Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Never Been The Same

I have written about this show in the past and how a certain actor everyone praised to the high heavens encouraged and participated in some horrible behavior that ultimately led to the cancellation of the very popular show. It also changed multiple lives, not for the better and left one actress in ruins. The subject of our blind is the one who had her life most affected, but there is another who became a totally different person and has been well documented in this space.

Our actress was not even old enough to drive when she started on the show. The thing is though, she was playing a part that required her to interact with much older men on a regular basis. Those actors started taking advantage of her and she says she was raped multiple times on and off the set by some of the actors. She says they were men she thought she could trust. She says they took advantage of her because of her age and because they knew she wanted more on camera roles, as opposed to off. She says the A list actor who was the star of the show was someone she went to after the first rape. Instead of comforting her, he raped her. Later, he told her if she ever said anything to anyone, he would tell the world she was having sex with all the men in the cast and that he would make sure she got fired from the show. The thing is, she says he not only raped her again a few weeks after the first time, but also convinced the writing staff to give her more scenes with the first actor who raped her.

Since she left the show, she has barely worked. She has trouble staying sober. She hooks up with men for money and has multiple sex tapes with men who are thrilled to be having sex with her. She doesn't really care about living any longer and things have progressively become worse to the point where she is suicidal. She is still so young that she can be helped, but everyone who tries is pushed away.


  1. Danielle Brisebois I guess Archies Place

  2. Jodie Sweeton, Full House?

  3. Jeez, do they teach rape or something in acting school? Oh Franco's school right.

    1. Wtf is wrong with these people???

  4. Getting a Baywatch/Hasselhoff vibe.
    Either Pammy or Yasmine Bowery (or Wggert) for one in this space often

  5. Tv Show 7th Heaven....Stephen Collins actor....

  6. Good lord.

    I was thinking Tracey Gold from Growing Pains. That show seemed to be a cesspool of crap.

    Or maybe Justine Bateman/Tina Yothers from Family Ties? I'm REALLY hoping that the A-lister in question is not MJF...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. These all sound like some pretty decent guesses and it’s sad that there are a few options for this blind 😔

  9. Replies
    1. Praised to high heavens was my clue??

  10. +1 Florida, I'm leaning 7th Heaven too with "a certain actor everyone praised to the high heavens" and also the fact that the actress is still young which takes out a lot of the guesses.

  11. @MD, oh god I hope not, I hope the reason we haven't heard much from her in four years is because she found someone nice to settle down with.

  12. Charles in Charge

  13. 7th Heaven is a good guess, especially with the " praised to high heavens" clue. By the way, what is happening with Stephen Collins? Has he been charged with anything?

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Agreed to 7th Heaven and Jessica Biel as the actress who's been well-documented in this space

  15. What about one of the actresses who played Rachel Greene on ER?

  16. Yep I’m thinking 7th Heaven.

  17. Any young kids on West wing??Elizabeth moss was on the show.

  18. Horrible. I don't have a guess, but I hope this gets a REVEAL and some justice.

  19. It says" she wanted more on camera roles,as opposed to off". Is there an actress that narrated the show,or did voice work on another show?

  20. To the best of my recollection Stephen Collins has never been accused of sexual assault much less rape. He was accused of exposing himself to teenage girls.

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  22. Anonymous11:28 AM

    "...more on camera roles, as opposed to off"
    This almost sounds like a variety show like SNL or something.

  23. The Stephen Collins accusations came long after 7th Heaven had ended.

    His show Revolution was cancelled at the time, but it really doesn't for the blind.

    We gotta look somewhere else.

  24. I think the thing about more on camera roles means the girl had some cartoon credits.

  25. My guess is Daveigh Chase.
    She started on Big Love when she was 15, and Enty has written about the on set debauchery & rape more than once.
    At the time she was best known for cartoon roles like Lilo & Stitch

    1. Well done. She was in yesterday's DM--busted on drug charge.

    2. Sara, you are so good at these ones!

  26. I miss Melvin the Reanimated.
    He would've had this solved already .

    1. I miss him too but I think you are right. She was in the news recently.

    2. @MD oh wow, yuppie right. Just arrested for drugs. Yep. Definitely Daveigh Chase.

  27. Other actresses mentioned:

    Misty Upham (life in ruins aka died)
    Bella Thorne (on here a lot)

    Sorry for so many posts. I keep thinking of more relevant details.

    Bill Paxton was lead, who was praised (past tense). Other rapists were Bruce Dern and??

    1. Harry Dean Stanton; Aaron Paul?? Amanda/Chloe could be the actresses he’s talked about a lot

    2. Ugh. That Misty Upham blind still haunts me. That poor dear girl

    3. What’s the Misty story? I remember when she went missing but I wasn’t into blinds at that time. Would you mind summarizing or directing me to where I could read about it? TIA 🌷

    4. I wish I knew how to find it! Someone else here might remember key words to help out- I know you can look up old blinds in the search area on the web version..? Im not much help, I can barely type let alone navigate this stuff. Sorry I cant help out

    5. Wow. Found it @Kit!
      Its from january 10th
      Search "A life Destroyed"

    6. Wow thanks, Rosie! ❣️

  28. He gave it away in first sentence.

  29. I like the Big Love guess. "Praised to high heavens" could be a reference to Paxton being dead.

    Jolean Wejbe was replaced by Bella Thorne and never worked again according to IMDB.

    1. Yes, and Bella was only on the show for a hot minute before they just wrote the character off.

  30. No one is fitting the clue about the character being young but the role required them to spend more time around the adults than the rest of the young cast members.

    1. "she was playing a part that required her to interact with much older men on a regular basis"
      Doesn't mention anything about young cast members.

      Big Love had very few child cast members in the first place (and they were really little and rarely seen). Daveigh's character was a young sister wife to the prophet, then a beard to a slightly older man. Any of the teen characters she interacted with were actually played by adults.

  31. I think you’ve got it Sara. Although, this is not the the kind of thing you want to be right about. Awful.

  32. What about Little House?
    Michael Landon was on Highway to Heaven
    Is that too long ago?

  33. Farmgirl, I was thinking Highway to Heaven too.

  34. Bill Paxton would never rape anyone. Lies.

  35. Ooh if its Michael Landon, people would be CRUSHED. He definitely fits as "praised to high heaven" even without the Highway to Heaven reference. But I don't know if there were any young actresses on that show?

  36. Anonymous1:31 PM

    This is why you don't put children in television.
    Just Don't. Period.

    1. Or violins. I'm very much against violins on television.

  37. +1 mercyprosperity

    Why are we allowing this one industry to circumvent child labor laws?

  38. The person was nearly driving age on the show and is "still so young"

    All these guesses of shows from the 90s can't be right, as the person would be pushing 40 now.

    It would be someone 15 then, and still so young, would prob mean under 30. so probably a show from the early 2010s. Big Love fits

  39. Related blind (solved):

    1. And a more damning related blind:

  40. Damn, Sara makes a compelling argument for Daveigh Chase from Big Love, and it's timely since news is out about her. A "certain actor everyone praised to the high heavens" could easily be interpreted as someone f*cking dead.

  41. Deveigh Chase is absolutely stunning. Some men, they can completely destroy you.

    1. Brilliant work @sara. You got it.

  42. I know there's been a lot of smoke around Big Love but it did not in any way seem to have been canceled prematurely. The writers had clearly run out of story and it built to a planned logical finale.

    Misty and Bella were definitely victims and Daveigh's career disappearance was odd, so I'm not discounting that something went on there. Also Bella was the replacement for the original Teenie who had been abruptly written off as being "away at camp" which was weird.

  43. They are trashing her at DM.

  44. If you follow dark Hollywood gossip long enough, you begin to notice different patterns of abusers who hang out with each other. Bill Paxton played the aw shucks guy, but I think he was a predator like Arnold and Cameron, guys he's made movies with, that whole cadre like the "True Lies" stuntman who was also part of that entourage.

    "Big Love" ended abruptly, I thought. I could see them thinking they were getting another season and then told, "No, just kill him and end it."

  45. Respectfully... the Bill Paxton guess is so-offbase and jarring to anyone that has the pleasure of knowing him, that I won’t even address in all the ways it’s impossible.’

  46. And here's the Bella Thorne-related Big Love blind. It doesn't say much, but was referenced in the Misty Upham blind I posted earlier. "The same show I mentioned earlier today" or something like that.


    2. If you can post anything more substantive than a a link from here,It would pique my curiosity.
      If not,I’ll go with the person I knew.

    3. I posted CDAN links because the blind says they've posted about specific incidents/ cast members in the past. So I am backing up my guess.
      As with any blind, you don't have to believe any of it , and I'm not saying it's true. BUT it does match the narrative that they have presented, for whatever reason, multiple times.

  47. I'm unfamiliar with this Chase girl, but how do you pronounce her name? Davy? Da-vey? Da-vee? Reading it over and over i can't figure it out

    1. I believe it's "Da-VAY"

      She was the scary girl in The Ring. Also the voice of Lilo from Lilo & Stich, and of Chihiro from Spirited Away. Weird that the latter movie came up here the other day. Supposedly Dan Schneider's favorite.

  48. Tricia, I am so happy that you posted that you don't think it's Bill Paxton. I always liked him.

  49. Guess I'm the only one that thought Michael Landon was a dirt bag. Uggh

  50. I love that when it’s someone people “like” it can’t be them, and ask for substantiation when, LITERALLY daily, they try to ruin people’s reputations. SMH

    1. I 100% agree with every word you wrote.

  51. Do they only hire little orphans in Hollywood? Don't these kids have parents, older brothers, family, tutors who can stand up for them? Unbelievable!

  52. Agree on Bill Paxton. Good guy, AFAIK.

    But this BI could be about Harry Dean Stanton who was in almost every one of Daveigh's scenes on Big Love.

    Though I don't think that is true either.

    1. I agree it’s probably not true, but I did a hard eye roll when I saw this thread. Lol

  53. If this is Danielle Brisebois that this also implies the A list actor she went to for help is is Carroll O'Connor because he was the star of ll In The Family and Archie Bunker's Place. I've never heard rumors about him being a pedo. Were there any rumors? I think Danielle Brisebois was around 11 when she came aboard All In The Family.

    The other guy who didn't work again much after the cancellation was the pedo who raped her right? I think there was a blind about that. I don't want to say the wrong name as that would be unfair to the actor and could spread misinformation. Which cast member was it?

    I'm wondering if this is 7th Heaven due to the use of "high heavens" in the blind. But from what I see here abouy Stephen Collins it doesn't fit too well. But it could be so many other shows. I think this blind may be one that could fit a lot of different shows easily.

    It says the actress was surrounded by much older men. That does fit Archie Bunker's Place. But It says she was not even old enough to drive. She would have been around 10-11 in 1979. Is the wording implying the victim was around 14-15?

    I don't think it's Tracey Gold. How many much older men were on Growing Pains? Most of the extra cast were friends of the kids from what I remember.

    Little House on the Prairie had a lot of older men as townsfolk and regulars and Shannen Doherty was a late stage cast member. It was her first series as a child actress. But I don't feel the show was cancelled prematurely. I think it had run its course. Unless it was planned to have more seasons and got axed for unknown reasons.

    Highway to Heaven only had two truly regular cast members and no real recurring kids as far as I know. I think they had a few that were in two parters or may have reappeared later. Bu the "Vagabonds for God" storyline doesn't really leave a lot of room for having the same kids on many episodes.

    Kerry, this is why I don't like to name people I'm unsure of. I'm afraid someone will see my post, run with it and decide that actor is a pedo.

    I thought Big Love was a reality show? It's not? I looked it up and it's HBO. I think I may have mixed it up with some junk on TLC.

    1. Big Love was a great show on HBO. :)

  54. Danielle Brisebois is almost fifty, ffs. All the Little House girls are equally as old. The blind says 'still so young'. Learn to read.

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