this.

  9. In the news:

  10. Definitely Angie and the UN scum.

  11. Newsweek has mostly been a terrible source for news in recent years, but that UN story is actually quite well done.

    U.N. criminal was a gay sexual predator, harassing male staff. He ran the "U.N. Entity for Gender Equality," which is a subsidiary of "U.N. Women," which is what I believe St. Angie is affiliated with.

    Buried deep inside the Newsweek story comes this nugget:

    'Former organizing partner of U.N. Major Group for CHILDREN & YOUTH Aashish Khullar said he helped eight young people in his organization file complaints and speak to OAI investigators against Karkara. “While [Karkara] might be one of the worst ones, there are more like him in the system,” Khullar said.'

    I wonder what else Khullar could tell us.

  12. On of my dreams for the Trump presidency is he actually kicks the UN out of the country. They can GFTO! Useless globalist trash.

    1. Tbh. Trump isn't any better since he is part of the elite. He said it himself.

  13. Organizations like the UN, RED CROSS, UNICEF etc, have been widely used for such activities. Cargo of aid agencies can pass through borders/customs with ZERO questions. It's only a matter of time before those tens of thousands of sealed indictments come pouring out. I can't wait for these animals to go down.

  14. @Chase

    "On of my dreams for the Trump presidency"

    And that all those precious jobs will come back to the USA.

    That Coal will be King, again!

    That those nasty brown people will be dispensed with, no mercy.

    USA!USA!USA chants will substitute for foreign policy.

    That women will relearn how to take a punch and like it.

    What else?

    1. This blind has nothing at all to do with what you just wrote here, plot

    2. And Trump the inept has nothing to do with this blind either and yet he was mentioned. Be fair.

  15. "Organizations like the UN, RED CROSS, UNICEF etc, have been widely used for such activities"

    Sure. Wouldn't have some definitive, non-Q, sourcing on that would you?

    "Cargo of aid agencies can pass through borders/customs with ZERO questions"

    No, really, they can't. Thanks for the fictional, OUTRAGE!, perspective, though.

    "It's only a matter of time before those tens of thousands of sealed indictments come pouring out. "

    Any day now...any day...

  16. All those horrible Foreigners. Chase the people who buy kids overseas are from America, UK and Australia. Your sentiments reflect someone who goes to Disneyland for vacation and never leaves their hometown. Get rid of the scum in the UN and monitor their asses. Carry on

  17. Plot, serious you believe all right-leaners are racist? Do you believe all Trumpy fans are irrefutably racist and fascist? Truly? Just curious.

    1. Yes. Yes. Yes. Their ego and inferior complex has made them less empathy to their fellow countrymen. What's more the decades of fearmongering by GOP has brainwashed them to the point of no return. I find them coddled and childis, with no ability to take responsibility for their own actions. In otherwise, crybabies. Nobody wants to work with crybabies.

    2. Congratulations, you just perfectly summed up the democratic party and it's followers

  18. The reason we don't see a Spectre or Cobra type world organization is that the U.N. already fills that role. Honestly, how often has the U.N. come in to save the day and not been plagued with corruption or what would normally be considered war crimes? How much stability has it brought to the world? What is the proportion of bad governments vs good governments in its ranks?

  19. “ Seems kind of odd they protect the bad guy and put the victims front and center with names and make them available for interviews.“ You mean like you expose the women’s names who have been harassed and exploited while never mentioning the men’s names doing it to them in your reveals, enty?

  20. When has that ever stopped Plot before, Rosie?

  21. Red Cross save the children Gerald Anderson

  22. @Yummy

    Interesting question. The common thread I find in Republicans, and even more so in Trump supporters, is their sacred belief they are the REAL victims of every sort of situation one can mention. It's a kind of seething envy for anyone who has worked their way outside of bad situations. No, they aren't jealous of the rich, because they imagine the rich to be just like them (which they are not, btw.) But if someone has fought against some bad racial odds or sexual odds or economic hardship, BOY do they hate him/her!

    In that sense, what I see in the Trump supporters on Reddit and other groups is, yes, racism by way of blinding envy. They aren't too subtle about their anger over a white woman dating/marrying a black man. They are downright confronting with their theories of how black people lied/stole/cheated their ways to degrees or good jobs. Any ethnicity other than Caucasian lies about their struggles and lives. Caucasian men suffer more discrimination than anyone in the world!

    In other Republicans, it may be more subtle but I definitely see a tendency to keep those inferiors as low as possible so they can feel higher in the world. I say this as someone with good friends who are Republicans, but who knee jerk (or goose step) to the same tune that imagines their precarious social position is determined on how many they can shovel beneath them.

    So if an African American, like Philander Castile is shot, even though he had a gun permit, even though he didn't have a gun near his hand, in his lap or anywhere on his person, what I hear from most Republicans is that they would have magically avoided it by being nice to the cop...without acknowledging that there is no amount of "nice" that changes black skin to white.Every fucking time, Republicans bring horrible stories back to themselves - "I would have just walked out of New Orleans!" Yeah, heard that a lot around Katrina, even though the bridges were blocked, even though residents were ORDERED to go to the Super Dome.

    Republicans have this tendency to steal the victimhood of others to prove their own imaginary metal. THEY would never find themselves in the position of Walter Scott or the torn up families at the border! Aren't they the bestest ever! No, just white.

    I tend to call that racism but if you have another word for it, I'd love to hear it.

  23. @rosie

    This blind has nothing to do with organizations that traffic humans? And did not someone suppose a way that this happens?

    I'm lost. I thought that's what was going on here.

  24. I suppose it's good to have Plot-TWISTED's worldview laid out so we can see how narrow and racist it is.

  25. @Plot


  26. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Plot, people are tired of hearing whiny liberals. Trump won. Get over it. As far as New Orleans, Mayor Nagin had 500 school buses way ahead of time to get people out. He said no way he wants air conditioned Greyhounds. Too late for that request and he went to jail for his corruption.

    1. And why are we still hearing more whiny conservatives than liberals? Why are u whining abt Trump winning? It is certainly not the liberals. It is u. U are juat scared that now liberals are trying to change America for the better. Why must u help destroy America? U and i both know Trump is inept.

  27. Funny it only libs can issue INFO with NO FACTS?
    Seems to me that's how they roll.

    1. Funny. i can show u the ratio of fact checking with conservatives vs liberal.

  28. "the horseshoe theory asserts that the far left and the far right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe."

  29. Blame everything on Trump. But, as our economy is roaring along, I'm a happy supporter so y'all can kiss my a$$.

  30. @Ali B -- as a Trump supporter you are all ass so you'll have to mark the spot.

  31. I dunno. I get a Hillsong vibe off of this.

  32. Seems like the Catholic Church but I don't know who the woman is

  33. @Yummy said "do you believe all right-leaners are racist? Do you believe all Trumpy fans are irrefutably racist and fascist?"

    It does seem so.

    @Plot +All the pluses on everything you said! (Except that you said metal, when you clearly meant mettle. But otherwise - brilliant.

    Oh, and @Ali? The economy's good now because you had eight years of Obama. Get back to me again after four years of Trump.

  34. Brayson hit the nail on the head.

  35. @dee

    I was asked a question. You didn't have to read my answer, but you did, why?

  36. @Cee

    Thanks for the correction, mettle, will remember for future!

  37. There are real people out here who have a)earned their degrees honestly b)started companies c)are black, hispanic and white. As an apolitical partnered with a businessman, conservative, crazyman - there are shades of gray in the 'trump' community.
    Perhaps I should say shades of brown, black and white.

  38. It's the UN, definitely. They've had repeated scandals with aid workers and peacekeepers engaging in pedophilia in crisis zones. Sex trafficking is the next logical step.

    Or it could be Madonna.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. @dee

    I think you missed my point...completely...possibly intentionally.

  41. Brayson87 - the horseshoe theory is well, horseshit. More accurate is the fishhook theory. That describes the current political situation to a tee.

  42. @longtime

    Yeah the horseshoe theory is cynical crap promoted by people who want everyone to think both sides are the same.

    Cheeee-RIST I hate dime store theory construction.

  43. A humanitarian is like a vegetarian, their preference is in the name. BTW, child trafficking isn't political, because all sides are involved, the elite take our children & we blame each other, like true plebs. Our "benevolent" institutions are anything but.

  44. You know what this elite of yours takes from us? Our money. Our means of survival. Our communities, our music, our laws, our peace, our friendships, our keep us in the position where our survival is dependent on making choices about which kid we sell for rent money.

    You should support our institutions. They aren't perfect but they are the only thing between us and total perdition.

  45. Both sides, the libs and conservatives have disgusting people. I don't know why people try to portrait either group as saints. At the end of the day the elite, whatever side they are on, are corrupt and rotten to the core and don't give a fuck about children or poor people. Its all about power, money, drugs and living their hedonist lifestyle as they like (and that include disgusting acts towards children, women and animals).

  46. No, Ringo, sorry but both sides are not the same, not now, not ever.

    If you can't see how the Republicans are now openly killing our judicial system and ending our Constitutional rights, destroying our protections, our school systems, every agency that does anything good for us, the citizens of the USA, I suggest you fucking wake up and learn, friend.

    You can call anyone disgusting. Hell, we're all pretty inferior beings. But if you want a working government that actually makes a difference in the lives of all of us, please quit the mentally lazy habit of calling both sides the same. They are clearly NOT.

  47. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The left (through social media, google, paypal AND remember Eric Holder attacking journalists) is trying to remove our right to freedom of speech. The left is trying to repeal the second amendment and remove my right to bear arms. Pres Obama expanded the use of warrantless search and seizure (reference updated Executive Order 12333), which is against the fourth amendment. No one is trying to outlaw abortion, only partial-birth abortion and tax-payer funded abortion. Also, I have been paying into a public school system for 25yrs for a child that I do not have, for sub-par education. The left knows the system is broken, but just wants me to pay more...for more administrators.

    Please remember that the Blue Helmets stood by and watched as 1 million "Brown People" got slaughtered (and kids hacked with machetes) in Rwanda and Burundi back in the late 90's over mineral rights. Wait, who was the president back then? Those same parentless kids were later raped and sold into slavery through the UN peacekeepers, some forced to have sex with a dog. Not an eye was blinked for 20 yrs, here is an article from a favorite newspaper of yours:

    Thank you Enty for trying your best to expose the truth of the UN. This is decades overdue. I truly appreciate this with every cell in my old body.

  48. @Plot - 2 party politics is about as real as wrestling, look at the insanely massive overrepresentation of certain people on both sides until it's actually time to vote (not that it particularly matters), Look who Trump and Clinton etc. family members marry.

  49. @Unknown - " i can show u the ratio of fact checking with conservatives vs liberal." -
    No thanks I've seen Snopes before.

  50. @Bill

    "2 party politics is about as real as wrestling"

    If you are saying that in the two party system the sides have to deal with one another and reach consensus, well, yah. Except for lately that is, with the GOP NOT confirming a SCOTUS like no other time in history and the GOP refusing to even read legislation that their minders tell them should be ignored, yeah, we used to be a country of consensus.

    Now, if you look at the current damage done to our country form within, by the GOP exclusively, you might change your opinion...and opinion that promotes a kind of laziness of thought, a foregone conclusion, and a cynicism that is as damaging as it is unnecessary.
