Thursday, September 06, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Just Awful

I have written about this director/producer/a-hole a few times. You may recall him as the director who spent more time trying to molest/harass/coerce into sex this former Disney actress who finally gave in, than actually directing the movie in which she starred. It has been years now that she has had to endure his behavior and he has photos of her and shares them with friends to show that women still want him. Women don't want him. They are afraid of saying no. It is why he goes for women who are very young and very easily intimidated. I hinted that our actress was ready to stand up for herself and she did. He has been fighting back by releasing false stories about her to tabloids. He also wants the tabloids to call the pair "broken up," as if they were actually dating rather than him abusing her. Apparently he found someone on the movie he is directing who is legal in the country where they are shooting and has been sending clips of him having sex with her to our actress. I hate this guy with every ounce of my being. The things he has been doing for decades are disgusting and no one says anything because of how powerful he is behind the scenes. This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor who not that long ago gave up a franchise tried to call out the a-hole but was thwarted and even at A+ list had trouble getting any good roles for nearly a year. So, if that happens to him, what is a teen actress supposed to think about her chances of saying no.


  1. Replies
    1. Eli Roth I think?
      And Vanessa Hugeons for the actress maybe. (Or one of the HSM girls)

    2. Hugh Jackman the good guy A+er

  2. Harmony Korine for he POS and maybe Selena G or Hudgens for the Disney actress

    1. That’s very possible... didn’t he have something to do with Spring Breakers/Hugeons?
      Franco on on itvas well

  3. Of course the default POS is Larry Clark so maybe it's him.

  4. Yeah he did Spring Breakers Tricia and Selena and Hudgens were both in it

  5. I don't think Harmony Korine or Eli Roth are very "how powerful behind the scenes". It seems like someone older. "The things he has been doing for decades..."


  6. Neither roth, clark or korine are directing movies at the moment, their only projects are completed or post prod, neither does Lars von Trier.

  7. Kenny Ortega and Dove Cameron?

  8. Have any of you seen Korine? Most of those girls could kick his ass. His movies are made on micro budgets. Roth makes schlock. No one is clamoring to get into his movies.

  9. So just reveal who the fucker is and we 'The people" can spread the truth and boycott his shit. Some of us know people who can do damage ya' know.

  10. Michael Bay is directing a movie with dave franco and Ryan Reynolds in Rome, ITaly., where the age of consent is 14.

  11. Todd Phillips is another possibility (and dickhead), notvsure of what film it would be though

  12. Robert Rodriguez is another a hole. He’s filming now but not sure he fits

    1. @MDAnderson
      I was looking at Rodriguez but didn't see that he was filming anywhere. What project did I miss?

    2. I thought he was filming battle angel??

  13. Powerful and doing this for decades leaves out doosh Roth.
    Michael bay is a good guess.
    The A lister who gave up a franchise? - Chris Evans? He left Captain America in Marvel, and is doing some b grade type movies now.
    Did those 2 rub shoulders in any projects.

  14. What former Disney actress is being trashed in the tabloids? What young actress was thought to be dating a director? These clues have to fit.

  15. Would Megan Fox be considered a former Disney actress??? Then Michael bay could work.

    1. Ryan Baumann is 14 and In his new film he’s filming in Italy.

  16. Eli Roth wasn't powerful enough to stay on "The Meg." He pushed for a higher budget - they said no. He wanted to star in it (the part that Jason Statham later took) - they said no. He wasn't fired, but he left the project since he couldn't get his way. So I have a hard time seeing him as the blind (his own personality and behaviors aside) because he doesn't have enough juice to forcefully work his own career. This isn't the same thing as having enough juice to hurt others' careers, but I can't see him being able to make things difficult for an A+ lister.

  17. Never mind my guess of Chris Evans for A list actor who gave up franchise. He isn't foreign born, much to my surprise as I thought he was English.

  18. @unknown - Garfield looks good for the A list actor who gave up franchise.

    Not SS though for director. He wouldn't be lobbying tabloids to say that he and the actress had "broken up". I don't think his doting wife would like reading that.

    I still think Bay is the best guess so far. But maybe dysfunctional perv Tarantino?

  19. @MDAnderson I think you came to that conclusion in this blind:

    1. yup that’s why I guessed him for the earlier Bella Thorne blind. Is he gay or not?? But the Bale guess fits pretty good.

  20. I don't think this is Eli Roth, he filed for divorce in July. Plus, is Eli Roth really powerful? Neh...

  21. Kenny Ortega/Dove Cameron/Christian Bale?

  22. Kenny Ortega and Dove Cameron, with Christian Bale (bigger gap in IMDB resume than Jackman) as the thwarted do-gooder sounds about right.

    Bale, after getting an Oscar nom for "Big Short" only shot one indie film in the next two years, the Armenian genocide movie "The Promise." He worked with Ortega on "Newsies" and knows what a twisted pervert the man was and is.

    I tell all the parents I know about Kenny Ortega, and send them to that creepy video where he's manhandling that poor blond girl. People are disgusted, and are gradually waking up to the mouse house of horrors that is Disney.

  23. Himmmm would never shy away from giving dirt about Ortega, the Schneider of Disney.

  24. I didn't realize Ortega had that much power,but Disney does and they protect their own. And Dove Cameron and Christian Bale should both be having more successful careers, considering both talent and past success.

  25. He needs to be the f*cking bat and clean up the city!

  26. Wow!
    I was just ready to dismiss the Ortega guess since I NEVER HEARD of him, and thus couldn't possibly be powerful. But a quick search, and YEP. Definitely him. Even the fake rumors that they were "dating" yikes.

    What a disgrace Hollywood industry is. A Baseball bat would be a start, but a chainsaw would be more appropriate at this point.

  27. Good for Christian Bale. I was actually on a flight with him and sat near him in First class (through the official capacities of my job). Though we didn't talk, he seemed like a pretty cool guy.

    1. So jealous of you @Neal M!!!! I would die if I saw him in person, lol I loved him in American Psycho 💝

  28. From John Doe

    "In 2017, Enty alerted us to Kenny Ortega, director of the High School Musical trilogy. Allegedly Kenny sexually assaults underage kids and rapes them as well and that's why many of the cast of HSM won't do another one b/c he is the director/producer. And Christian Bale hates him."

  29. @pixiegothy, I was fortunate to actually get to meet a few celebrities some were cool - My favorites were Terry Garr, though we got off to a bad start when while we were talking I mentioned I was a big fan of hers in High school, and then drew a blank when she asked me which of her movies was my favorite and I said "Kramer vs Kramer" which she quickly scolded me with "That was Meryl Streep!" LOL We talked the whole flight and she couldn't have been more nice even though she was clearly struggling with health issues both physical and mental. I am pretty sure she knew what I did and was on the plane for based on comments she made to me and how she saw me and my partner get off the plane when it landed and then get back on to go right back where it came from on her flight (she apparently was very attentive!). When we got off the plane my partner was all excited that I had got to sit by her, and when I told her about my movie goof he immediately listed off about 12 of her movies!!! LOL Poor guy.

    And Donovan Leitch Jr on the very day "Birds of Prey" was canceled - he told me there was a fax waiting for them when they arrived on set that morning, letting them know the series was over, and that was it. he ended up inviting me to the club that night to see his band play and party, which included Slash from GNR.

    Dicks - Seacrest, The ahole from Survivor (host), and James Spader (even the pilot called him a dick).

  30. Would Hiddleston be A+? I don't think he's coming back.
    I do like the Michael Bay guess.

  31. Thanks for the insight Neal M
    Guessing Air Marshall ...

  32. Cody, and common mistake, but it is only one L.

  33. If disney canned gunn, they’ll drop ortega in a heartbeat if anything negative comes out about him.
    He should be scared, not his victims

  34. Eli Roth directed Camilla Morrone in Death Wish, and he used to date her mother a few years ago. Now I wonder if he also balled Cami during the filming of DW. A mother-daughter combo is hard to pull off.

    You can find Eli with a 16yo Camila on a yacht in the med, along with Vanessa Hudgens. Lots of blinds about VH are her income sources, and Cami is friends with Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin; both pay 4 play girls.

  35. (((Bay))) or (((Roth))).



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